Viewing SIP Interface Statistics

Run show sipd interface command to display SIP interface statistics. With this command Oracle Communications Session Border Controller displays whether the SIP interface is in service or not.


The show sipd interface command displays these statistics:

  • Name of the SIP interface
  • State - A D indicates that the particular SIP interface is disabled and I indicates an in service SIP interface. This is the second column, without a label
  • Inbound Statistics:
    • Active - number of active sessions sent to each SIP interface listed
    • Rate - average rate of session invitations (per second) sent to each SIP interface listed
    • ConEx - number of times the constraints have been exceeded
  • Outbound Statistics:
    • Active - number of active sessions sent from each SIP interface listed
    • Rate - average rate of session invitations (per second) sent from each SIP interface listed
    • ConEx - number of times the constraints have been exceeded
  • Latency Statistics:
    • Avg: average latency for packets traveling to and from each SIP interface listed
    • Max: maximum latency for packets traveling to and from each SIP interface listed
  • Max Burst: total number of session invitations sent to or received from the SIP interface within the amount of time configured for the burst rate window. You can set the burst-rate-window in session-constraints and also set the corresponding constraint name in the sip-interface.


show sipd interface


ORACLE# show sipd interface
02:22:40-57 (recent)
		------ Inbound ------  ------ Outbound ------ -- Latency --	Max
Sip Interface	Active	  Rate	ConEx	Active	Rate	ConEx	Avg	 Max	Burst
access	       D     0	   0.0	    0	     0	 0.0	    0  0.000   0.000	    0
core	       I     0	   0.0	    0	     0	 0.0	    0  0.000   0.000	    0