Viewing MSRP Performance Statistics

You display MSRP performance statistics using the show msrp and/or show mbcd commands. The show msrp command, executed without arguments, indicates the date and time the current period began and displays MSRP session statistics, status statistics, and stack statistics for functioning MSRP processes.

show mbcd msrp
show mbcd msrp SEND
show mbcd msrp REPORT
show mbcd msrp REPORT failure
show mbcd msrp SEND responses

The SBC presents the same statistics counters in the same order when you run the show mbcd realm [identifier] command. When you run the command without any arguments, the system displays these same statistics for each realm. These realm based commands allow for the same arguments after the realm identifier as the system-wide commands.

show mbcd msrp realm <identifier>
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier> SEND
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier> REPORT
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier> REPORT failure
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier> SEND responses

The sample output below presents the output generated when you run the show mbcd msrp command.

acmepacket# show mbcd msrp
MSRP Statistics                          ---- Lifetime ----
                                  Recent      Total  PerMax
Provision Sessions Unreleased          0          0       0
Listening Sessions Unreleased          0          0       0
Established Sessions Unreleased        0          0       0
Closed Sessions Unreleased             0          0       0
Finished Sessions Unreleased           0          0       0
PPM Messages Received                  0          0       0
PPM Messages Processed                 0          0       0
PPM Messages Sent                      0          0       0
PPM Messages Send Fail                 0          0       0

MSRP Flow States                        -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                              Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
MSRP-FlowListen                    0       0       0          0       0       0
MSRP-FlowProvision                 0       0       0          0       0       0
MSRP-FlowProvisioned               0       0       0          0       0       0
MSRP-FlowEstablished               0       0       0          0       0       0
MSRP-FlowShared                    0       0       0          0       0       0
MSRP-FlowClose                     0       0       0          0       0       0
MSRP-FlowFinished                  0       0       0          0       0       0
MSRP-FlowReleased                  0       0       0          0       0       0
MSRP-FlowWaitDrop                  0       0       0          0       0       0

MSRP KPI Statistics
                                  ------ Period------          -------- Lifetime --------
                              Recent      High      Total      Total       PerMax    High
MSRP-AvgSENDTransRx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgChatSENDTransRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgIsTypingSENDTransRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgReceiptSENDTransRx      0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSENDMsgBytesRx          0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgChatSENDMsgBytesRx      0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgIsTypingSENDMsgBytesRx  0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgReceiptSENDMsgBytesRx   0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SENDMsgBytesRx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-ChatSENDMsgBytesRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-IsTypingMsgBytesRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-ReceiptMsgBytesRx          0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SuccessREPORTTransRx       0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-FailureREPORTTransRx       0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSuccessREPORTMsgBytesRx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytesRx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureRateRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTSuccessRateRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp400Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp401Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp403Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp404Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp408Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp413Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp415Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp423Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp424Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp425Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp428Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp481Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp501Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp506Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes400Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes401Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes403Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes404Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes408Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes413Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes415Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes423Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes424Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes425Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes428Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes481Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes501Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes506Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResponsesRx           0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SuccessTransResponsesRx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp400Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp401Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp403Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp404Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp408Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp413Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp415Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp423Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp424Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp425Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp428Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp481Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp501Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp506Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSENDTransRx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgChatSENDTransRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgIsTypingSENDTransRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgReceiptSENDTransRx      0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSENDMsgBytesRx          0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgChatSENDMsgBytesRx      0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgIsTypingSENDMsgBytesRx  0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgReceiptSENDMsgBytesRx   0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SENDMsgBytesRx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-ChatSENDMsgBytesRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-IsTypingMsgBytesRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-ReceiptMsgBytesRx          0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SuccessREPORTTransRx       0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-FailureREPORTTransRx       0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSuccessREPORTMsgBytesRx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytesRx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureRateRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTSuccessRateRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp400Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp401Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp403Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp404Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp408Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp413Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp415Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp423Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp424Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp425Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp428Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp481Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp501Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp506Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes400Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes401Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes403Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes404Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes408Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes413Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes415Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes423Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes424Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes425Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes428Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes481Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes501Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes506Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResponsesRx           0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SuccessTransResponsesRx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp400Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp401Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp403Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp404Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp408Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp413Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp415Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp423Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp424Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp425Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp428Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp481Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp501Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp506Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0

This table lists and describes the statistics for MSRP Extended system KPI Objects.

Row Statistic Name Description
msrp-AvgSENDTransTx The average number of MSRP SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgChatSENDTransTx The average number of CHAT message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgIsTypingSENDTransTx The average number of IsTyping message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgReceiptSENDTransTx The average number of Receipt message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgSENDMsgBytesTx The average number of bytes in SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgChatSENDMsgBytesTx The average number of bytes in CHAT message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgIsTypingSENDMsgBytesTx The average number of bytes in IsTyping message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgReceiptSENDMsgBytesTx The average number of bytes in Receipt message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-SENDMsgBytesTx The total number of bytes in MSRP SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC
msrp-ChatSENDMsgBytesTx The total number of bytes in Chat message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC
msrp-IsTypingMsgBytesTx The total number of bytes in IsTyping message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC
msrp-ReceiptMsgBytesTx The total number of bytes in Receipt message SEND transactions transmitted by the SBC
msrp-SuccessREPORTTransTx The total number of Success Reports transmitted by the SBC
msrp-FailureREPORTTransTx The total number of Failure Reports transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgSuccessREPORTMsgBytesTx The average number of bytes in Success Reports transmitted by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytesTx The average number of bytes in Failure Reports transmitted by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureRateTx The average rate of Success and Failure Reports that were Failure Reports transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTSuccessRateTx The average rate of Success and Failure Reports that were Success Reports transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp400Tx The total number of Report responses that were 400 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp401Tx The total number of Report responses that were 401 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp403Tx The total number of Report responses that were 403 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp404Tx The total number of Report responses that were 404 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp408Tx The total number of Report responses that were 408 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp413Tx The total number of Report responses that were 413 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp415Tx The total number of Report responses that were 415 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp423Tx The total number of Report responses that were 423 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp424Tx The total number of Report responses that were 424 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp425Tx The total number of Report responses that were 425 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp428Tx The total number of Report responses that were 428 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp481Tx The total number of Report responses that were 481 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp501Tx The total number of Report responses that were 501 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp506Tx The total number of Report responses that were 506 messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes400Tx The average number of bytes in 400 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes401Tx The average number of bytes in 401 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes403Tx The average number of bytes in 403 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes404Tx The average number of bytes in 404 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes408Tx The average number of bytes in 408 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes413Tx The average number of bytes in 413 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes415Tx The average number of bytes in 415 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes423Tx The average number of bytes in 423 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes424Tx The average number of bytes in 424 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes425Tx The average number of bytes in 425 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes428Tx The average number of bytes in 428 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes481Tx The average number of bytes in 481 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes501Tx The average number of bytes in 501 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes506Tx The average number of bytes in 506 Report Failure messages transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResponsesTx The total number of Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-SuccessTransResponsesTx The total number of Success Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp400Tx The total number of 400 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp401Tx The total number of 401 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp403Tx The total number of 403 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp404Tx The total number of 404 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp408Tx The total number of 408 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp413Tx The total number of 413 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp415Tx The total number of 415 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp423Tx The total number of 423 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp424Tx The total number of 424 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp425Tx The total number of 425 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp428Tx The total number of 428 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp481Tx The total number of 481 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp501Tx The total number of 501 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-TransResp506Tx The total number of 506 Responses transmitted by the SBC
msrp-AvgSENDTransRx The average number of MSRP SEND transactions received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgChatSENDTransRx The average number of CHAT message SEND transactions received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgIsTypingSENDTransRx The average number of IsTyping message SEND transactions received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgReceiptSENDTransRx The average number of Receipt message SEND transactions received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgSENDMsgBytesRx The average number of bytes in SEND transactions received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgChatSENDMsgBytesRx The average number of bytes in Chat message SEND transactions received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgIsTypingSENDMsgBytesRx The average number of bytes in IsTyping message SEND transactions received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgReceiptSENDMsgBytesRx The average number of bytes in Receipt message SEND transactions received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-SENDMsgBytesRx The total number of bytes in MSRP SEND transactions received by the SBC
msrp-ChatSENDMsgBytesRx The total number of bytes in Chat message SEND transactions received by the SBC
msrp-IsTypingMsgBytesRx The total number of bytes in IsTyping message SEND transactions received by the SBC
msrp-ReceiptMsgBytesRx The total number of bytes in Receipt message SEND transactions received by the SBC
msrp-SuccessREPORTTransRx The total number of Success Reports received by the SBC
msrp-FailureREPORTTransRx The total number of Failure Reports received by the SBC
msrp-AvgSuccessREPORTMsgBytesRx The average number of bytes in Success Reports received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytesRx The average number of bytes in Success Reports received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureRateRx The average rate of Reports received by the SBC that were Failure Reports
msrp-AvgREPORTSuccessRateRx The average rate of Reports received by the SBC that were Success Reports
msrp-REPORTResp400Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 400 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp401Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 401 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp403Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 403 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp404Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 404 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp408Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 408 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp413Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 413 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp415Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 415 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp423Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 423 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp424Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 424 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp425Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 425 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp428Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 428 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp481Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 481 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp501Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 501 messages received by the SBC
msrp-REPORTResp506Rx The total number of Report responses conveying 506 messages received by the SBC
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes400Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 400 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes401Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 401 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes403Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 403 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes404Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 404 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes408Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 408 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes413Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 413 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes415Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 415 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes423Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 423 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes424Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 424 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes425Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 425 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes428Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 428 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes481Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 481 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes501Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 501 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-AvgREPORTFailureBytes506Rx The average number of Failure Report bytes conveying 506 messages received by the SBC per MSRP session
msrp-TransResponsesRx The total number of Response transactions received by the SBC
msrp-SuccessTransResponsesRx The total number of Success Response transactions received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp400Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 400 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp401Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 401 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp403Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 403 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp404Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 404 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp408Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 408 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp413Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 413 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp415Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 415 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp423Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 423 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp424Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 424 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp425Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 425 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp428Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 428 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp481Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 481 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp501Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 501 messages received by the SBC
msrp-TransResp506Rx The total number of Response transactions conveying 506 messages received by the SBC

Statistics displayed are either the same as or subsets of the show mbcd msrp command output. This is also true for show mbcd msrp realms commands.

The sample output below presents the output generated when you run the show mbcd msrp SEND command.

sbc# show mbcd msrp SEND
MSRP KPI SEND Statistics 
                                 ------ Period------           -------- Lifetime --------
                             Recent      High      Total      Total       PerMax    High
MSRP-AvgSENDTransTx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgChatSENDTransTx        0          0          0          0           0        0 
MSRP-AvgIsTypingSENDTransTx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgReceiptSENDTransTx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSENDMsgBytesTx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgChatSENDMsgBytesTx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgIsTypingSENDMsgBytesTx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgReceiptSENDMsgBytesTx  0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SENDMsgBytesTx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-ChatSENDMsgBytesTx        0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-IsTypingSENDMsgBytesTx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-ReceiptSENDMsgBytesTx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSENDTransRx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgChatSENDTransRx        0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgIsTypingSENDTransRx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgReceiptSENDTransRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSENDMsgBytesRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgChatSENDMsgBytesRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgIsTypingSENDMsgBytesRx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgReceiptSENDMsgBytesRx  0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SENDMsgBytesRx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-ChatSENDMsgBytesRx        0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-IsTypingSENDMsgBytesRx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-ReceiptSENDMsgBytesRx     0          0          0          0           0        0

The following table lists the MSRP session statistics along with a brief description.

The sample output below presents the output generated when you run the show mbcd msrp SEND responses command.

sbc# show mbcd msrp SEND responses
MSRP KPI SEND Responses Statistics 
                                 ------ Period------           -------- Lifetime --------
                             Recent      High      Total      Total       PerMax    High
MSRP-TransResponsesTx          0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SuccessTransResponsesTx   0          0          0          0           0        0 
MSRP-TransResp400Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp401Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp403Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp404Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp408Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp413Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp415Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp423Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp424Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp425Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp428Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp481Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp501Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp506Tx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResponsesRx          0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SuccessTransResponsesRx   0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp400Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp401Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp403Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp404Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp408Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp413Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp415Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp423Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp424Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp425Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp428Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp481Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp501Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp506Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0

The sample output below presents the output generated when you run the show mbcd msrp REPORT command.

sbc# show mbcd msrp REPORT
                                  ------ Period------           -------- Lifetime --------
                              Recent      High      Total      Total       PerMax    High
MSRP-SuccessREPORTTransTx       0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-FailureREPORTTransTx       0          0          0          0           0        0 
MSRP-AvgSuccessREPORTMsgBytesTx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytesTx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureRateTx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTSuccessRateTx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SuccessREPORTTransRx       0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-FailureREPORTTransRx       0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSuccessREPORTMsgBytesRx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytesRx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureRateRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTSuccessRateRx     0          0          0          0           0        0

The sample output below presents the output generated when you run the show mbcd msrp REPORT failures command.

sbc# show mbcd msrp REPORT failures
MSRP KPI REPORT Failure Statistics 
                                    ------ Period------           -------- Lifetime --------
                                Recent      High      Total      Total       PerMax    High
MSRP-REPORTTrans400Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans401Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans403Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans404Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans408Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans413Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans415Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans423Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans424Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans425Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans428Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans481Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans501Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans506Tx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes400Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes401Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes403Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes404Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes413Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes415Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes423Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes424Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes425Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes428Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes481Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes501Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes506Tx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans400Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans401Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans403Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans404Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans408Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans413Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans415Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans423Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans424Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans425Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans428Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans481Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans501Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTTrans506Rx              0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes400Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes401Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes403Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes404Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes413Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes415Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes423Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes424Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes425Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes428Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes481Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes501Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgFailureREPORTMsgBytes506Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0