Viewing MSRP Realm Statistics

Display MSRP statistics related to all realm by using the show mbcd msrp realm < identifier > command.

show mbcd msrp realm <identifier>
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier> SEND
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier> REPORT
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier> REPORT failure
show mbcd msrp realm <identifier> SEND responses

The following table lists and describes MSRP extended KPI statistics for a specific realm. This list is the same for system statistics.

acmepacket# show mbcd msrp realm myRealm
MSRP KPI Statistics 

                                  ------ Period------          -------- Lifetime --------
                              Recent      High      Total      Total       PerMax    High
MSRP-AvgSENDTransRx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgChatSENDTransRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgIsTypingSENDTransRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgReceiptSENDTransRx      0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSENDMsgBytesRx          0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgChatSENDMsgBytesRx      0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgIsTypingSENDMsgBytesRx  0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgReceiptSENDMsgBytesRx   0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SENDMsgBytesRx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-ChatSENDMsgBytesRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-IsTypingMsgBytesRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-ReceiptMsgBytesRx          0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SuccessREPORTTransRx       0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-FailureREPORTTransRx       0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSuccessREPORTMsgBytesRx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytesRx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureRateRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTSuccessRateRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp400Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp401Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp403Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp404Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp408Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp413Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp415Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp423Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp424Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp425Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp428Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp481Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp501Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp506Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes400Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes401Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes403Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes404Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes408Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes413Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes415Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes423Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes424Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes425Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes428Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes481Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes501Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes506Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResponsesRx           0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SuccessTransResponsesRx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp400Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp401Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp403Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp404Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp408Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp413Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp415Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp423Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp424Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp425Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp428Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp481Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp501Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp506Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSENDTransRx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgChatSENDTransRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgIsTypingSENDTransRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgReceiptSENDTransRx      0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSENDMsgBytesRx          0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgChatSENDMsgBytesRx      0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgIsTypingSENDMsgBytesRx  0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgReceiptSENDMsgBytesRx   0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SENDMsgBytesRx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-ChatSENDMsgBytesRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-IsTypingMsgBytesRx         0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-ReceiptMsgBytesRx          0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SuccessREPORTTransRx       0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-FailureREPORTTransRx       0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgSuccessREPORTMsgBytesRx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytesRx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureRateRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTSuccessRateRx     0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp400Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp401Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp403Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp404Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp408Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp413Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp415Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp423Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp424Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp425Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp428Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp481Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp501Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-REPORTResp506Rx            0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes400Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes401Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes403Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes404Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes408Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes413Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes415Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes423Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes424Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes425Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes428Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes481Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes501Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-AvgREPORTFailureBytes506Rx 0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResponsesRx           0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-SuccessTransResponsesRx    0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp400Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp401Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp403Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp404Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp408Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp413Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp415Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp423Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp424Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp425Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp428Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp481Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp501Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0
MSRP-TransResp506Rx             0          0          0          0           0        0

Descriptions for MSRP extended KPI statistics are available in the Viewing MSRP Performance Statistics topic.