Mappings and Disconnect Cause Values

This section provides information about H.323 and SIP disconnect cause values for RADIUS CDRs generated by the SBC.

SIP H.323 and Q.850 Mappings

This section provides tables that show the mappings between SIP Status and: H.323 Disconnect Reason, H.323 Release Complete Reason, and RAS error. It also shows the mapping for Q.850 cause to H.323 Release Complete Reason.

SIP Status to H.323 Disconnect Reason Mapping

SIP Status H.323 Disconnect Reason
480 Temporarily Unavailable No Bandwidth
404 Not Found Gatekeeper Resource
404 Not Found Unreachable Destination
603 Decline Destination Rejection
505 Version Not Supported Invalid Revision
401 Unauthorized No Permission
503 Service Unavailable Unreachable Gatekeeper
480 Temporarily Unavailable Gateway Resource
400 Bad Request Bad Format Request
486 Busy Here Adaptive Busy
486 Busy Here In Conference
500 Internal Server Error Undefined Reason
486 Busy Here Facility Call Deflection
401 Unauthorized Security Denied

SIP Status to H.323 RAS Error Mapping

SIP Status H.323 RAS Error
404 Not Found Gatekeeper Resource
401 Unauthorized Invalid Permission
503 Service Unavailable Request Denied
500 Internal Server Error Undefined
401 Unauthorized Caller Not Registered
305 User Proxy Route Call to Gatekeeper
500 Internal Server Error Invalid Endpoint ID
503 Service Unavailable Resource Unavailable
401 Unauthorized Security Denial
501 Not Implemented QoS Control Not Supported
484 Address Incomplete Incomplete Address
302 Moved Temporarily Route Call to SCN
485 Ambiguous Aliases Inconsistent
401 Unauthorized Not Currently Registered

SIP Status to H.323 Release Complete Reason Error Mapping

SIP Status H.323 RAS Error
300 Multiple Choices Undefined Reason
401 Unauthorized Security Denied
402 Payment Required Undefined Reason
403 Forbidden No Permission
404 Not Found Unreachable Destination
405 Method Not Allowed Undefined Reason
606 Not Acceptable Undefined Reason
407 Proxy Authentication Required Security Denied
408 Request Timeout Adaptive Busy
409 Conflict Undefined Reason
410 Gone Unreachable Destination
411 Length Required Undefined Reason
414 Request-URI Too Large Bad Format Address
415 Unsupported Media Type Undefined Reason
420 Bad Extension Bad Format Address
480 Temporarily Unavailable Adaptive Busy
481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist Undefined Reason
482 Loop Detected Undefined Reason
483 Too Many Hops Undefined Reason
484 Address Incomplete Bad Format Address

Q.850 Cause to H.323 Release Complete Reason Mapping

The table below describes how the Q.850 Causes and the H.323 release complete reasons are mapped internally on the SBC.

Q.850 Cause Numeric Code H.323 Release Complete Reason
Not Route To Destination 3 Unreachable Destination
Normal Call Clearing 16 Destination Rejection
User Busy 17 In Conference
Subscriber Absent 20 Called Party Not Registered
Invalid Number Format 28 Bad Format Address
Normal Unspecified 16 Undefined Reason
No Circuit/Channel Available 34 No Bandwidth
Network Out of Order 38 Unreachable Gatekeeper
Temporary Failure 41 Adaptive Busy
Switching Equipment Congestion 42 Gateway Resource
Resource Unavailable 47 Gatekeeper Resource
Incompatible Destination 88 Invalid Revision
Interworking Unspecified 111 No Permission


The SBC maps SIP status codes and events to disconnect cause attribute values used by Cisco Systems Proxy Server (CSPS) accounting services.

SIP Status Category/Event CDR Disconnect Cause Description
Undetermined reason 0 Undetermined reason
BYE 1 Normal clearing
3xx: Redirection 2 Redirection
4xx: Client Error 3 Client error
5xx: Server Error 4 Server error
6xx: Global Failure 5 Global error

SIP-H.323 Calls with Interworking

For calls that require SIP-H.323 interworking, the SBC generates two sets of RADIUS CDRs: one for the SIP call-leg and one for the H.323 call leg. The values recorded in RADIUS Stop records for the disconnect cause depend on the nature and source of the call disconnect or rejection.

SIP Events and Errors

For calls rejected or disconnected because of SIP events and errors, the SBC records Q.850 cause values mapped from the SIP event/status code in the SIP CDR. For the H.323 CDR, the SIP status categories and events are mapped to Q.850 cause codes.

The entries in this table are determined by the SIP Status to H.323 Release Complete Reason Error Mapping.

SIP Status Category/Event SIP CDR Disconnect Cause H.323 Disconnect Cause Value (Q.850)
BYE 16—Normal call clearing 16—Normal call clearing
3xx 23—Redirection to new destination 16—Normal call clearing
404 Not Found 21—Call rejected 3—No route to destination
410 Gone 21—Call rejected 3—No route to destination
403 Forbidden 21—Call rejected 111—Interworking unspecified
408 Request Timeout 21—Call rejected 41—Temporary failure
413 Request Entity Too Big 21—Call rejected 28—Invalid number format
414 Request URI Too Large 21—Call rejected 28—Invalid number format
420 Bad Extension 21—Call rejected 28—Invalid number format
484 Address Incomplete 21—Call rejected 28—Invalid number format
408 Request Timeout 21—Call rejected 41—Temporary failure
480 Temporarily unavailable 21—Call rejected 41—Temporary failure
486 Busy Here 21—Call rejected 17—User Busy
401 Unauthorized 21—Call rejected 32—Normal unspecified
407 Proxy Authentication Required 21—Call rejected 32—Normal unspecified
All other 4xx 21—Call rejected 16—Normal unspecified
502 Bad Gateway 38—Network out of order 28—Invalid number format
505 Bad Version 38—Network out of order 88—Incompatible destination
All other 5xx 38—Network out of order 16—Normal unspecified
600 Busy Everywhere 31—Normal unspecified 41—Temporary failure
603 Decline 31—Normal unspecified 31—Normal unspecified
604 Does Not Exist Anywhere 31—Normal unspecified 3—No route to destination
All other 6xx 31—Normal unspecified 31—Normal unspecified

H.323 Events and Errors

The Q.850 cause code value is recorded for the disconnect cause in the CDR for the H.323 call leg if the Q.850 cause is received. H.323 recommendations state that either Q.850 Cause of RelCompReason is mandatory for the RELEASE COMPLETE; the Cause information element (IE) is optional everywhere. The Cause IE and the ReleaseCompleteReason (part of the release complete message) are mutually exclusive.

If a Q.850 cause code is not received, the SBC records a Q.850 cause value mapped from the received ReleaseCompleteReason as defined in the table below.

The entries in this table are determined by the SIP Status to H.323 Disconnect Reason Mapping.

H.323 ReleaseCompleteReason H.323 CDR Disconnect Cause SIP Status SIP CDR Disconnect Cause
No Bandwidth 34—No channel/circuit available 480 Temporarily Unavailable 21—Call rejected
Gatekeeper Resource 47—Resource unavailable 404 Not Found 21—Call rejected
Unreachable Destination 3—No route to destination 404 Not Found 21—Call rejected
Destination Rejected 31—Normal unspecified 603 Decline 31—Normal unspecified
Invalid Revision 88—Incompatible destination 505 Version Not Supported 38—Network out of order
No Permission 111—Interworking unspecified 401 Unauthorized 21—Call rejected
Unreachable Gatekeeper 38—Network out of order 503 Service Unavailable 38—Network out of order
Gateway Resource 42—Switching equipment congestion 480 Temporarily unavailable 21—Call rejected
Bad Format Request 28—Invalid number format 400 Bad request 21—Call rejected
Adaptive Busy 41—Temporary failure 486 Busy Here 21—Call rejected
In Conference 17—User busy 486 Busy Here 21—Call rejected
Undefined Reason 16—Normal unspecified 500 Internal Server Error 38—Network out of order
Called Party Not Registered 20—Subscriber absent 404 Not Found 21—Call rejected
Caller Not Registered 31—Normal call clearing    
New Connection Needed 47—Resource Unavailable 401 Unauthorized 21—Call rejected

H.225 RAS Errors

For calls that are rejected because of H.225 RAS, there is no CDR generated for the H.323 call leg as no Setup message is generated. The SBC maps RAS errors to SIP Status as specified in the table below. The SIP CDR disconnect cause values are the same as the CSPS disconnect cause values already mentioned and defined.

The entries in this table are determined by the SIP Status to H.323 RAS Error Mapping.

H.225 RAS Error SIP Status SIP CDR Disconnect Cause
Called Party Not Registered 404 Not Found 21—Call Rejected
Invalid Permission 401 Unauthorized 21—Call Rejected
Request Denied 503 Service Unavailable 38—Network out of order
Undefined 500 Internal Server Error 38—Network out of order
Caller Not Registered 401 Unauthorized 21—Call Rejected
Route Call to Gatekeeper 305 Use Proxy 23—Redirection to new destination
Invalid Endpoint ID 500 Internal Server Error 38—Network out of order
Resource Unavailable 503 Service Unavailable 38—Network out of order
Security Denial 401 Unauthorized 21—Call Rejected
QoS Control Not Supported 501 Not Implemented 38—Network out of order
Incomplete Address 484 Address Incomplete 21—Call Rejected
Route Call to SCN 302 Moved Temporarily 2—Redirection
Aliases Inconsistent 485 Ambiguous 21—Call Rejected
Not Currently Registered 401 Unauthorized 21—Call Rejected