Configure Scheduled Configuration Backups

This task explains how to establish an automatic, timed backup of your configuration and send it to a push-receiver.

Push receiver configurations establish an SFTP server to which the SBC pushes records. You can configure the SBC to include a copy of your backup configuration file as one of these records.

To configure scheduled configuration backups:

  1. Access the schedule-backup configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# system
    ORACLE(system)# system-config 
    ORACLE(system-config)# select
    ORACLE(system-config)# schedule-backup 
  2. admin-state—Enable or disable this configuration backup feature. This parameter is disabled by default.
    • disabled(default)
    • enabled
  3. config-backup—Access the config-backup sub-element.
  4. interval—Specify the interval the system uses to determine when to push backups. This parameter is weekly by default.
    • daily—24 hours from last backup
    • weekly—7 days from last backup
    • monthly—30 days from last backup
  5. retry-interval—Specify the interval the system uses to determine when it tries to resend a configuration backup after an attempt fails. The range is 5 to 30 minutes and the default is 5 minutes.
  6. retry-count—Specify the maximum number of times the system tries to resend a configuration backup after prior attempts fail. The range is 2 to 10 retries and the default is 5 retries.
  7. push-failure-alarm—Enable or disable the generation of alarms and traps in case of any push-receiver failures. This alarm is of severity type Warning.
    • enabled (default)
    • disabled
  8. push-receiver—Access the push-receiver sub-element.
  9. address—Enter the IPv4 address of the push receiver to which you want records sent.
    • Default:
  10. username—Enter the username that the SBC uses when it sends records to this server.
  11. password—Enter the password that the SBC uses when it sends records to this server.
    ORACLE(push-receiver)# password 
    Enter password: 
    Retype password: 
    Password updated
  12. data-store—Enter the absolute path on the remote server where you want the collected data placed.
  13. protocol—Enter the protocol used to push configuration data to the server.
    • sftp (default)


    For SFTP to work, you must import the public key of the SFTP server into the SBC. See the "Manage SSH Keys" in the ACLI Configuration Guide.