Scheduled External Configuration Backup

You can configure the SBC to automatically back up its current backup configuration file dataDoc.gz, which is available at /code/gzConfig/, to an external SFTP server. This feature enhances system reliability by maintaining an off-system copy of your configuration and by making restoration processes faster.

You configure this backup process using the schedule-backup element in the system-config. The schedule-backup element includes parameters and sub-elements with which you configure your config-backup detail. This detail specifies how and when to perform the backups as well as push-receiver detail, which specifies the server to which you send your backup configuration.

The SBC provides several typical functions for this feature:

  • The SBC names the configuration backup files using the format <SBCNODENAME>-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS where:
    • SBCNODENAME—The target name you configure in the SBC bootparam. If you have not configured a target name, the SBC uses the value you configure in the hostname parameter within the system-config.

      If both the target name in the bootparams and the hostname in the system-config are empty, the system uses the default string value “SBCNONAME” instead of SBCNODENAME.

    • YYYYMMDD—The date when the system created the backup.
    • HHMMSS—The timestamp when the system created the backup, in 24-hour format.
  • If you configure more than one push receiver, the SBC pushes the configuration file to all of them sequentially.
  • The SBC can retry pushing the backup file if it fails.
  • The SBC stops attempting to push the backup file when it reaches your configured value for maximum number of retry attempts.
  • The SBC generates an alarm and an SNMP trap if it fails to push the backup file to a configured push receiver.

To restore the backup configuration on the SBC, you:

  • Copy the backup configuration from a target push receiver to the /code/bkups folder.
  • Run the restore-backup-config <Backup Filename> command to restore the configuration.
  • Save and Activate the new configuration.


The SBC raises an alarm and issues a simultaneous SNMP trap to notify you each time access to a push-receiver fails. You can manually clear the alarm using the clear-alarm command. There is no associated clear-trap.

The alarm is named APP_ALARM_SCHBKP_PUSH_FAIL. The alarm uses the standard format and includes:

  • Severity – Warning
  • First occurrence timestamp
  • Last occurrence timestamp
  • Count
  • Description – Config backup failed to upload to remote server Hostname: <hostname>, IP: <ipaddress>, Path: <Path>

You can access the SNMP trap using the applicable OID. The name is this trap is apConfigPushReceiverFailureTrap. You can access it from the apSip traps using the OID This trap is reserved for configuration backup push receiver failures only.

In addition, you can review the log.schbkpd file, which is available individually and within the package-logfiles package, for operational analysis and troubleshooting this feature.