configuration REST Endpoints

APIs affecting configuration elements. GET requests can be made by a client without the configuration lock, but any configuration request that changes the system configuration in any way—including saving, restoring, or activating it, plus POST, PUT, and DELETE—requires the REST client to first possess the configuration lock. Acquiring and releasing the lock are themselves both considered configuration operations.
Add a single configuration element instance
Method: post
Path: /rest/{version}/configuration/configElements
Delete a configuration element and all its references
Method: delete
Path: /rest/{version}/configuration/configReferences
Delete a single configuration element instance
Method: delete
Path: /rest/{version}/configuration/configElements
Get a list of all supported configuration element types
Method: get
Path: /rest/{version}/configuration/elementTypes
Get a template instance for a configuration element or sub-element type
Method: get
Path: /rest/{version}/configuration/elementTypes/template
Get one or more configuration element instances
Method: get
Path: /rest/{version}/configuration/configElements
Get the boot parameters
Method: get
Path: /rest/{version}/configuration/bootparams
Get the metadata for a configuration element type
Method: get
Path: /rest/{version}/configuration/elementTypes/metadata
Lock the configuration
Method: post
Path: /rest/{version}/configuration/lock
Unlock the configuration
Method: post
Path: /rest/{version}/configuration/unlock
Update a single configuration element instance
Method: put
Path: /rest/{version}/configuration/configElements
Update the boot parameters
Method: put
Path: /rest/{version}/configuration/bootparams