Delete a configuration element and all its references



Deletes the specified configuration element and all its references in the system configuration. The client making the DELETE request must already possess the configuration lock or the request fails. Currently, this operation can be performed only on realm-config. For configuration element types that are singletons, which have no key attributes, this operation is not supported. For element types that can have multiple instances, the query string must include "&name=value" for each key attribute, where name is a key attribute name and value is the associated value. The order of the key attributes in the query string does not matter. The key attributes for an element type are identified in the metadata (/configuration/elementTypes/metadata). This operation deletes a single configuration element instance and its references at a time.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Indicates the configuration element type being deleted. Currently, realm-config only supported.
  • Specifies the name and value for one key attribute of the elementType. For elementTypes having multiple key attributes, each one must be represented by "&name=value" in the query string.
Header Parameters
  • The value in the Authorization header must be the string "Bearer {access token}", where {access token} is a valid, unexpired token received in response to a prior /rest/{version}/auth/token request.
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204 Response

Successful deletion of the configuration element and all its references. There is no response body for a successful delete.

400 Response

The request is malformed in some way or is missing required information and therefore cannot be processed.

401 Response

Unauthorized - Request lacks valid authentication credentials.

403 Response

This request requires the client credentials to have administrator privileges.

404 Response

Unsupported versionId in URI, or requested element type not supported, or element instance specified by key attribute(s) not found.

423 Response

The request requires the configuration lock and failed because the client does not currently own the lock. If another client or user currently owns the configuration lock, the error message is "Resource locked by another user". If no client or user owns the configuration lock, the error message is "User does not have the lock".
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