7 Work Order Manager

Work Order Manager allows you to create, edit, delete and manage all work orders on the Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud (Oracle SDM Cloud).


All target devices must have the /code/lrt/ directory already created prior to the procedure or the work order will fail.
The Work Order Administration Manager page contains the Work Order Administration table, containing a list of all work orders created, running, and completed in the Oracle SDM Cloud. The table displays the following information for each work order:
When adding a new work order, the Oracle SDM Cloud provides a wizard that guides you through the process and at any time during the work order creation process, you can click the Summary button. This button displays a dialog providing an overview of the work order thus far.


Users are able to manage work orders only if they have access to all of the components within the work order. When a user does not have access to some of the devices selected in a work order, they are only able to view the work order.
The following lists the components for different types of work orders:
  • LRT Work Order–The user must have access to both the Route sets and the devices that are part of the work order.
  • Device Config Work Order–The user must have access to the Offline Config, Spreadsheet, and associated devices.
  • NF Upgrade/Downgrade–The user must have access to the devices.
The Work Order Administration page contains the following buttons and icons: