Installing Any New Package on the OCSM Server

Complete the tasks given in this section to install any new package on the OCSM server.

To install any new package on the OCSM Server:

  1. Download the required RPM and their dependences from OL8 repo manually
  2. Copy the RPMs to /var/ftp/pub/ocsm/ location of the Repo Server.
  3. On the Repo Server, execute the following command:
    createrepo /var/ftp/pub/ocsm/
  4. On the OCSM Server, execute the following command:
    yum clean all
  5. Install the package on the OCSM Server using the command:
    yum install <package>
    OR You can update the script by putting the RPM names under the respective Repo links and follow the steps.