KPI Management

This is the feature documentation for KPI Management

User Management Permissions for KPI

These are the permissions required to manage KPI:

KPI Management

You can find this under:
  • admin > Settings > User Management > user name > Edit user >Permission for Settings page.
  • admin > Settings > User Management >Add a user >Permission for Settings page.

If the KPI Management permission is enabled for a user, then the user can access the KPI Management page to create, edit and modify the custom templates.

Expand KPI

You can find this under admin > Settings > User Management > user > Edit > Permission for Settings page. The admin user can enable this permission for a user.
  • A user with this permission can create or enable the custom user KPIs in the Operations>KPI/Metrics page and in the Operations>KPI/Metrics page>Bulk Add>Device>Device Counters.
  • A user without this permission will not be able to create that counter for a device or tag type or any KPI in platform wide list or the Bulk KPI page. An error message is displayed.

Shrink KPI

You can find this under admin>Settings> User Management> user> Edit> Permission for Settings page.

The admin user can enable this permission for a user.
  • Users with this permission can delete the custom user KPIs in the Operations> KPI/Metrics>Select User Custom KPI>Custom>Remove Custom.
  • Users without this permission will not be able to:
    • Delete the user custom KPIs in the Operation>KPI/Metrics> Select User Custom KPI>Custom>Remove Custom. An error is displayed.
    • Delete a KPI in the Operation>KPI/Metrics>Bulk KPI>Select device>Select KPI enabled via Expand Permissions>Remove.

View Common KPI from Other Users

You can find this under admin>Settings>User Management>Permission for Settings page. The admin user can enable or disable this permission for a user. By default, this permission is enabled.


When the admin user enables the View Common KPI from Other Users permission, the list of common platform-wide KPIs to be deleted are displayed in the new window on clicking Next.
Admin user can enable/disable this permission.
  • If View common KPI from other users is true, then the users can see custom KPIs enabled by other users. This deletes all the common user KPIs excluding the KPI which was created first among all the common KPIs in the Platform wide KPI (The KPI with the lowest ID in the database).
  • If View common KPI from other users is false, then the users cannot see custom KPIs enabled by other users.


These permissions are available in user role also.

Creating a KPI Custom Template

You can create a custom template for KPIs which allows you to select only the required KPIs for a device/tag type. This way you can avoid creation of unwanted KPIs for device/tags type.
You will need the KPI Management permission in order to create a custom template. This setting is available here: admin>settings>User Management>user name>Edit user>Permission for Settings. To create a custom template:
  1. Navigate to Username > Settings > KPI Management > KPI Templates.
  2. In the KPI Templates section, click Add.
  3. From the Choose the Device/Tags list box, select Platform Device or Tags.
  4. In the Select the Device Type select the device type.
  5. In the Select the KPI list, select the KPIs according to your requirement.


    You can also select VQ KPIs to be added to the custom template.
  6. Save the template. The KPI Templates page now shows the template created. This page lists all custom templates created and show if they have been assigned or not. On clicking the Yes box in the Templated Assigned/Details column, it displays a list of all devices/tags assigned to that template.

    Figure 7-50 KPI Templates Page

    KPI templates page
This creates the custom template. You can assign this custom template for the specific device or tag type. You can also edit or delete a custom template.


To edit or delete a custom template,there must be no device or tag that is associated with the custom template. As the custom template has information of the KPIs enabled, modifying this when a device/tag is associated, leads to loss of information.

KPI Templates

For any device or tag type listed in the Platform Devices page, you can apply KPIs using templates. The Assigned Templates column in the Platform Devices page shows the type/name of the template applied.

If the Assigned Templates column shows No Template, it means that no template of any type has been applied to the Platform Device.

Figure 7-51 Assigned Templates in the Platform Devices Page

Assigned Templates
Templates can be of the following types:
  • None: Applying this template deletes all KPIs related to the device or tag. It deletes the VQ KPIs.
  • Custom:

    You can customize the set of KPIs for different devices or tag types and save this list as a custom template, This set of KPIs can be applied to the device or tag type.

  • Default:

    Applying the default set of KPIs provided in the system for the device or tag type. This is a static list of KPIs and cannot be modified.

Before Applying Templates to a Device or Tag

A template has set of KPIs defined.

Default Template

A Default template has set of KPIs defined according to the device or tag types. If a device or tag type is associated with a Default template, then the KPIs defined in the default template are created. This option is read-only and cannot be modified:
  • Applying the default template to a device or tag which does not have any KPI, creates the KPIs defined in the default template list.
  • When you applying the default template to a device which already has KPIs assigned:
    • The KPIs in the default template are created, if the KPI is not present in existing device or tag.
    • If the existing KPI matches the KPI from the default template, then such KPIs are retained.
    • The KPIs which do not match the KPIs in the default template are deleted for the device/tag.


KPIs created by the Default list template for the device or tag type will remain same as 4.x. As there are no default KPIs created for the IP tag type in 4.x, there is no Default option for IP tag types.

Custom Template

If a device/tag does not have any KPI then applying custom template creates the KPIs present in the custom template list.
  • When you apply a custom template for a device/tag which has KPI's associated:
    • The KPIs in the custom template will be created, if KPI is not present for the device/tag.
    • If the custom template KPIs match the existing KPIs for the device/tag then these KPIs are retained.
    • The existing KPIs that do not match the KPIs in the custom template are deleted for that device/tag.

Applying a Default Template for KPIs to a Device or Tag

For any device or tag type listed in the Platform Devices page, you can apply a Default Template, Custom Template, or None.

To apply a default template:
  1. Navigate to Username, Settings, and Platform Devices.
  2. Select the device/tag or multiple devices/multiple tags for which the default template needs to be applied.
  3. Click Choose Template, and then Default.

    Figure 7-52 Applying a default KPI template

    Default KPI template
  4. In the Apply the default type template dialog box, select the Do you want to delete the non-matching existing KPI? check box to apply the default template. As a result of this, the existing non-matching KPIs for the selected device are deleted if the KPIs do not match the default list. the KPIs from the default list are added if they are currently present, and the KPIs that are common to the default template and the existing KPIs are retained.

    Figure 7-53 Apply the Default type template

    Apply the Default type template
  5. Click Apply.
    The Platform Devices page now lists the template applied under the Assigned Template column.

Applying a Custom Template for KPIs to a Device or Tag

To apply a custom template to a device or a tag:
  1. Navigate to Username, Settings, and Platform Devices.
  2. Select the device or multiple devices for which the custom template needs to be applied.
  3. Click Choose Template, and then Custom.

    Figure 7-54 Applying a Custom KPI template

    Custom KPI template
  4. In the Apply the custom type template dialog box, select the Custom template name to apply the custom template.
    Templates created for a particular Platform device type are only listed for the corresponding associated devices type. For example, for an existing SBC device Dev1, only SBC custom templates are listed and you can select any one among the templates listed.

    Figure 7-55 Apply the Custom type template

    Apply the Custom type template
    As a result of this, if the existing KPIs of the device match with the KPIs in the custom template then those KPIs are not deleted. The existing KPIs that do not match the KPIs in the custom template are deleted for that device/tag.
  5. Click Apply.
    The Platform Devices page now lists the template applied under the Assigned Template column.

Applying the None Template for KPIs to a Device or Tag

To apply the None template to a device or tag:
  1. Navigate to Username, Settings, and Platform Devices.
  2. Select the device or multiple devices for which the None template needs to be applied.
  3. Click Choose Template, and then None.

    Figure 7-56 Applying a None KPI template

    None KPI template
  4. In the Apply the None type template dialog box, select the Do you want to delete the existing KPI ? check box. After applying None to a device type the template assigned to this device will be cleared. As the deletion of KPIs results in a loss of information, there is a warning that pops-up with a message “All existing KPIs of this group will be deleted. Do you want to continue?” to confirm the deletion of KPIs. The deleted KPI values are lost permanently and cannot be recovered.

    Figure 7-57 Apply the None type template

    Apply the None type template
  5. Click Apply.
    The Platform Devices page now lists the template applied under the Assigned Template column.

Common User KPIs

This feature is only available for admin users.

The Common User KPIs list provides three options:

Table 7-15 Options of the Common User KPIs

Option Description
Add “View common KPI from other users” permission to all users Enables the View common KPI from other users permission to all users.
Remove “View common KPI from other users Disables the View common KPI from other users to all users.
Delete Common User KPIs Lists all the common user KPIs present among the platform-wide KPI - not device-specific KPIs. Select the check box next to the KPI to delete these common user KPIs, then click Apply.


If you select the delete option, it removes all common user KPIs for all users. If any common user KPIs are deleted by the admin for a user without the View common KPI from other users permission, then the user must request the admin for the permission to view the common user KPI.

Configuring Devices for Voice Quality Measurement

The Voice Quality page lets you to view voice quality statistics based on the MOS, Packet Loss, and Jitter measures. For more information on voice quality, see "Voice Quality".

You can configure a device or trunk to be associated with either of the following voice quality (VQ) statuses.

If a device has no templates applied, then the VQ Status button is enabled for all such devices. If you have upgraded from OCSM 4.x to OCSM 5.0 release, all devices can still use this VQ Status button if no templates are applied. This ensures that you can apply VQ statuses for all the devices post upgrade.

If a device is associated with a template then the VQ Status button is disabled. You can still add VQ counters as part of a custom template for a device. For more information on custom templates, see KPI Templates.

  • No VQ: None of the VQ counters is enabled.

  • Only MOScqe: Only the MOS VQ counter is enabled and the other VQ counters gets disabled.

  • Full VQ: All three kinds of the VQ counters (MOS, Packet Loss, and Jitter) are enabled.


When you change the VQ status for a device from "Full VQ" to "No VQ" or "Only MOScqe", and from "Only MOScqe" to "No VQ", the existing VQ data of the "Full VQ" status and the "Only MOScqe" status is lost.

Figure 7-58 Platform Devices Settings - VQ Status

Platform Device settings


If the VQ status displays the word "Partial" in red while associating a device with the VQ status, it implies there has been an issue causing the device counters to not match the VQ status. To resolve this issue, try setting VQ Status back to "No VQ" for the device using the Platform Device Settings page, and then again to "Full VQ" to re-add the VQ counter.

KPIs for Imported Devices in Configuration Savepoint

On OCSM 5.0, after restoring the Configuration Savepoint in a newly installed system, KPIs are preserved for the imported devices. There is no change in the behavior of restoring a configuration savepoint.

KPIs are not created for platform devices imported using the Platform Devices page.

If you have upgraded to 5.0, then the existing KPIs are not affected. If a savepoint is applied on this upgraded system, then KPIs from savepoint are preserved for the imported devices. There is no change in the behavior of restoring a savepoint. You need to apply the templates to the devices in the Platform Devices page to assign KPIs for the imported devices. Similarly, no KPIs are created for the list of imported Platform Devices from the Platform Devices page