
The Control Plane Monitor KPI/Metrics page offers similar functionality as the KPI/Metrics page from the Operations Monitor product. The difference is that only Diameter specific KPIs are available, and they are not editable.

This is the Control Plane Monitor KPI/Metrics page.

Figure 6-1 Control Plane Monitor KPI/Metrics Page

Control Plane Monitor KPI/Metrics Montoring page

Currently, the following Platform Wide KPIs are available:

Table 6-1 Platform Wide KPIs

Platform Wide KPIs Description
Diameter transactions Number of new hop-by-hop Diameter transactions per second that pass the filter configured in the Platform Setup Application, regardless of Application ID.
S6 Diameter transactions Number of new hop-by-hop Diameter transactions per second that have the Application ID 16777251 (3GGP S6a/S6d).
S13 Diameter transactions Number of new hop-by-hop Diameter transactions per second that have the Application ID 16777252 (3GGPS13/S13').
Successful Update Location transactions Number of completed hop-by-hop Diameter transactions per second that have the Diameter command 316 (Update Location) and the result code 2001 (Success).
Failed Update Location transactions Number of completed hop-by-hop Diameter transactions per second that have the Diameter command code 316 (Update Location) and a result code different from 2001 (Success).
Successful Cancel Location transactions Number of completed hop-by-hop Diameter transactions per second that have the Diameter command 317 (Cancel Location) and the result code 2001 (Success).
Failed Cancel Location transactions Number of completed hop-by-hop Diameter transactions per second that have the Diameter command code 317 (Cancel Location) and a result code different from 2001 (Success).
Probe Metrics - Local Probe (OCSM)  
Synthetic KPIs  

The following KPIs are available on a per-device basis:

  • Incoming S6 Diameter transactions

    Number of new Diameter transactions per second that are received by the given device and have the Application ID 16777251 (3GGP S6a/S6d).

  • Outgoing S6 Diameter transactions

    Number of new Diameter transactions per second that are created by the given device and have the Application ID 16777251 (3GGP S6a/S6d).

  • Successful incoming Update Location transactions

    Number of completed Diameter transactions that are received by the given device and have the Diameter command 316 (Up- date Location) and the result code 2001 (Success).

  • Failed incoming Update Location transactions

    Number of completed Diameter transactions that are received by the given device and have the Diameter command 316 (Update Location) and a result code different from 2001 (Success).

  • Successful incoming Cancel Location transactions

    Number of completed Diameter transactions that are received by the given device and have the Diameter command 317 (Cancel Location) and the result code 2001 (Success).

  • Failed incoming Cancel Location transactions

    Number of completed Diameter transactions that are received by the given device and have the Diameter command 317 (Cancel Location) and a result code different from 2001 (Success).