Enabling ISR for Accessing Call Recordings

To access the audio recording for a call through ISR, you must enable the ISR access by configuring the FACE Server details.


Ensure that user must have ISR recording permissions to be able to configure ISR and access audio recording for a call.

To enable ISR Configuration on an Operation Monitor:

  1. From Settings page, under External Devices, click ISR Recording, and select the ISR access enabled check box.

  2. In the FACE server hostname field, enter the Face server IP address.

  3. In the FACE server port number field, enter the valid port number.

  4. In the Username field, enter the email id of the user you would like to provide the access to ISR recordings.

  5. In the Password field, enter the password. Password is case-sensitive.

  6. In the Confirm Password field, enter the password given in step 5.

  7. (Optional) Select the Verify Configuration on Save checkbox. When selected, the configuration settings are verified for FACE server hostname, port number, and user credentials.

  8. Click Save to save the configuration settings or click Reset to cancel the configuration settings.

    The configuration settings are saved.


    If Verify Configuration on Save option was selected, on saving the details, an appropriate message will appear on screen, if there was an error during verification.


    Ensure that the platform devices are added and if required custom matching expression is defined. For a sample call matching script, refer to "Configuring Platform Devices Using Custom Algorithm".