Reset the OCSREMDW User Password

The password for the Oracle Communications OCSREMDW User who connects to the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager Data Warehouse (ocsdmdw) database expires every 180 days. Use this task to reset the expired password with a new password.

  1. Shutdown SDM as the nncentral user.
    cd /opt/AcmePacket/NNC<version>/bin
  2. Run as root.
  3. Select Custom and Oracle DB OCSDMDW Configuration.
  4. Enter and then confirm the OCSDMDW password.
  5. Enter the ORACLE_HOME path.
    The error message should say "OCSDMDW Oracle DB already exists. Please drop this DB and try again."
  6. Exit
  7. Set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID variables as the nncentral user.
    su nncentral
    export /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1
    export ORACLE_SID=ocsdmdw
  8. Log in to the Oracle database.
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./sqlplus / as sysdba
  9. If the database user accounts are locked because of multiple failed logins with the wrong password, unlock the nncentral and oscremdw accounts.
    alter user nncentral account unlock;
    alter user ocsremdw account unlock;
  10. Change passwords for the nncentral user and the ocsremdw user. The new ocsdmdw password must be the same as the one specified in step 4.
    alter user nncentral identified by <new_password>;
    alter user ocsremdw identified by <new_password>;
  11. Exit
  12. Confirm the password changes by looking for a successful log in to the following commands:
    ./sqlplus nncentral/<new_password>@ocsdmdw
    ./sqlplus ocsremdw/<new_password>@ocsdmdw
  13. Start SDM as the nncentral user.
    cd /opt/AcmePacket/NNC<version>/bin/