Start Report Manager

  1. On the server where the Oracle database software and BI Publisher are installed, login as the Oracle user.
    ssh -Y oracle@myserver
  2. If undefined, set the ORACLE_HOME variable in the .bash_profile of both the oracle user and nncentral user.
    export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/<oracle-database-software-version>/dbhome_1
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
  3. Specify the ORACLE_SID variable for the AcmeBIPublisher database.
    export ORACLE_SID=AcmeBIPublis
  4. Execute the ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus script.
    ./sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
  5. Use the following option to start the Oracle database and exit:
    SQL> startup
    SQL> exit
  6. Specify the ORACLE_SID variable for the Report Manager database instance (OCSDMDW).
    export ORACLE_SID=ocsdmdw
  7. Execute the ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus script.
    ./sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
  8. Use the following option to start the Oracle database and exit:
    SQL> startup
    SQL> exit
  9. Start the database listeners. Refer to How to Start, Stop, and Check the Status of the Oracle Database Listeners section for more information.
  10. Start the WebLogic server. Refer to theStart the WebLogic Server section for more information.
  11. On the SDM server, log in as the nncentral user.
  12. Change the directory to the bin directory.
    For example:
    cd /home/nncentral/AcmePacket/NNC<version>/bin
  13. Execute the script.


    The console displays the number of services started. After all services have started, the system is ready for use. Do not attempt to log in until the console has indicated that the web servers are up.