23 Administrative Tasks

Within the Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM) navigation section, the Administration group contains links for administrative tasks such as maintaining data and topology rebuilding. It also contains links that enable you to search for projects, rulesets, sequence specifications, characteristics, and entity specifications. It also contains links that enable you to search for projects, rulesets, sequence specifications, characteristics, entity specifications, and tags.

UIM uses specifications, rulesets, and other artifacts that you define in Oracle Communications Service Catalog and Design - Design Studio. In general, you cannot make changes to the content of this information in UIM, but you can view it and perform some actions. For example, if you want to see how a particular Pipe specification is designed, you can view the specification in UIM.

See the following topics for more information about working with administrative tasks:

Maintaining Data

You use the Execute Rule page to run rulesets that maintain data in UIM. You select a ruleset to run and, if necessary, a configuration or input file. You then run the ruleset. You can run rulesets supplied by Oracle or install your own by using cartridges. For example, you could write a ruleset to clean out test data from the database.

Several rulesets are supplied as part as the ora_uim_base_rulesets base cartridge. These include System Import and System Export rulesets that you can use to export and import data in such a way that you can move data from one UIM database to another. The System Export ruleset requires that you specify a configuration file and System Import requires an input file in .zip format. See UIM Developer's Guide for more information about base rulesets, including a description of each base ruleset, and the specific syntax of any input files required to run a particular base ruleset.

See the following topics for more information about maintaining data:

Running Rulesets

To run rulesets:

  1. In the Administration group of the navigation section, click Execute Rule.

    The Execute Rule page appears. See "Execute Rule Page" for more information about the fields in this page.

  2. In the Ruleset list, select the ruleset you want to use.

  3. In the File field, enter the path and file name of the configuration or input file for this ruleset.

  4. Click Process.

    UIM performs the operations defined in the selected ruleset and its configuration or input file.

Running Rule in Business Interaction Context

You can run rules in Business Interaction context.

To run a rule in Business Interaction context:

  1. From the left navigation pane, under Administration, click Execute Rule.

    The Execute Rule page appears.

  2. Select a Business Interaction from the context list.


    You can find the context list on the top-left corner of the Execute Rule page.
  3. Select a rule from the Ruleset list.

  4. (Optional) Click Choose File to select a ruleset file.

  5. Click Process.

    The rule is run in the selected Business Interaction context.

Execute Rule Page

You use the Execute Rule page to run rulesets that maintain data in UIM.


To view the UIM base rulesets, you must first install the ora_uim_base_rulesets_cartproj.jar base cartridge. See UIM Developer's Guide for detailed information about each of the UIM base rulesets.

Field Description


Select the ruleset you want to run.


Select the configuration or input file for the ruleset. Click Browse to navigate to and select a file.


Click to perform the operations defined in the selected ruleset and its configuration or input file.

Rebuilding Topology

If topology updates are turned off in UIM, you must rebuild the topology before you use features that rely on it. See UIM System Administrator's Guide for information about turning off topology updates.


Only system administrators should be authorized to rebuild topology. When you rebuild the topology, the old version is deleted and a new one created. Back up your old topology before rebuilding to ensure that you can return to it, if necessary.

If UIM is installed in a cluster environment, only one instance can be rebuilt at a time. When a rebuild is in progress on one instance, the rebuild operation is disabled for other instances.

You should schedule topology rebuilds as maintenance tasks during times when no changes to the inventory will take place.

To rebuild the UIM topology:

  1. In the Administration group of the navigation section, click Rebuild Topology.

    The Rebuild Topology page appears.

  2. Click the Rebuild Topology button.

    The topology begins to be rebuilt. You can refresh the page to see status updates. When the process is complete, the page reverts to its original appearance and the Rebuild Topology button becomes available.

    You can check on the success of the rebuild by consulting the log at:


Rebuild Topology Page

You use the Rebuild Topology page to rebuild the UIM topology when automatic rebuilds are turned off.


When you rebuild the topology, the old version is deleted and a new one created. Back up your old topology before rebuilding to ensure that you can return to it, if necessary.

Field Description

Rebuild Topology

Click to rebuild the UIM topology.

Related Topics

Rebuilding Topology

Working with Rulesets

Rulesets are custom code that extends core UIM logic at specific points called extension points. Several rulesets are supplied as part of the ora_uim_base_rulesets base cartridge, and others are included in cartridge packs that you install. You can also define rulesets and extension points in Design Studio and deploy them from cartridges into UIM.

In UIM, you can view rulesets, but you cannot change them. You can, however, delete rulesets that are not in use. See UIM Developer's Guide for more information about rulesets, including detailed information about each base ruleset.

See the following topics for more information about working with rulesets:

Viewing Rulesets

In UIM, you can view rulesets, but you cannot change them.

To view a ruleset:

  1. In the Administration group of the navigation section, click Rulesets.

    The Rulesets Search page appears.

  2. Search for a ruleset.

    See "Searching for Entities" for more information.

  3. In the Search Results section, click a ruleset link.

    The Ruleset page appears, displaying the source code for the ruleset.

Deleting Rulesets

You can delete rulesets that are not in use.


The ruleset might be restored if you reinstall a cartridge that contains it. See UIM Concepts for best practices information about upgrading cartridges and cartridge packs.

To delete rulesets:

  1. In the Administration group of the navigation section, click Rulesets.

    The Rulesets Search page appears.

  2. Click Search.

  3. In the Search Results section, select one or more rulesets and click Delete.

    The selected rulesets are deleted. If you try to delete a ruleset that is in use, UIM displays an error message.

Rulesets Page

You use the Rulesets page to review the sections of custom code that run at extension points in UIM. You define rulesets and extension points in Design Studio and deploy them from cartridges into UIM.

This page is read only. You cannot change rulesets in UIM. See UIM Concepts and UIM Developer's Guide for more information about rulesets.

Working with Entity Specifications

Specifications are the blueprints used to define entities in UIM. Entity specifications are deployed into UIM when you install base cartridges, cartridge packs, and other cartridges defined in Design Studio.

Although you can view the specifications in UIM to see how they are structured, you cannot change specifications in UIM. They can be changed only in Design Studio. See UIM Developer's Guide and UIM Concepts for more information. You can, however, delete specifications under certain circumstances.

Even though you cannot make changes to specifications, you can view them to discern information about entities based on them, such as minimum and maximum quantities of related entities.

See the following topics for more information about working with entity specifications:

Viewing Specification Relationship Information

You can view information about relationships between specifications. For example, you can see the minimum and maximum required quantities of a child specification.

To view relationship information:

  1. Open a Specification Summary page.

  2. In the Composition section, expand the specification.

    The child specifications appear.

  3. Right-click a child specification and select Relationship Properties.

    The Specification Relationship dialog box appears, displaying information about the relationship.

Viewing Page Layouts

Specifications define layouts that determine how characteristics and default data elements are laid out in pages for entities based on them. There are two different layouts:

  • The Summary Form Layout controls how entity Summary pages are displayed.

  • The Form Layout controls how entity Maintenance pages are displayed.

To view layouts:

  1. Open the Specification Summary page for the specification.

  2. In the Layouts section, click the form layout or summary form layout link.

    UIM displays the layout of data elements and characteristics for the page type that you clicked.

Viewing Tags on Configuration Items for a Specification

You can view tags on configuration items for a specification.

To view tags on configuration items for a specification.

  1. In the Administration group of the navigation section, click Specifications.

    The Specifications Search page appears.

  2. Search for a specification that is configurable.

    See "Searching for Entities" for more information.

  3. In the Search Results section, click a specification link.

    The Specification Summary page appears.

  4. In the Configuration section, expand the configuration.

  5. In the Configuration Items section, expand the hierarchy until you reach the item that has the tags you want to view.

Deleting Entity Specifications

You can delete specifications, but you cannot delete specifications that have been used to create entities that remain in the database.


A specification that you delete might be restored if you reinstall a cartridge that contains it. See UIM Concepts for best practices information about upgrading cartridges and cartridge packs.

To delete specifications:

  1. Search for the specification you want to delete.

    See "Searching for Entities" for more information.

  2. In the Search Results section, select the specification you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

    The specification is removed from the list. If you try to delete a specification that is in use, UIM displays an error message.

Specification Summary Page

You use the Specification Summary page to view information about specifications. The information in this page is read only.


The following sections are common to multiple types of specifications. Some specifications, however, include additional sections. For example, Pipe specifications have sections for the associated Capacity Required specification, Capacity Provided specification, and Signal Structure. specification Summary pages for Entity ID specifications include the prefix, suffix, and Sequence specification used to generate IDs. See the Design Studio Help for more information about Entity ID specifications.

Section Description


Displays basic details about the specification.


Displays how data elements and characteristics for entities based on the specification will be displayed in pages. See "Viewing Page Layouts" for more information.


Displays detailed information about the properties of the specification's characteristics. Each characteristic appears as a link that you can click to navigate to the Characteristic Specification page. Additionally, this section indicates whether a value for the characteristic is required for this entity or entity configuration specification. The Required option defined for a specification can differ from the default setting.

Extension Point Rulesets

Displays the ruleset and extension point combinations that are associated with the specification.

Transition Groups

Displays the transition groups to which the specification belongs.


Displays child specifications related to the specification. For example, a Logical Device specification could be related to one or more Device Interface specifications. See "Viewing Specification Relationship Information" for more information.

Working with Characteristics

Characteristics are user-defined data elements that supplement the default data elements in specifications. For example, Place specifications may have characteristics for city, province or state, and postal code.

Characteristics are defined and added to entity specifications in Design Studio.

While you can view characteristics to see how they are structured, you cannot modify characteristics in UIM. They can be changed only in Design Studio. See UIM Developer's Guide and UIM Concepts for more information. You can, however, delete characteristics under some circumstances.

See the following topics for more information about working with characteristics:

Testing Queries

You can test the query used to populate a list. Testing the query allows you to see the values that will be included in the list.

To test a query:

  1. Open the Characteristic page for a list that is populated by using a query.

  2. In the Query section, click Test.

    The Add Value Query dialog box appears.

  3. Click the Test button.

    The matching entities are displayed in the Query Results section.

  4. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.

Deleting Characteristic Specifications

You can delete characteristic specifications but you cannot delete characteristic specifications that are used by entities that remain in the inventory.


The characteristic specification might be restored if you reinstall a cartridge that contains it. See UIM Concepts for best practices information about upgrading cartridges and cartridge packs.

To delete characteristic specifications:

  1. Search for the characteristic specification you want to delete.

    See "Searching for Entities" for more information.

  2. In the Search Results section, select the characteristic specification you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

    The characteristic specification is removed from the list. If you try to delete a characteristic specification that is in use, UIM displays an error message.

Characteristic Specifications Page

You use the Characteristic Specifications page to view information about characteristic specifications. The information in this page is read only.

Section Description

Characteristic Specification Information

Displays basic identifying information about the characteristic.


(For lists only) Displays values and value ranges that have been defined for the list.

The values that appear are either defined for the characteristic specification or are override values defined specifically for the entity or entity configuration specification.


(For lists only) Displays the query string used to populate the list. You can test the query to see the results that will be displayed in the list. See "Testing Queries" for more information.

Entity Link Information

(For lists only) Displays the entity link that is defined to populate a list with the names of entities created from a specification.


Displays a list of the specifications that include this characteristic. You can click links to go to the corresponding Specification Summary pages.

Working with Sequence Specifications

UIM uses Sequence specifications to define ranges of numbers and how numbers are incremented for entities. For example, a sequence specification can determine the range of numbers used for VPN ID indexes and how the numbers increment when new VPNs are created. Sequence specifications are also used to define how entity IDs are generated.

You create Sequence specifications in Design Studio. You cannot create or modify them in UIM, but you can view them. You can delete Sequence specifications that are not in use.

You can search for Sequence specifications by name, description, validity dates, minimum value, maximum value, and increment value.

See the following topics for more information about working with Sequence specifications:

Sequence Specification Summary Page

You use the Sequence Specification Summary page to view information about Sequence specifications, which you use to define ranges of numbers and to determine how numbers are incremented for entities in UIM.

The Sequence Specification Summary page contains a Summary section which displays basic information about the entity, such as the name, description, and effective dates. Additionally, this page displays the minimum, maximum, and increment values defined for the specification (in Design Studio). See the Design Studio Help for more information about creating Sequence specifications.

Working with Tags

User-defined tags store information about a configuration item. For example, user-defined tags may further describe a configuration item, describe a set of technical actions, or describe any type of custom information needed for service fulfillment. User-defined tags are returned in the response from the UIM Service Fulfillment Web Service GetConfigurationDifferences operation.

User-defined tags are created in Oracle Communications Service Catalog and Design - Design Studio and added to configuration items within Service, Logical Device, Logical Device Account, Network, and Place configuration specifications. In UIIM, tags are view-only, but you can delete orphaned tags.

See the following topics for more information about working with tags:

Viewing Tags

To view tags:

  1. In the Administration group of the navigation section, click Tags.

    The Tags Search page appears.

  2. Search for a tag.

    See "Searching for Entities" for more information.

  3. In the Search Results section, click a tag link.

    The Tag page appears.

  4. View the information for the tag.

Deleting Tags

Tags are not editable in UIM. However, you can delete orphaned tags. Orphaned tags are tags that are no longer associated with a configuration item.

To delete orphaned tags:

  1. In the Administration group of the navigation section, click Tags.

    The Tags Search page appears.

  2. Search for a tag.

    See "Searching for Entities" for more information.

  3. In the Search Results section, select a tag row (do not click a tag link).

  4. Click Delete.

    If the tag you are attempting to delete is associated with a configuration item, a validation error prevents you from deleting the tag.

Tag Page

You use the Tag page to view the tag definition.

The sections listed in the following table are specific to the Tag page.

Section Description


Displays basic information about the tag, such as Name, Description, and Additional Information. This information was defined when you created the tag.


Displays any specifications with which the tag is associated.

The fields that appear in the Specifications section are Name, Description, and Entity Type.