6 Managing Workflows and Assigned Activities

Engineering work orders and business interactions can include workflow templates that define an ordered series of activities to complete. You can use projects to group related engineering work orders and business interactions so that you can manage them as a whole.

UIM provides tools that enable you to manage workflows and the activities they include. You manage workflows in the same way whether they are part of an engineering work order or a business interaction.

Two groups of UIM users work with workflows and activities:

  • Project managers work with workflows as a whole by monitoring progress, assigning users to activities, tracking the schedule, and so on. Project managers work mainly from the Activity Details and Gantt Chart tabs of engineering work orders and business interactions that include workflow templates. For information about managing workflows and their activities as a project manager, see Managing Workflows.

  • Assigned users work with activities that are assigned to them or to their workgroup. For information about working with activities assigned to you or to your workgroup, see "Working with Assigned Activities".

Project managers and assigned users can perform some of the same tasks, such as starting, updating, and completing activities. They usually perform these tasks in different pages, however.

Managing Workflows

You can manage workflows as a whole by monitoring progress, assigning users to activities, tracking the schedule, and so on. Project managers work mainly from the Activity Details and Gantt Chart tabs of engineering work orders and business interactions that include workflow templates.

See the following topics when managing workflows:

Viewing the Workflow as an Activity List

You can view a workflow associated with an engineering work order or business interaction as an ordered list of activities. From this list, you can manage the workflow by starting, updating, and completing activities, among other actions.

Many of the actions you can take on an activity in the list can also be done from the Activity Summary page.

To view a workflow as an activity list:

  • In the Summary page of a business interaction or engineering work order that has an associated workflow template, click the Activity Details tab.

Opening the Activity Summary Page from the Activity List

You can open the Summary page for an activity from the Activity Details tab. In the Activity Summary page, you can change the status of the activity, update its progress, associate resources, and work with checklists.

To open the Activity Summary page:

  • In the Activity Details tab of an Engineering Work Order or Business Interaction page, click a link in the Name column of an activity.

    The Activity Summary page appears.

Monitoring Workflow Progress in a Gantt Chart

You can view the overall progress of a workflow as a Gantt chart. Each activity is shown as a separate line, with the length of the bar representing its duration. Activities that have been identified as critical are shown in red. Completed activities are in bold.

You can change the way the Gantt chart displays the workflow. You can also change the dependences of activities in the workflow.

To monitor progress in a Gantt chart:

  • In the Summary page of an engineering work order or business interaction that has an associated workflow template, click the Gantt Chart tab.

Modifying Dependencies Between Activities

You can use the Gantt Chart tab to modify the dependencies among activities in the workflow. For example, if a workflow creates sequential activities A, B, C, and D, you can make activity D directly dependent on activity A. This means that work on activity D can begin at the same time as activity B. All other dependencies are updated accordingly and the Gantt chart redisplays to reflect the changes.

UIM prevents you from creating circular dependencies.

To modify dependencies between activities:

  1. In the Gantt Chart tab of an Engineering Work Order or Business Interaction page, select an activity.

  2. Click the Modify Dependencies icon in the toolbar.

    The Modify Dependencies dialog box appears. The activities on which the selected activity depends appear in the Current Dependencies section. All other activities in the workflow appear in the Activities section.

  3. To add a new dependency, select an activity in the Activities section, and then click the down arrow button.

    The activity moves to the Current Dependencies section.

  4. To remove a dependency, select an activity in the Current Dependencies section, and then click the up arrow button.

    The activity moves to the Activities section.

  5. (Optional) Preview the changes to the Gantt chart:

    1. Click the Preview button.

      The Modify Dependencies dialog box displays a preview of the Gantt chart reflecting your modifications.

    2. Do one of the following:

      Click Back to return to the normal Modify Dependencies dialog box.

      Click Apply to accept the modifications and close the dialog box.

      Click Cancel to close the dialog box and discard the modifications.

    If you accepted the modifications, the Gantt chart redisplays to reflect them.

Changing the Gantt Chart List

You can change the way the Gantt chart lists activities.

To change the Gantt chart list:

  1. In the Gantt Chart tab, select List Pane from the View menu.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Select Columns and then select the columns you want to display.

    • Select Expand All or Collapse All to show all or none of the rows in the list.

Changing the Appearance of Dependencies

You can change the way that the Gantt chart displays dependencies between activities.

To change the appearance of dependencies:

  1. In the Gantt Chart tab, select Show Dependencies from the View menu.

  2. Select one of the following options:

    • As Lines (Default)

    • As Menu Items

    • None

Going to a Specific Date

You can move the Gantt chart to a specific date.

To go to a specific date:

  1. In the Gantt Chart tab, select Go to Date from the View menu.

  2. In the Go to Date dialog box, enter a date, and then click OK.

    The dialog box closes and the Gantt chart displays information for the selected date.

Changing the Gantt Chart Time Scales

To change the Gantt chart time scales:

  1. In the Gantt Chart tab, select Time Scale from the View menu.

    The Time Scale dialog box appears.

  2. In the Major Axis field, select the time period you want displayed for the upper row in the chart heading.

  3. In the Minor Axis field, select the time period you want displayed for the lower row in the chart heading.

  4. Click OK.

    The dialog box closes and the Gantt chart displays the selected time scales.

Setting the Gantt Chart Time Period

To change time period displayed in the Gantt chart, do one of the following:

  • Click the magnifier tools to zoom the chart to a shorter time period or out to a longer one.

  • Select a predefined period of time from the menu in the toolbar.

Activity Details Tab

The Activity Details tab displays the Activities list. The Activities list displays all the activities in the workflow in chronological order, with columns that show specific items of information.

Column Description

Activity Name

The name of the activity, formatted as a link to its Activity Summary page.

Proposed Start Date

The originally scheduled start date and time.

Proposed End Date

The originally scheduled end date and time.

Actual Start Date

The date and time at which the activity was started. Blank if the activity is in Pending or Ready status.

Actual End Date

The date and time at which the activity was completed. Blank for all statuses except Completed.


The activity's status (Pending, Ready, In Progress, or Completed).


The scheduled duration of the activity in days.

Assigned User

The user assigned to the activity. You can assign a user from this list or from the Activity Summary page.

Percent Complete

The percentage complete based on the Percent Complete field in the Activity Summary page.

Gantt Chart Tab

The Gantt Chart tab displays the workflow as a table with an associated Gantt chart. The table is collapsible. When collapsed, it shows information for the workflow as a whole. When expanded, each activity is listed in a separate row with corresponding information displayed. The calendar portion of the chart includes bars that reflect the duration of each activity (or of the workflow as a whole).

Column Description

Activity Name

The name of the engineering work order, business interaction, or activity.

Names of activities are indented.

Resource Name

The user assigned to the activity.

Start Date

The activity start date.

End Date

The activity end date.


The calendar area displays the Gantt chart itself. The heading shows the dates. The corresponding activity information is displayed below the dates. You can change the date range to show a shorter or longer period of time. See Setting the Gantt Chart Time Period.

Managing Activities

Both project managers and assigned users work with activities. They can perform some of the same actions, but usually starting from different UIM pages. Some activity actions can be performed from both the Activity Details tab and the Activity Summary page. Some can be performed in only one or the other.

When managing activities, see the following topics:

Assigning Users to Activities

You assign activities to the users who will complete them. After you assign a user to an activity, only that user and the project manager can modify the activity.

The users from which you can select are determined by the permissions assigned to users in Oracle Enterprise Manager. Task specifications can also restrict which users can be assigned to activities. The specification can include a list of user groups to which assigned users must belong. You set up user groups in WebLogic Server Administration Console. See UIM System Administrator's Guide for more information about assigning permissions and defining user groups. If email notification is set up in UIM, users receive notification when they are assigned an activity and also when the activity is ready to be worked on. See the section on “About Email Notification" in the chapter, “Managing Workflow" in UIM Concepts and the chapter, "Extending Notifications" in UIM Developer's Guide for more information about email notifications.

To assign a user to an activity:

  1. In the Activity Details tab of an Engineering Work Order or Business Interaction page, select an activity.

  2. Click the Assign icon in the toolbar.

    The Assign Activity dialog box appears.

  3. In the Assign User field, select a user.

  4. Click Save.

    The dialog box closes and the assigned user appears in the Assigned User column for the selected activity.

Assigning a User to Multiple Activities at a Time

You can assign a user to multiple activities at a time from the Activity Details tab of the Engineering Work Order Summary page.


Only the user who has a role of ProjectManager can assign a user to multiple activities. See UIM System Administrator's Guide for information about granting application roles.

The users from which you can select are determined by the permissions assigned to users in Oracle Enterprise Manager. Task specifications can also restrict which users can be assigned to activities. The specification can include a list of user groups to which assigned users must belong. You set up user groups in WebLogic Server Administration Console. See UIM System Administrator's Guide for more information about assigning permissions and defining user groups. If email notification is set up in UIM, users receive notification when they are assigned an activity and also when the activity is ready to be worked on. See the section on “About Email Notification" in the chapter, “Managing Workflow" in UIM Concepts and the chapter, "Extending Notifications" in UIM Developer's Guide for more information about email notifications.

To assign a user to multiple activities at a time:

  1. In the Activity Details tab of an Engineering Work Order or Business Interaction page, select one or more activities.

  2. Click the Assign icon in the toolbar.

    The Assign Activity dialog box appears.

  3. In the Assign User field, select a user.

  4. Click Save.

    The dialog box closes and the assigned user appears in the Assigned User column for all the selected activities.

Assigning a User to Multiple Activities from My Activities and My Group Activities

To assign a user to multiple activities:

  1. Navigate to the My Activities or My Group Activities page.

  2. Enter the search criteria and click Search.

  3. In the Search Results section, select one or more activities.

  4. Click the Assign icon on the top-right corner of the My Activities or My Group Activities search page.

    The Assign User page appears.

  5. Select a user from the Select User list.

  6. Click Assign User.

    The selected user is assigned to the activities.

Inserting Activities into Workflows

You can insert activities into a workflow to reflect work that was not included in the original template or to divide the work processes into different chunks. When you insert an activity, you can select from all the Task specifications for all the activities deployed to UIM.

The activity you insert can depend on the previous activity in the flow or parallel to it.

To insert an activity into a workflow:

  1. In the Activity Details tab of an Engineering Work Order or Business Interaction page, select the activity after which you want to insert a new activity.

  2. Click the Create Activity icon in the toolbar.

    The Insert Activity dialog box appears.

  3. In the Specification field, select a Task specification.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the activity.

  5. In the Duration field, enter the duration of the activity in days.

  6. Select the Parallel check box if you want the activity to be worked on at the same time as the activity that precedes it in the workflow.

  7. Click Save.

    The dialog box closes and the activity is inserted.

Associating Resources with Activities

You can associate resources with activities in the Activity Workspace area of an Activity Summary page. Most resources you associate with activities become items in the business interaction or engineering work order to which the activity's workflow belongs. When a resource is not business-interaction-enabled, associating it to an activity does not result in a business interaction item. See "Understanding Business Interaction Content" for more information about business interaction items.

If the Task specification on which the activity is based includes an association with a resource specification, you can create that resource from the Actions menu.

To associate a resource with an activity:

  1. Open an Activity Summary page.

  2. In the Activity Workspace section, do one of the following:

    To associate a resource based on a related specification:

    1. In the Actions menu, select the name of a specification that has been related to the Task specification on which the activity is based.

      A New page for the relevant entity type appears, with the specification already entered.

    2. Create the new entity normally, and then return to the Activity Summary page.

      The Activity Workspace section includes the new entity. The entity is also added as an item to the parent business interaction or engineering work order.

    To associate a resource not based on a related specification:

    1. Click the Associate button, and then select an entity type.

      A New page for the entity type appears.

    2. Create the new entity normally, and then return to the Activity Summary page.

      The Activity Workspace section includes the new entity. The entity is also added as an item to the parent business interaction or engineering work order.

Searching for Telephone Number Blocks from within Activities

You can search for telephone number blocks from within activities in the Activity Workspace area of an Activity Summary page.

To search for telephone number blocks from within an activity:

  1. Open an Activity Summary page.

  2. In the Activity Workspace section, from the Actions menu, select TN Bulk Actions, and then select Telephone Number Blocks.

    The Telephone Number Blocks page appears.

  3. Enter the search criteria in the desired fields. Some fields require that you enter text; others allow you to select from lists.

  4. In the Block Size field, enter the telephone number block size. This is a mandatory field.

  5. Click Search TN Blocks.

    The telephone number blocks that meet your search criteria are displayed in the Blocks Results section.

Updating the Progress of Activities

Project managers keep track of the progress of activities in engineering work orders and business interactions for which they are responsible. To keep this information up to date, you record your progress on an activity as you work on it.

You can update the progress of an in-progress activity and change its duration. Changing the duration of an activity affects the dates for other activities dependent on it.

To update activity progress from the Activity Summary page:

  1. In the Activity Information section of an Activity Summary page, click the Edit button.

  2. In the Percent Complete field, adjust the slider to the appropriate value.

  3. Click Save.

Starting Activities

You can start working on an activity when it is in Ready status and it has been assigned to you. An activity reaches Ready status when all the previous activities in its workflow have been completed. When you start working on an activity, you change its status to In Progress.

You can start an activity from the Activities list in the Activity Details tab or from the activity's Summary page.

Starting an Activity from the Activities List

To start an activity from the Activities List:

  1. In the Activity Details tab of an Engineering Work Order or Business Interaction page, select the activity you want to start.

  2. Click the Start icon in the toolbar.

    The status of the activity changes to In Progress. If a checklist is associated with the activity, it is created.

Starting an Activity from the Activity Summary Page

To start an activity from the Activity Summary page:

  1. Navigate to the Activity Summary page of the activity.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Start.

    The status of the activity changes to In Progress. If a checklist is associated with the activity, it is created and appears in the Checklist section.

Completing Activities

Completing an activity means that work on it is finished. If the activity has a checklist, all of the checklist items must be complete before you can complete the activity.

Completing an activity means that the next activity (or activities when there are more than one in parallel) changes to Ready status.

Completing an Activity From the Activity Details Tab

To complete an activity from the Activity Details tab:

  1. In the Activity Details tab of an Engineering Work Order or Business Interaction page, select an activity that is finished.

  2. Click the Complete icon in the toolbar.

    The activity status changes to Completed and the next activity or activities change to Ready status. If you complete an activity before or after its schedule completion date, the dates of other activities may change.

Completing an Activity From the Activity Summary Page

To complete an activity from the Activity Summary Page:

  1. Navigate to the Activity Summary page of an activity that is ready to be completed.

  2. In the Actions menu, select Complete.

    The activity status changes to Completed and the next activity or activities change to Ready status. If you complete an activity before or after its schedule completion date, the dates of other activities may change.

Reopening Activities

After an activity has been completed, you can reopen it for additional work. After you reopen the activity, its status is reset to Ready and you must start it again to make changes.

You can reopen a completed activity from the Activity Details tab or from the Activity Summary page. Reopening activities requires that you have a project manager role and privileges.

Reopening an Activity from the Activity Details Tab

If you reopen a completed activity, dependent activities in Ready status revert to Pending status. In-progress activities remain in that status.

To reopen an activity from the Activity Details tab:

  1. In the Activity Details tab of an Engineering Work Order or Business Interaction page, select an activity in Completed status.

  2. Click the Reopen icon in the toolbar.

    The activity status changes to In Progress. Other activities may also change status.

Reopening an Activity from the Activity Summary Page

If you reopen a completed activity, dependent activities in Ready status revert to Pending status. In-progress activities remain in that status.

To reopen an activity from the Activity Summary page:

  1. Navigate to the Activity Summary page of the activity.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Reopen.

    The activity status changes to In Progress. Other activities may also change status.

Working with Checklists

Checklists can be associated with activities to provide specific steps that must be completed. If a checklist is associated with an activity, it is created when you start the activity.

As you work, you mark checklist items as complete. You do not have to complete the items in order, but they must all be complete before you complete the activity.

The Activity Summary pages of activities with associated checklists include a Checklist section. Activities with checklist include a checklist icon in the Activities list.

When working with checklists, see the following topics:

Adding Items to a Checklists

You can add items to checklist. For example, if the specification for the checklist does not include steps that are necessary for this particular activity, you can add them.

To add an item to a checklist:

  1. In the Checklist section of an Activity Summary page, click the New Item button.

    A new row appears at end of the list in the Checklist section.

  2. Click in the Item Name column of the new row and enter a name for the item.

  3. (Optional) Click in the Comment column of the new row to enter additional information.

Editing Checklist Items

You can edit the name and comments of a checklist item.

To edit a checklist item:

  1. In the Checklist section of an Activity Summary page, click in the row of the item you want to edit.

  2. Click the Edit button.

    The Edit button is highlighted and the row becomes editable.

  3. Edit the text in the Item Name or Comments field.

  4. Click the Edit button.

    The Edit button returns to its normal appearance and the row contains your edited text.

Marking Checklist Items as Complete

You mark checklist items as you complete them. When all checklist items are complete, you can complete the activity.

To mark a checklist item as complete:

  • In the Checklist section of an Activity Summary page, click the check mark in the Status column of the item you want to complete.

    The check mark turns green to signify that the item is complete.

Related Topics

Completing Activities

Creating Entities and Performing Entity-Specific Tasks in Bulk

Entity bulk operations enable you to create multiple entities and perform various operations on multiple entities at a time, based on the data you provide as input in various tabs in a spreadsheet file. You can create entities and perform entity-specific tasks in bulk using the Automated Bulk Import section in the Activity Summary page.

You can create the following entities by specifying the required information in the spreadsheet file:

  • Property location

  • Network entity code

  • Logical device

  • Physical device

  • Equipment

  • Connectivity

  • Network

You can perform the following actions by specifying entity-specific information in the spreadsheet file:

  • Associate logical devices, physical devices, and equipment

  • Add a shelf in a rack

  • Add a card to a slot in a shelf

  • Map a physical device to a logical device

  • Map a physical device to equipment, and map a physical device to a logical device at the same time

  • Map a device interface to a port

  • Add connectivities to a network

  • Add network nodes

  • Add network edges

To create entities and perform entity-specific tasks in bulk:


You can use the UIM_Home/config/inventoryimport.properties file to define column headers in spreadsheets for importing entities.

  1. Create an engineering work order. See "Creating an Engineering Work Order" for more information

  2. Assign users to activities. See "Assigning Users to Activities" for more information.

  3. In the Activity Details tab of an Engineering Work Order page, click a link in the Name column of an activity.

    The Activity Summary page appears.

  4. In the Automated Bulk Import section, do one of the following:

    1. In the Field field, navigate to and select a spreadsheet file that contains the required entity information.

    2. Click Download Excel Template to download the sample spreadsheet file in which you can provide the required entity information.

    3. Open the downloaded spreadsheet and update the tabs with data that you want to upload.


      In the respective tab of the downloaded spreadsheet, always fill the Action column as Create.

      You can add any number of characteristics to the elements you want to create by adding new characteristic columns in the corresponding spreadsheet tabs.

    4. Save and close the spreadsheet.

  5. Click Process.

    UIM processes the input data you provided in various tabs in the spreadsheet file.

Related Topics

Activity Summary Page

Activity Summary Page

You use the Activity Summary page to define the content and status of an activity that is included in a workflow.

See the following topic for more information about summary pages:


The sections listed in the following table are specific to the Activity Summary page. See "Entity Summary Page" for information about Summary page fields that are common among all entities.

Section Description

Activity Information

Displays identifying information about the activity along with its status, proposed and actual start and end dates, assigned user, and percentage complete.

You can update the percentage complete. See "Updating the Progress of Activities" for more information.

Automated Bulk Import

Enables you to process the entity-specific operations, based on the data you provide in a spreadsheet file. This section has the following options:

  • File: Lets you navigate to and select a spreadsheet file that contains the required information about the entities.

  • Download Excel Template: Click to download the sample excel template.

  • Process: Click to start the entity bulk operation process.

Activity Workspace

Lists resources that are created as part of the activity. Also, enables you to search for telephone number blocks from within activities. See "Associating Resources with Activities" and "Searching for Telephone Number Blocks from within Activities".


(Present only for activities with associated checklists.). Displays the items in the checklist. You can add items to the checklist, modify existing checklist items, and mark items as complete. See "Working with Checklists" for more information.

Working with Assigned Activities

Project managers assign users to complete activities. When activities have been assigned to you, you use the My Activities page or the My Group Activities page to view information about your assignments, update their statuses, open activities to work on them, and complete other tasks.

When working with assigned activities, see the following topics:

Receiving Notification

If UIM is configured to send notifications, you receive emails when you are assigned an activity and when the activity is ready to work. You may receive additional notifications depending on how UIM is configured.

Notifications include a link that takes you directly to the Activity Summary page of the assigned activity.

Working on Your Assigned Activities

You can manage the activities assigned to you by using the My Activities page. The page has these sections:

  • The Recent Activity Summary section displays a pie chart that shows the distribution of your activities by their statuses (Completed, In Progress, Ready, and Pending). Mousing over a section in the chart displays additional information, including the total duration of the activities in the section.

  • The Activity Trends section displays a graph that represents the number of activities assigned to you and the number you have completed.

  • The Activities list displays a scrolling list of all activities assigned to you, ordered by their start dates. The list includes detailed information for each activity. You can click an activity name in the list to open its Activity Summary page. From the Activity Summary page, you can record you work on the activity and update your status. See "Managing Activities" for more information.

Related Topics

My Activities Page

Viewing Activities Assigned to Your Workgroup

You can view the activities assigned to you by using the My Group Activities page. The page has these sections:

  • The Recent Activity Summary section displays a pie chart that shows the distribution of your group activities by their statuses (Completed, In Progress, Ready, and Pending). Mousing over a section in the chart displays additional information, including the total duration of the activities in the section.

  • The Activity Trends section displays a graph that represents the number of activities assigned to your group and the number that have been completed.

  • The Activities list displays a scrolling list of all activities assigned to your workgroup, ordered by their start dates. The list includes detailed information for each activity. You can click an activity name in the list to open its Activity Summary page. From the Activity Summary page, you can record you work on the activity and update your status. See "Managing Activities" for more information.

Related Topics

My Group Activities Page

My Activities Page

You use the My Activities page to search and view information about activities assigned to you and to record your progress on completing those activities. The My Activities page has three sections, two of which display read-only information.


You can search for activities assigned to you by entering the search criteria in this section.

Column Description

Activity Name

The name of the activity.

From the Activity Summary page, you can record you work on the activity and update your status. See "Managing Activities" for more information.

Work Order Name

The engineering work order or business interaction to which the activity belongs.


The organization responsible for completing the engineering work order or business interaction that contains the activity and its parent workflow.


The type of the activity.

Desired Due Date

The due date of the engineering work order or business interaction to which the activity belongs.


The Task specification on which the activity is based.

Start Date

The date by which the activity is scheduled to start based on the dates of the preceding activities in its workflow.

End Date

The date by which the activity is scheduled to be completed based on its start date and duration.


The scheduled duration of the activity in days.


The activity's status (Pending, Ready, In Progress, or Completed).

Percent Complete

The percentage complete based on the value of the Percent Complete field in the Activity Summary page.

Workflow Template

The workflow template associated with the activity.

Assigned User

The user assigned to the activity.

Recent Activity Summary Section

This section displays a pie chart that shows the distribution of your activities by their statuses (Completed, In Progress, Ready, and Pending). Mousing over a section in the chart displays additional information, including the total duration of the activities in the section.

Activity Trends Section

The Activity Trends section displays a graph that represents the number of activities assigned to you and the number you have completed.

Activities List

The Activity list displays a scrolling list of all activities assigned to you, which includes detailed information about each. You can click an activity name in the list to open its Activity Summary page. From the Activity Summary page, you perform actions such as assigning users, updating progress, and associating resources.

You can select multiple activities and change their status using Start and Complete icons on the top-right corner of the page. Click the Start icon to move all the activities in Ready state to In-Progress. Click the Complete icon to move all the activities in In-Progress state to Complete.

Column Description

Activity Name

The name of the activity, formatted as a link to its Activity Summary page.

From the Activity Summary page, you can record you work on the activity and update your status. See "Managing Activities" for more information.

Work Order

The engineering work order or business interaction to which the activity belongs.


The organization responsible for completing the engineering work order or business interaction that contains the activity and its parent workflow.


Engineering Work Order or Business Interaction.

Desired Due Date

The due date and time of the engineering work order or business interaction to which the activity belongs.

Activity Specification

The Task specification on which the activity is based.

Start Date

The date and time by which the activity is scheduled to start based on the dates of the preceding activities in its workflow.

End Date

The date and time by which the activity is scheduled to be completed based on its start date and duration.


The scheduled duration of the activity in days.


The activity's status (Pending, Ready, In Progress, Aborted, or Completed).

Percent Complete

The percentage complete based on the value of the Percent Complete field in the Activity Summary page.

My Group Activities Page

You use the My Group Activities page to search and view information about activities assigned to members of a work group to which you belong. The My Group Activities page has three sections, two of which display read-only information.


You can search for the work groups that you belong to by entering the search criteria in this section.

Column Description

Activity Name

The name of the activity.

From the Activity Summary page, you can record you work on the activity and update your status. See "Managing Activities" for more information.

Work Order Name

The engineering work order or business interaction to which the activity belongs.


The organization responsible for completing the engineering work order or business interaction that contains the activity and its parent workflow.


The type of the activity.

Desired Due Date

The due date of the engineering work order or business interaction to which the activity belongs.


The Task specification on which the activity is based.

Start Date

The date by which the activity is scheduled to start based on the dates of the preceding activities in its workflow.

End Date

The date by which the activity is scheduled to be completed based on its start date and duration.


The scheduled duration of the activity in days.


The activity's status (Pending, Ready, In Progress, or Completed).

Percent Complete

The percentage complete based on the value of the Percent Complete field in the Activity Summary page.

Workflow Template

The workflow template associated with the activity.

Assigned User

The user assigned to the activity.

Recent Activity Summary Section

This section displays a pie chart that shows the distribution of group activities by their statuses (Completed, In Progress, Ready, and Pending). Mousing over a section in the chart displays additional information, including the total duration of the activities in the section.

Activity Trends Section

The Activity Trends section displays a graph that represents the number of activities assigned to your group and the number completed.

Activity List

The Activity list displays a scrolling list of all activities assigned to your group, which includes detailed information about each. You can click an activity name in the list to open its Activity Summary page. From the Activity Summary page, you perform actions such as assigning users, updating progress, and associating resources.

Column Description

Activity Name

The name of the activity, formatted as a link to its Activity Summary page.

From the Activity Summary page, you can record you work on the activity and update your status. See "Managing Activities" for more information.

Work Order

The engineering work order or business interaction to which the activity belongs.


The organization responsible for completing the engineering work order or business interaction that contains the activity and its parent workflow.


Engineering Work Order or Business Interaction.

Desired Due Date

The due date and time of the engineering work order or business interaction to which the activity belongs.

Activity Specification

The Task specification on which the activity is based.

Start Date

The date and time by which the activity is scheduled to start based on the dates of the preceding activities in its workflow.

End Date

The date and time by which the activity is scheduled to be completed based on its start date and duration.


The scheduled duration of the activity in days.


The activity's status (Pending, Ready, In Progress, Aborted, or Completed).

Assigned User

The user assigned to the activity.

Percent Complete

The percentage complete based on the Percent Complete field in the Activity Summary page.

Activities - Bulk Edit Page

You use the Activities - Bulk Edit page to edit the characteristics of one or more activity entities with the same specification. The Bulk Edit option appears only if you select one or more activity entities from the search results.

To enable the Bulk Edit option, you must do the following:

  1. Navigate to the My Activities or My Group Activities page.

  2. Select a specification in the search criteria.

  3. In the Search Results section, select one or more entities.

  4. Click Bulk Edit.

    The Activity - Bulk Edit page appears.

To bulk edit the characteristics of My Activities or My Group Activities:

  1. In the Activity - Bulk Edit page, click Add Fields to select the characteristics fields to display.

    The Add Fields page appears.

  2. Use the arrow buttons to move fields from the Available Fields column to the Selected Fields column to select the fields to display and edit. You can also move fields from the Selected Fields column back to the Available Fields column.


    If there are no characteristics for the selected specification, the page columns appear empty. In this case, you need to add characteristics to the specification. See UIM Concepts for information on characteristics.
  3. Click OK.

    The selected characteristics appear in the bulk edit page.

  4. Enter values in the relevant fields for the characteristics.

  5. Click Save And Close.

    The following confirmation message is displayed:

    You are about to update all the selected entities of specification
    specificationName. The following characteristics values will be updated.
    Do you want to proceed?


    The confirmation message displays the selected characteristic values along with their updated values. For characteristics with no values, null is displayed.
  6. Click Yes.

    The characteristics with updated values are added to all selected entities.