16 Working with Telephone Numbers

You can include telephone numbers in Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM). You can manage and assign telephone numbers as items in your inventory, or you can include them only as information that applies to other entities, such as parties or locations.

Specifications can define different types of telephone numbers that vary by geography. For example, you could have specifications for North American numbers and UK numbers. You may also have specifications that define numbers for specific purposes, such as wire line numbers or Centrex numbers.

The formatting of telephone numbers is governed by rulesets defined for each specification. These rulesets determine the length of a number and arrangement of its digits. A default ruleset applies when a specification does not include its own. See UIM System Administrator's Guide for information about setting the default values.

A configuration file entry controls whether zeros are allowed at the beginning of telephone numbers. By default, leading zeros are stripped during validation, but you can change the setting to allow them. Some countries, such as South Africa, use leading zeros as an integral part of telephone numbers. See UIM System Administrator's Guide for information about changing this setting.

You can include telephone numbers in conditions, involvements, inventory groups, business interactions, network address domains, and reservations.

The Telephone Number landing page contains icons that enable you to do the following:

You can also reserve a telephone number block (multiple telephone numbers) the same way as you reserve a single telephone number. See "Creating Reservations from a Search Results Page" for more information.

In addition, the Telephone Number landing page also contains icons that enable you to perform various bulk operations on multiple telephone numbers at a time by providing data in a spreadsheet file as input, which UIM uses to process the bulk operation. See "Working with Telephone Number Bulk Operations" for more information.

See the following topics for more information about working with Telephone Number entities:

Creating Telephone Numbers

You can create Telephone Number entities individually or in blocks of sequential numbers.

UIM enforces the formatting ruleset that applies to the specification you choose for the number. If you enter the number incorrectly, you see an error message.

To create Telephone Number entities:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Telephone Numbers.

    The Telephone Numbers landing page appears.

  2. Click Create.

    The Telephone Number - New page appears. See "Telephone Number - New Page" for information about this page.

  3. In the Specification list, select the Telephone Number specification you want to use for the entities that you create.

    If the specification you select includes characteristics, they appear in the page.

  4. In the Range From field, do one of the following:

    • Enter the number you want to create.

    • Enter the starting number of a range of numbers that you want to create.

  5. (Optional) In the Range To field, enter the ending number if you are creating a range of numbers.

    UIM creates individual entities for each number in the range.

  6. In the Description field, enter a description for the number or numbers.

  7. Enter the appropriate information for any additional fields that appear in the page.

  8. Click Save and Continue.

Working with Telephone Number Bulk Operations

Telephone number bulk operations enable you to perform various operations on multiple telephone numbers at a time, based on the data you provide as input in a spreadsheet file. You can perform the following bulk operations on telephone numbers:

  • Load and associate telephone numbers

  • Create ported-in telephone numbers

  • Assign ported-in numbers to services

  • Transition ported-out telephone numbers

  • Transition snapback telephone numbers

  • Transition winback telephone numbers

  • Assign winback telephone numbers to services

See the following topics for more information about working with telephone number bulk operations:

Loading and Associating Telephone Numbers in Bulk

You can load and associate telephone numbers in bulk using the Telephone Number Operation - Load And Associate page. Loading and associating telephone numbers implies that in a single operation you can do the following:

  • (Optional) Create logical devices.

  • (Optional) Create logical device accounts.

  • Associate logical devices with telephone numbers and logical device accounts. The telephone numbers must already exist in the inventory.

To load and associate telephone numbers, UIM provides a sample spreadsheet that contains the following tabs:

  • SIM: Use this tab to specify information to create logical devices, which represent the subscriber identity module (SIM). This tab is optional.

  • IMSI: Use this tab to specify information to create logical device accounts, which represent the international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI). This tab is optional.

  • SimMapping: Use this tab to specify information to associate SIMs with IMSIs, and to associate Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number (MSISDNs) with IMSIs. On the SimMapping tab, telephone numbers represent MSISDN. Associating MSISDNs with SIMs is optional. In other words, you may choose to not specify telephone numbers in the MSISDN column, in which case UIM ignores the MSISDN column and associates only the SIMs with IMSIs.

UIM uses separate transactions to process the information in the SIM, IMSI, and SimMapping tabs. The SIM tab is processed first, and next the IMSI tab is processed, and then finally the SimMapping tab is processed. If the processing of a tab fails, UIM does not roll back the successfully completed processes of the other tabs. For example, if the processing of the IMSI tab fails, UIM does not roll back the logical devices that are created as part of processing the SIM tab.


In the sample spreadsheet, you must retain the column headers even if all the rows in a column are empty.

On the SIM tab, you provide the required information in the following columns to create logical device entities in bulk:

  • action (for example, CREATE)

  • name

  • specification

  • description

  • characteristic

  • deviceIdentifier

  • networkLocation

On the IMSI tab, you provide the required information in the following columns to create logical device account entities in bulk:

  • action (for example, CREATE)

  • name

  • specification

  • description

  • characteristic

  • SIMName

  • SIMId

On the SimMapping tab, you provide the required information in the following columns to associate SIMs with IMSIs, and to associate SIMs with MSISDNs:

  • action (for example, ASSOCIATE)


  • SIMName

  • IMSIName


In UIM, entities must have unique IDs but can have the same name. In other words, UIM does not to distinguish between entities of the same type that are not uniquely named.

For example, when associating SIMs (logical devices) and IMSIs (logical device accounts) using the Load and Associating bulk operation, ensure that you specify a unique name in the SIMName column on the SimMapping tab of the Load and Associate spreadsheet. If you specify the same name for multiple logical devices in multiple rows under the SIMName column, the Load and Associate bulk operation may not work as expected and may fetch the same logical device from the database and associate it with different logical device accounts/telephone numbers.

UIM uses the spreadsheet file to load and associate telephone numbers in bulk.

To load and associate telephone numbers in bulk:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Telephone Numbers.

    The Telephone Number landing page appears.

  2. Hover the mouse cursor over the Load And Associate icon and click Load And Associate.

    The Telephone Number Operation - Load And Associate page appears.

  3. In the Field field, click Browse to navigate to and select a spreadsheet file that contains information about the logical devices, telephone numbers, and logical device accounts that you want to associate.

  4. (Optional) Click Download Excel Template to download the sample spreadsheet file in which you can provide the required telephone number information.

  5. Click Process.

    UIM processes the input data you provided in the spreadsheet and associates SIMs with IMSIs, and if you provided information about MSISDNs (telephone numbers) in the spreadsheet file, then UIM associates MSISDNs with SIMs using custom involvements.

Working with Ported-In Telephone Numbers

You work with the ported-in telephone numbers in the following pages:

  • Telephone Number Operation - Port In: Enables you to create ported-in telephone numbers in bulk by providing the required information in a spreadsheet file.

  • Telephone Number Operation - Port In Service Assignment: Enables you to bulk assign the ported-in telephone numbers to services by providing the required information in a spreadsheet file.

UIM uses separate spreadsheet files to create ported-in telephone numbers and to assign the ported-in telephone numbers to services.

See the following topics for more information about working with ported-in telephone numbers:

Creating Ported-In Telephone Numbers in Bulk

You can create ported-in telephone numbers in bulk using the Telephone Number Operation - Port In page.

In a spreadsheet file, you provide the required information in the following columns to create the ported-in telephone numbers:

  • action (for example, PORTIN)

  • telephoneNumber

  • specification

  • characteristic (for example, tnType=PORTEDIN)

    UIM uses the TN Type characteristic to identify telephone numbers as ported-in.

  • description

To create ported-in telephone numbers in bulk:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Telephone Numbers.

    The Telephone Number landing page appears.

  2. Hover the mouse cursor over the Port In icon and click Port In.

    The Telephone Number Operation - Port In page appears.

  3. In the Field field, click Browse to navigate to and select a spreadsheet file that contains the required information about the ported-in telephone numbers.

  4. (Optional) Click Download Excel Template to download the sample spreadsheet file in which you can provide the required telephone number information.

  5. Click Process.

    UIM processes the input data you provided in the spreadsheet, creates multiple ported-in numbers and reserves them based on the specified quarantine period.

    The quarantine period is configured in the telephoneNumberBulk.properties file. See UIM System Administrator's Guide for more information.

Bulk Assigning Ported-In Telephone Numbers to Services

You can assign ported-in telephone numbers to services using the Telephone Number Operation - Port In Service Assignment page. The ported-in telephone numbers must not be in Reserved status for the bulk assignment to be successful.

In a spreadsheet file, you provide the required information in the following columns to assign the newly created ported-in telephone numbers to services:

  • action (for example, PORTIN)

  • telephoneNumber

  • serviceSpecification

  • serviceName

  • serviceConfigurationSpecification

To bulk assign the ported-in telephone numbers to services:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Telephone Numbers.

    The Telephone Number landing page appears.

  2. Hover the mouse cursor over the Port In icon and click Port In Service Assignment.

    The Telephone Number Operation - Port In Service Assignment page appears.

  3. In the Field field, click Browse to navigate to and select a spreadsheet file that contains information about the ported-in telephone numbers and the services to which you want to assign them.

  4. (Optional) Click Download Excel Template to download the sample spreadsheet file in which you can provide the required telephone number information.

  5. Click Process.

    UIM processes the input data you provided in the spreadsheet, creates services and service configurations, assigns the ported-in telephone numbers to the configuration items on the service configurations and completes the service configurations.

Transitioning Ported-Out Telephone Numbers in Bulk

You can transition ported-out telephone numbers in bulk using the Telephone Number Operation - Port Out page.

In a spreadsheet file, you provide the required information in the following columns to transition ported-out telephone numbers in bulk:

  • action (for example, PORTOUT)

  • telephoneNumber

  • characteristic (for example, tnType=PORTEDOUT)

    UIM uses the TN Type characteristic to identify telephone numbers as ported-out.

UIM uses the spreadsheet file to transition ported-out telephone numbers in bulk.

To transition ported-out telephone numbers in bulk:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Telephone Numbers.

    The Telephone Number landing page appears.

  2. Hover the mouse cursor over the Port Out icon and click Port Out.

    The Telephone Number Operation - Port Out page appears.

  3. In the Field field, click Browse to navigate to and select a spreadsheet file that contains information about the ported-out telephone numbers you want to create.

  4. (Optional) Click Download Excel Template to download the sample spreadsheet file in which you can provide the required telephone number information.

  5. Click Process.

    UIM processes the input data you provided in the spreadsheet and transitions the ported-out telephone numbers to PORTED status.

Transitioning Snapback Telephone Numbers in Bulk

You can transition snapback telephone numbers in bulk using the Telephone Number Operation - Snapback page.

In a spreadsheet file, you provide the required information in the following columns to transition the snapback telephone numbers in bulk:

  • action (for example, SNAPBACK)

  • telephoneNumber

  • characteristic (for example, tnType=OWNED)

UIM uses the spreadsheet file to transition the snapback telephone numbers in bulk.

To transition snapback telephone numbers in bulk:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Telephone Numbers.

    The Telephone Number landing page appears.

  2. Hover the mouse cursor over the Snapback icon and click Snapback.

    The Telephone Number Operation - Snapback page appears.

  3. In the Field field, click Browse to navigate to and select a spreadsheet file that contains information about the snapback telephone numbers you want to create.

  4. (Optional) Click Download Excel Template to download the sample spreadsheet file in which you can provide the required telephone number information.

  5. Click Process.

    UIM processes the input data you provided in the spreadsheet and transitions the snapback telephone numbers to Unassigned status.

Working with Winback Telephone Numbers

You work with the winback telephone numbers in the following pages:

  • Telephone Number Operation - Winback: Enables you to transition winback telephone numbers in bulk by providing the required information in a spreadsheet file.

  • Telephone Number Operation - Winback Service Assignment: Enables you to bulk assign winback telephone numbers to services by providing the required information in a spreadsheet file.

UIM uses separate spreadsheet files to transition winback telephone numbers and to assign the winback telephone numbers to services.

See the following topics for more information about working with winback telephone numbers:

Transitioning Winback Telephone Numbers in Bulk

You can transition winback telephone numbers in bulk using the Telephone Number Operation - Winback page.

In a spreadsheet file, you provide the required information in the following columns to create the winback telephone numbers:

  • action (for example, WINBACK)

  • telehoneNumber

  • characteristic (for example, tnType=OWNED)

  • characteristic (for example, winback=true)

To transition winback telephone numbers in bulk:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Telephone Numbers.

    The Telephone Number landing page appears.

  2. Hover the mouse cursor over the Winback icon and click Winback.

    The Telephone Number Operation - Winback page appears.

  3. In the Field field, click Browse to navigate to and select a spreadsheet file that contains information about the winback telephone numbers.

  4. (Optional) Click Download Excel Template to download the sample spreadsheet file in which you can provide the required telephone number information.

  5. Click Process.

    UIM processes the input data you provided in the spreadsheet and transitions the winback telephone numbers to Unassigned status.

Bulk Assigning Winback Telephone Numbers to Services

You can assign winback telephone numbers to services using the Telephone Number Operation - Winback Service Assignment page.

In a spreadsheet file, you provide the required information in the following columns to assign the winback telephone numbers to services:

  • action (for example, WINBACK)

  • telephoneNumber

  • serviceSpecification

  • serviceName

  • serviceConfigurationSpecification

To bulk assign winback telephone numbers to services:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Telephone Numbers.

    The Telephone Number landing page appears.

  2. Hover the mouse cursor over the Winback icon and click Winback Service Assignment.

    The Telephone Number Operation - Winback Service Assignment page appears.

  3. In the Field field, click Browse to navigate to and select a spreadsheet file that contains information about the winback telephone numbers and the services to which you want to assign them.

  4. (Optional) Click Download Excel Template to download the sample spreadsheet file in which you can provide the required telephone number information.

  5. Click Process.

    UIM processes the input data you provided in the spreadsheet, creates services and service configurations, assigns the winback telephone numbers to the configuration items on the service configurations and completes the service configurations.

Telephone Number - New Page

You use the Telephone Number - New page to create Telephone Number entities individually or in blocks of sequential numbers. The maximum number you can create is configurable based on the uim.entity.maxCreateRange entry in the system-config. properties file. See the UIM System Administration Guide for more information.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select the Telephone Number specification you want to use for the entities you create. For example, the specification might define different types of telephone numbers that vary by geography.

See UIM Concepts for more information about telephone numbers.

Range From

Enter the number you want to create or the starting number of a range of numbers.

Range To

(Optional) Enter the ending number if you are creating a range of numbers.


Enter a description of the telephone number.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the telephone number. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the telephone number to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Telephone Number - Information Page

You use the Telephone Number - Information page to edit the information that appears in the Summary page Information section. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the specification used to define the telephone number. This field is read only.


Edit the description of the telephone number.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the telephone number. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the telephone number to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Telephone Number - Bulk Edit Page

You use the Telephone Number - Bulk Edit page to edit the characteristics of one or more Telephone Number entities. To enable this option, you must do the following:

  • Select a specification in the telephone number search.

  • Be in the current or live business interaction context.

  • In the Search Results section, select one or more entities.

  • Then, select the Bulk Edit option, which opens the Telephone Number - Bulk Edit page.

To bulk edit the characteristics of Telephone Number entities:

  1. In the Telephone Number - Bulk Edit page, click the Add Fields button to select the characteristics fields to display.

    The Add Fields page appears.

  2. Use the arrow buttons to move fields from the available fields to the selected fields column to select the fields to display and edit. You can also move fields from the selected fields column back to available fields. Click OK.


    If there are no characteristics for the selected specification, the page columns appear empty. In this case, you need to add characteristics to the specification. See UIM Concepts for information on characteristics.

    The selected characteristics appear in the bulk edit page.

  3. Enter values in the relevant fields for the characteristics.

  4. Click Save And Close.

    The following confirmation message is displayed:

    You are about to update all the selected entities of specification specificationName. The following characteristics values will be updated.
    Do you want to proceed?
  5. Click Yes.

    The characteristics with set field values are added to all selected entities.

Telephone Number Summary Page

You use the Telephone Number Summary page to define the content for Telephone Number entities. The page is arranged into tabs, each of which is used for a different purpose:

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

See "Entity Summary Page" for information about Summary page fields that are common among all entities.

General Information Tab

You use the General Information tab to view basic information about the Telephone Number entity, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created. See "Telephone Number - Information Page" for more information.

Associated Resources Tab

You use the Associated Resources tab to view any custom associations defined for the telephone number with entities that are not otherwise associated. See "Working with Custom Involvements" for more information.

Consumers Tab

You use the Consumers tab to view information about assignments and business interactions of the telephone number.

Section Description


Displays the assignments of the telephone number to another entity. For each assignment, you can see the ID and name of the entity to which the assignment has been made, that entity's specification, the assignment status, and the start and end dates.

Business Interactions

Displays any business interactions with which the telephone number is associated.

See "Working with Business Interactions" for more information.

Groups and Infrastructure Tab

You use the Groups and Infrastructure tab to view any inventory groups to which the telephone number is associated. You use inventory groups to organize entities for a particular purpose.

See "Adding an Entity to an Inventory Group from the Entity Summary Page" for information about associating entities with an inventory group.

Telephone Number Operation Page

You use the Telephone Number Operation page to process the telephone number bulk operations (such as Load and Associate, Port In, Port Out, Snapback, and Winback), based on the data you provide in a spreadsheet file.

Field Description


Click Browse to navigate to and select a spreadsheet file that contains the required information about the telephone numbers.

Download Excel Template

Click to download the sample excel template.


Click to start the telephone number bulk operation process.


Click to cancel the telephone number bulk operation process.