1 Unified Inventory Management Installation Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the installation process of Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM).

Overview of the UIM Installation Procedure

Installing UIM involves a number of steps that you or others must complete:

  1. Review system requirements. See "Unified Inventory Management System Requirements".

  2. Install Oracle Database and configure it for UIM. See "Installing and Configuring the Oracle Database".

  3. Install Oracle WebLogic Server and configure it for UIM. See "Installing and Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server".

  4. Install UIM. See "Installing Unified Inventory Management".

  5. Perform post-installation configuration tasks. See "Unified Inventory Management Post-Installation Tasks".

  6. Verify the installation. See "Verifying the Unified Inventory Management Installation".

  7. Upgrade UIM. See "Upgrading Unified Inventory Management".

  8. (Optional) Troubleshooting UIM. See "Troubleshooting the Unified Inventory Management Installation".

  9. Install UIM patches. See "Installing UIM Patches".

  10. (Optional) Configure Oracle Maps. See "Configuring Oracle Maps".

  11. (Optional) Uninstall UIM. See "Uninstalling Unified Inventory Management".

Installation Options

There are many options you can choose during installation. This section describes the options that have the largest impact on the installation process.

Interactive Install and Silent Install

"Installing Unified Inventory Management" describes the following ways you can install UIM:

  • Interactive install: A typical installation or custom interactive installation where you interact with the Oracle Universal Installer UI.

  • Silent install: A script-based installation.

Both installations provide the same options. Oracle recommends that you use interactive install for your first installation.

Ensuring a Successful UIM Installation

UIM installation should be performed only by qualified personnel. You must be familiar with the following before you begin the installation:

  • UNIX operating system

  • Oracle WebLogic Server administration

  • Oracle Database administration

Additionally, you should have experience installing Java-related packages.

Follow these guidelines:

  • Pay close attention to the system requirements. Before you begin installing the application, ensure your system has the required base software. In addition, ensure that you know all of the required configuration values, such as host names and port numbers.

  • Make a note of any new configuration values as you create them. You will be required to enter configuration values later in the procedure.

  • As you install each component, verify that it installed successfully before continuing the installation process.

  • Monitor the installation log files, to verify the installation events. See "Checking the Installation Logs" for information on the installation log files.

Directory Placeholders Used in This Guide

Table 1-1 lists the placeholders that are used in this guide to refer to directories related to the UIM application.

Table 1-1 Directory Placeholders

Placeholder Directory Description


The directory in which the UIM software is installed. This directory contains various installation-related files.


The directory in which the Oracle Fusion Middleware products are installed. This directory contains the base directory for the WebLogic Server, a utilities directory, and other files and directories.


The directory in which the WebLogic Server is installed. It is located in the MW_Home directory.


The directory containing the configuration for the domain into which UIM is installed. The default location is MW_Home/user_projects/domains/domain_name, where domain_name is the name of the WebLogic server domain for UIM.