All REST Endpoints

Reconfigure Network Resources/Groom
Create and Process groom activities.
Create a Groom activity
Method: post
Path: /groom
Delete a groom project activity
Method: delete
Path: /groom/{projectName}/{activityName}
Get groom activity by Name
Method: get
Path: /groom/{projectName}/{activityName}
Process a groom activity
Method: post
Path: /groom/{projectName}/{activityName}/{task}
Reconfigure Network Resources/Rehome
Create and Process rehome activities.
Create a Rehome activity
Method: post
Path: /rehome
Delete a rehome activity
Method: delete
Path: /rehome/{projectName}/{activityName}
Get rehome activity by Name
Method: get
Path: /rehome/{projectName}/{activityName}
Process a rehome activity
Method: post
Path: /rehome/{projectName}/{activityName}/{task}
Reconfigure Network Resources/ReplaceCard
Create and Process replace card activities.
Create a Replace Card activity
Method: post
Path: /replacecard
Delete a replace card activity
Method: delete
Path: /replacecard/{projectName}/{activityName}
Get replace card activity by Name
Method: get
Path: /replacecard/{projectName}/{activityName}
Process a replace card activity
Method: post
Path: /replacecard/{projectName}/{activityName}/{task}
Create, get, update and delete UIM resources, such as equipment, logical devices, telephone numbers, and IP networks.
Create a Resource
Method: post
Path: /resource
Delete a Resource
Method: delete
Path: /resource/{id}
Get a Resource by ID
Method: get
Path: /resource/{id}
Get Resources
Method: get
Path: /resource
Update a Resource
Method: patch
Path: /resource/{id}
Create, get, update, process and delete Connectivity
Create a Connectivity
Method: post
Path: /connectivity
Delete a Connectivity
Method: delete
Path: /connectivity/{connectivityIdentifier}
Get a Connectivity by conectivityIdentifier or id
Method: get
Path: /connectivity/{connectivityIdentifier}
Get Connectivities
Method: get
Path: /connectivity
Process a Connectivity
Method: post
Path: /connectivity/{connectivityIdentifier}/{task}
Update a Connectivity
Method: patch
Path: /connectivity/{connectivityIdentifier}
Resource/Custom Network Address
Create, get, update and delete custom network addresses.
Create a Custom Network Address
Method: post
Path: /customNetworkAddress
Delete a Custom Network Address
Method: delete
Path: /customNetworkAddress/{id}
Get a Custom Network Address by ID
Method: get
Path: /customNetworkAddress/{id}
Get Custom Network Addresses
Method: get
Path: /customNetworkAddress
Update a Custom Network Address
Method: patch
Path: /customNetworkAddress/{id}
Resource/Custom Object
Create, get, update and delete custom objects.
Create a Custom Object
Method: post
Path: /customObject
Delete a Custom Object
Method: delete
Path: /customObject/{id}
Get a Custom Object by ID
Method: get
Path: /customObject/{id}
Get Custom Objects
Method: get
Path: /customObject
Update a Custom Object
Method: patch
Path: /customObject/{id}
Resource/Device Interface
Create, get, update and delete device interfaces.
Create Device Interfaces
Method: post
Path: /deviceInterface
Delete a Device Interface
Method: delete
Path: /deviceInterface/{id}
Get a Device Interface by ID
Method: get
Path: /deviceInterface/{id}
Get Device Interfaces
Method: get
Path: /deviceInterface
Update a Device Interface
Method: patch
Path: /deviceInterface/{id}
Create, get, update and delete equipment.
Create an Equipment Entity
Method: post
Path: /equipment
Delete an Equipment Entity
Method: delete
Path: /equipment/{id}
Get an Equipment Entity by ID
Method: get
Path: /equipment/{id}
Get Equipment
Method: get
Path: /equipment
Update a Equipment
Method: patch
Path: /equipment/{id}
Resource/Equipment Holder
Get and update equipment holders.
Get Equipment Holder by ID
Method: get
Path: /equipmentHolder/{id}
Get Equipment Holders
Method: get
Path: /equipmentHolder
Resource/Equipment/Associated Resources
Get resources associated with equipment.
Get Physical Connectors by Equipment
Method: get
Path: /equipment/{id}/physicalConnectors
Get Physical Ports by Equipment
Method: get
Path: /equipment/{id}/physicalPorts
The operations from the Resource/EquipmentHolder category.
Update a EquipmentHolder
Method: patch
Path: /equipmentHolder/{id}
Resource/Flow Identifier
Create, get, update and delete flow identifiers.
Create a Flow Identifier
Method: post
Path: /flowIdentifier
Delete a Flow Identifier
Method: delete
Path: /flowIdentifier/{id}
Get a Flow Identifier by ID
Method: get
Path: /flowIdentifier/{id}
Get Flow Identifiers
Method: get
Path: /flowIdentifier
Update a Flow Identifier
Method: patch
Path: /flowIdentifier/{id}
Resource/IP Address
Create, get, update and delete IP addresses.
Create an IPv6 Address
Method: post
Path: /ipv6Address
Create IPv4 Addresses
Method: post
Path: /ipv4Address
Delete an IPv4 Address
Method: delete
Path: /ipv4Address/{id}
Delete an IPv6 Address
Method: delete
Path: /ipv6Address/{id}
Get an IPv4 Address by ID
Method: get
Path: /ipv4Address/{id}
Get an IPv6 Address by ID
Method: get
Path: /ipv6Address/{id}
Get IPv4 Addresses
Method: get
Path: /ipv4Address
Get IPv6 Addresses
Method: get
Path: /ipv6Address
Resource/IP Network
Create, get, update and delete IP networks.
Create an IP Network
Method: post
Path: /ipNetwork
Delete an IP Network
Method: delete
Path: /ipNetwork/{id}
Get an IP Network by ID
Method: get
Path: /ipNetwork/{id}
Get IP Networks
Method: get
Path: /ipNetwork
Update a IP Network
Method: patch
Path: /ipNetwork/{id}
Resource/IP Subnet
Create, get, update and delete IP subnets.
Get an IP Subnet by ID
Method: get
Path: /ipSubnet/{id}
Get IP Subnets
Method: get
Path: /ipSubnet
Update an IP Subnet
Method: patch
Path: /ipSubnet/{id}
Resource/IP Subnet/Associated Resources
Get resources associated with IP subnets.
Get IPv4 Addresses by IP Subnet
Method: get
Path: /ipSubnet/IPV4/{id}/ipAddresses
Get IPv6 Addresses by IP Subnet
Method: get
Path: /ipSubnet/IPV6/{id}/ipAddresses
Resource/IPv4 Address
The operations from the Resource/IPv4 Address category.
Update an IPv4 Address
Method: patch
Path: /ipv4Address/{id}
Resource/IPv6 Address
The operations from the Resource/IPv6 Address category.
Update an IPv6 Address
Method: patch
Path: /ipv6Address/{id}
Resource/Logical Device
Create, get, update and delete logical devices.
Create Logical Devices
Method: post
Path: /logicalDevice
Delete a Logical Device
Method: delete
Path: /logicalDevice/{id}
Get a Logical Device by ID
Method: get
Path: /logicalDevice/{id}
Get Logical Devices
Method: get
Path: /logicalDevice
Update a Logical Device
Method: patch
Path: /logicalDevice/{id}
Resource/Logical Device Account
Create, get, update and delete logical device accounts.
Create Logical Device Accounts
Method: post
Path: /logicalDeviceAccount
Delete a Logical Device Account
Method: delete
Path: /logicalDeviceAccount/{id}
Get a Logical Device Account by ID
Method: get
Path: /logicalDeviceAccount/{id}
Get Logical Device Accounts
Method: get
Path: /logicalDeviceAccount
Update a Logical Device Account
Method: patch
Path: /logicalDeviceAccount/{id}
Resource/Logical Device/Associated Resources
Get resources associated with logical devices.
Get Device Interfaces by Logical Device
Method: get
Path: /logicalDevice/{id}/deviceInterfaces
Get Logical Device Accounts by Logical Device
Method: get
Path: /logicalDevice/{id}/logicalDeviceAccounts
Resource/Network Address Domain
Create, get, update and delete network address domains.
Create a Network Address Domain
Method: post
Path: /networkAddressDomain
Delete a Network Address Domain
Method: delete
Path: /networkAddressDomain/{id}
Get a Network Address Domain by ID
Method: get
Path: /networkAddressDomain/{id}
Get Network Address Domains
Method: get
Path: /networkAddressDomain
Update a Network Address Domain
Method: patch
Path: /networkAddressDomain/{id}
Resource/Physical Connector
Create, get, update and delete physical connectors.
Create a Physical Connector
Method: post
Path: /physicalConnector
Delete a Physical Connector
Method: delete
Path: /physicalConnector/{id}
Get a Physical Connector by ID
Method: get
Path: /physicalConnector/{id}
Get Physical Connectors
Method: get
Path: /physicalConnector
Update a Physical Connector
Method: patch
Path: /physicalConnector/{id}
Resource/Physical Device
Create, get, update and delete logical devices.
Create a Physical Device
Method: post
Path: /physicalDevice
Delete a Physical Device
Method: delete
Path: /physicalDevice/{id}
Get a Physical Device by ID
Method: get
Path: /physicalDevice/{id}
Get Physical Devices
Method: get
Path: /physicalDevice
Update a Physical Device
Method: patch
Path: /physicalDevice/{id}
Resource/Physical Device/Associated Resources
Get resources associated with physical devices.
Get Physical Connectors by Physical Device
Method: get
Path: /physicalDevice/{id}/physicalConnectors
Get Physical Ports by Physical Device
Method: get
Path: /physicalDevice/{id}/physicalPorts
Resource/Physical Port
Create, get, update and delete physical ports.
Create a Physical Port
Method: post
Path: /physicalPort
Delete a Physical Port
Method: delete
Path: /physicalPort/{id}
Get Physical Port by ID
Method: get
Path: /physicalPort/{id}
Get Physical Ports
Method: get
Path: /physicalPort
Update a Physical Port
Method: patch
Path: /physicalPort/{id}
Create, get, update and delete Pipes.
Create Pipes
Method: post
Path: /pipe
Delete a Pipe
Method: delete
Path: /pipe/{id}
Get a Pipe by ID
Method: get
Path: /pipe/{id}
Get Pipes
Method: get
Path: /pipe
Update a Pipe
Method: patch
Path: /pipe/{id}
Resource/Pipe Termination Point
Get and update Pipe Termination Point.
Get a PipeTerminationPoint
Method: get
Path: /pipeTerminationPoint/{id}
Update a PipeTerminationPoint
Method: patch
Path: /pipeTerminationPoint/{id}
Resource/Pipe/Pipe Termination Points
Get termination points with pipe.
Get PipeTerminationPoints by Pipe
Method: get
Path: /pipe/{id}/terminationPoints
Resource/Telephone Number
Create, get, update and delete telephone numbers.
Create Telephone Numbers
Method: post
Path: /telephoneNumber
Delete a Telephone Number
Method: delete
Path: /telephoneNumber/{id}
Get a Telephone Number by ID
Method: get
Path: /telephoneNumber/{id}
Get All Telephone Numbers
Method: get
Path: /telephoneNumber
Update a Telephone Number
Method: patch
Path: /telephoneNumber/{id}
Create, get, update and process services.
Create a Service
Method: post
Path: /service
Delete a Service
Method: delete
Path: /service/{id}
Get a Service by ID
Method: get
Path: /service/{id}
Get Services
Method: get
Path: /service
Process a Service
Method: post
Path: /service/{id}/{task}
Reverse Update of Consumable Resource
Method: post
Path: /service/updateResource
Update a Service
Method: patch
Path: /service/{id}
Create, get, update and process Bundle Service.
Create/Update a Bundle Service
Method: post
Path: /bundle
Get a Bundle Service by ID
Method: get
Path: /bundle/{id}
Process a Bundle Service
Method: post
Path: /bundle/{id}/{task}