15 Working with IP Addresses

In Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM), you can manage IPv4 and IPv6 address resources. UIM IP address management provides the ability to allocate, classify, and track IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

An IP network is the foundation of IP infrastructure. All IP address management takes place within an IP network, which you can partition into subnets that can contain multiple IP address ranges.

See the following topics for more information about working with IP addresses:

Working with IP Networks

In UIM, IP network entities represent blocks of IP address spaces in your inventory. All address space within an IP network is occupied by one or more contiguous IP subnets. When you create an IP network, UIM automatically creates a default IP subnet that occupies the entire address space. You can partition the default IP subnet into multiple smaller subnets.

See the following topics for more information about working with IP networks:

Creating IP Networks

When you create an IP network, UIM automatically creates a default IP subnet that occupies the entire address space.

The prefix length represents the network portion (also called subnet mask) of the IP address. The larger the prefix length, the fewer IP addresses are available on the network.

The IP address you enter must be in standard IPv4 or IPv6 form, such as those shown in the following examples:

For IPv4:




For IPv6:

  • 2001:0020::

  • 226a:ffff:0800:50::

  • fd04:0047:0002:9999:0000:0000:0000:0000

    (Or just fd04:47:2:9999:: because leading zeros and any trailing nodes that are only zeros can be omitted.)

When creating IP Networks, see "IP Network - New Page" for additional information about each field.

To create an IPv4 or IPv6 network:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. In the Search Results toolbar, click Create.

    The IP Network - New page appears.

  3. (Optional) In the Name field, enter a name for the IP network.

  4. (IPv4 only) In the IPv4 Address field, enter the starting IP address for the IP network.

  5. (IPv6 only) In the IPv6 Address field, enter the starting IP address for the IP network.

  6. (IPv6 only) From the IPv6 Address Type list, select a type of address, either Global Unicast or Unique Local Unicast.

    The IPv6 address type you select must correspond with the type of network address domain you select.

  7. (Optional) Associate a party to the network by doing one of the following:

    • In the Owned By field, enter the first few characters of the party, then select one from the search results displayed.

    • Click the Search icon next to the Owned By field to search for a party.

    See "Working with Parties" for more information.

  8. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description for the IP network.

  9. Associate a network address domain to the network by doing one of the following:

    • In the IP Address Domain field, enter the first few characters of the network address domain, then select one from the search results displayed.

    • Click the Search icon next to the IP Address Domain field to search for a network address domain.

    For IPv6 only, the type of network address domain you select must correspond with the IPv6 address type you select.

    See "Working with Resource Management Entities" for more information.

  10. In the Prefix Length field, specify the prefix length for the IP address you entered in the IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address field.

    For IPv4 addresses, the prefix length can be 3 through 32, and for IPv6 addresses, the prefix length can be 3 through 128.

  11. Click Save or Save And Close.

    Depending on what you clicked, the IP Network Summary page appears, or the IP Network Search page appears.

Related Topics

IP Network - New Page

IP Network Page

Managing IP Networks

Managing IP Networks

You can manage IP networks by performing any of the following tasks:

Viewing or Updating IP Networks

You can view or update an entity's basic information from the Information section at the top of its Summary page. The Information section displays much of the information entered during entity creation. Some data elements cannot be changed after the entity is created.

To view or edit an IPv4 or IPv6 network:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. In the Search section, search for an IP network.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  3. In the Search Results section, click an IP network link.

    The IP Network Summary page appears, where you can view and update the IP network.

  4. Click Edit. Alternatively, search for an entity, select it in the search results, and click Edit in the Search Results toolbar.

    Several fields in the IP Network Information section become editable.

  5. Make any changes and click Save or Save And Close.

    Depending on what you clicked, the IP Network Summary page appears, or the IP Network Search page appears.

Related Topics

Deleting IP Networks

You can delete an IP network, but keep in mind that deleting an IP network also deletes any IP subnets and IP addresses that are part of the IP network.

To delete an IPv4 or IPv6 network:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. In the Search section, search for an IP network.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  3. In the Search Results section, select an IP network row.

  4. In the Search Results toolbar, click Delete.

    The Delete Confirmation dialog box appears.

  5. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    The IP network is deleted, and all IP subnets and IP addresses that are part of the IP network are deleted.

Related Topics

Activating or Deactivating IP Networks

IP networks are lifecycle-managed entities for which you can change the inventory status. If you deactivate an IP network, all IP subnets and IP addresses within the IP network are also deactivated.

On the Actions menu:

  • Activate is available only for IP networks with an Inventory Status of Unavailable. Selecting Activate changes the Inventory Status of the IP network from Unavailable to Installed.

  • Deactivate is available only for IP networks with an Inventory Status of Installed. Selecting Deactivate changes the Inventory Status of the IP network, and all IP subnets and IP addresses within the IP network, from Installed to Unavailable.

To activate or deactivate an IPv4 or IPv6 network:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. In the Search section, search for an IP network.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  3. In the Search Results section, click an IP network link.

    The IP Network Summary page appears.

  4. From the Actions menu, select Activate or Deactivate.

Related Topics

IP Network - New Page

You use the IP Network - New page to create new IPv4 or IPv6 networks.

Field Description


Enter a name for the IP network.

UIM automatically creates an IP subnet, but does not propagate the name entered for the IP network. After you create the IP network, you can edit the also-created IP subnet to provide a name for the subnet.

IP Address Domain

Select an IP address domain.

The list of IP address domains from which to choose are the Network Address Domain entities that you have defined prior to creating the IP network.

For IPv6 only, the type of network address domain you select must correspond with the IPv6 address type you select.

IPv4 or IPv6 Address

Enter an IP address in standard form for the IP network. The address you enter must correspond with the specified prefix length.

IPv6 Address Type

Select an IPv6 address type for the IPv6 network. The choices are Global Unicast or Unique Local Unicast.

The IPv6 address type you select must correspond with the type of network address domain you select.

Prefix Length

Enter a prefix length.

The prefix length represents the network portion (also called subnet mask) of the IP address. The prefix length is the number of bits set in the subnet mask. For an IPv4 example, if the subnet mask is, there are 24 1's in the binary version of the subnet mask, so the prefix length is 24.

Owned By

Enter a party, or click to search for a party, to assign as the owner of the IP network.

The list of parties from which to choose are the Party entities that you have defined prior to creating the IP network.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the lifecycle of the IP Network entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.


Enter a description of the IP network.

IP Network - Information Page

You use the IP Network - Information page to edit the information that appears in the IPv4 or IPv6 Summary page Information section. Some data elements cannot be changed after the entity is created.

Field Description


Edit the name of the IP network.

IP Address Domain

Displays the IP address domain. This field is read only.

IP address domains are Network Address Domain entities.

IPv4 or IPv6 Address

Displays the IP address for the IP network. This field is read only.

IPv6 Address Type

Displays the IPv6 address type that was selected for the IPv6 network. This field is read only.

Prefix Length

Displays the prefix length of the IP network. This field is read only.

Owned By

Enter a party, or click to search for a party, to assign as the owner of the IP network.

The list of parties from which to choose are the Party entities that you have defined prior to creating the IP network.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the lifecycle of the IP Network entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.


Edit the description of the IP network.

IP Network Page

You use the IP Network page to define the content for IPv4 or IPv6 Network entities.

See the following topic for more information about summary pages:

Section Description

IP Network Information

Displays basic information about the entity, most of which was defined when you created the IP network. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements cannot be changed after the IP network is created. See "Creating IP Networks" for more information.

IP Network Hierarchy

Displays the entities included in the IP network hierarchy, which you can expand or collapse.

When an IP network is created, a default subnet is automatically created, so the network always has a minimum of one child (the subnet). If the subnet is partitioned, the subnet will have two or more children (any partitioned subnets).

The hierarchy displays the IP Address, Inventory Status, and Assignment Status fields for each IP Address listed. Depending on the level of the hierarchy, the IP Address may represent the IP network, the IP subnet, any partitioned IP subnets, or any IP addresses.

Related Topics

Working with IP Networks

Working with IP Subnets

An IP subnet is a range of IP addresses within an IP network.

When you create an IP network, UIM automatically creates a default IP subnet that occupies the entire address space. You can partition the default IP subnet into multiple smaller subnets. The default IP subnet has the same prefix length as the IP network.

See the following topics for more information about working with IP subnets:

Managing IP Subnets

UIM automatically creates an IP subnet when you create an IP network. It is not possible to create an IP subnet directly. See "Creating IP Networks" for more information.

UIM automatically deletes all IP subnets that are part of an IP network when you delete an IP network. It is not possible to delete an IP subnet directly. See "Deleting IP Networks" for more information.

You can assign or reference an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet resource to a service configuration item in the same manner you assign or reference other resources.

You can manage IP subnets by performing any of the following tasks:

Viewing or Updating IP Subnets

You can view or update an entity's basic information from the Information section at the top of its Summary page. The Information section displays much of the information entered during entity creation. Some data elements cannot be changed after the entity is created.

To view or edit an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Subnet or IPv6 Subnet tab.

    The IP Subnet Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP subnet.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, click an IP subnet link.

    The IP Subnet Summary page appears, where you can view the IP subnet.

  5. Click Edit. Alternatively, search for an entity, select it in the search results, and click Edit in the Search Results toolbar.

    Several fields in the IP Subnet Information section become editable.

  6. Make any changes and click Save or Save And Close.

    Depending on what you clicked, the IP Subnet Summary page appears, or the IP Subnet Search page appears.

Related Topics

Activating or Deactivating IP Subnets

IP subnets are lifecycle-managed entities for which you can change the inventory status. If you deactivate an IP subnet, all IP addresses within the IP subnet are also deactivated.

To activate or deactivate an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Subnet or IPv6 Subnet tab.

    The IP Subnet Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP subnet.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, click an IP subnet link.

    The IP Subnet Summary page appears.

  5. From the Actions menu, select Activate or Deactivate.

    On the Actions menu, Activate is available only for IP subnets with an Inventory Status of Unavailable. Selecting Activate changes the Inventory Status of the IP subnet from Unavailable to Installed.

    On the Actions menu, Deactivate is available only for IP subnets with an Inventory Status of Installed. Selecting Deactivate changes the Inventory Status of the IP subnet, and all IP addresses within the IP subnet, from Installed to Unavailable.

Related Topics

Reserving IP Subnets

You can reserve an IP subnet resource in the same manner you reserve other resources. See "Working with Resource Reservations" for more information.

In addition, you can reserve an IP subnet resource from the Reservations section on its Summary page.

To reserve an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Subnet or IPv6 Subnet tab.

    The IP Subnet Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP subnet.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, click an IP subnet link.

    The IP Subnet Summary page appears.

  5. Click the Consumers tab, located below the IP Subnet Information section.

    The Consumers tab appears, which contains the Assignments, Reservations, and Conditions sections.

  6. In the Reservations section, select the IP subnet you want to reserve. If a reservation is already shown, you cannot reserve the resource unless you delete the existing reservation. See "Removing Resources from Reservations".

  7. Click Create.

    The Reservation - New page appears. See "Reservation - New Page" for more information about the fields in this page.

  8. In the Reserved for Type list, select the type of entity or process for which the reservation is made.

    The options in the list vary depending on how UIM is configured.

  9. In the Reserved For field, enter text that identifies who is making the reservation.

    This value must be specified during reservation redemption. See "Redeeming Reservations".

  10. In the Reservation Type list, select Shortterm or Longterm.

  11. In the Start Date field, enter the date on which the reservation becomes effective.

  12. (Optional) In the Expiry Date field, enter the date on which the reservation expires.

    Define a date here to override the Reservation Type setting.

  13. (Optional) In the Reason field, enter a reason for the reservation.

  14. Click Save and Close.

    The list of reservations reappears, now including the reservation you just created.

Related Topics

Unreserving IP Subnets

You can unreserve an IP subnet resource in the same manner you unreserve other resources. See "Working with Resource Reservations" for more information.

In addition, you can unreserve an IP subnet resource from the Reservations section on its Summary page.

To unreserve an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Subnet or IPv6 Subnet tab.

    The IP Subnet Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP subnet.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, click an IP subnet link.

    The IP Subnet Summary page appears.

  5. Click the Consumers tab, located below the IP Subnet Information section.

    The Consumers tab appears, which contains the Assignments, Reservations, and Conditions sections.

  6. In the Reservations section, select the IP subnet you want to unreserve and click Delete.

    The IP subnet resource is removed from the reservation.

Related Topics

Adding or Deleting Conditions to/from IP Subnets

You can add conditions to an IP subnet resource in the same manner you add conditions to other resources. See "Working with Conditions" for more information.

You delete conditions differently from other resources, however.

To delete conditions from an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Subnet or IPv6 Subnet tab.

    The IP Subnet Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP subnet.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, click an IP subnet link.

    The IP Subnet Summary page appears.

  5. Click the Consumers tab, located below the IP Subnet Information section.

    The Consumers tab appears, which contains the Assignments, Reservations, and Conditions sections.

  6. In the Conditions section, select the condition you want to delete and click Delete.

    The condition is deleted from the IP subnet.

Related Topics

Partitioning IP Subnets

You can partition an IP subnet into smaller subnets to better manage IP addresses. You can change the default number of subnets to a lesser number of subnets, in which case the specified number of subnets are created and the remaining address space is calculated based on the maximum number of subnets possible in the space. Selecting a number of subnets that is less than the default number is called smart partitioning.

To partition an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Subnet or IPv6 Subnet tab.

    The IP Subnet Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP subnet.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, click an IP subnet link.

    The IP Subnet Summary page appears.

  5. Click Partition. Alternatively, search for an entity, select it in the search results, and click Partition in the Search Results toolbar.

    The Partition Details dialog box appears.

  6. From the Partition CIDR Number list, select the classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) number.

  7. From the Number of Subnets list, select the number of subnets into which you want to partition the selected IP subnet.

    Number of Subnets defaults to the maximum number of subnets possible with the new prefix length.

  8. Click Partition.

    The Partition Details dialog box closes.

Related Topics

Aggregating IP Subnets

You can aggregate an IP subnet by joining it with other contiguous subnets within the same network, which combines the collective IP addresses therein.

To aggregate an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Subnet or IPv6 Subnet tab.

    The IP Subnet Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP subnet.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, click an IP subnet link.

    The IP Subnet Summary page appears.

  5. Click Join. Alternatively, search for an entity, select it in the search results, and click Join in the Search Results toolbar.

    The Join Details dialog box appears.

  6. From the Join CIDR Number list, select the classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) number.

  7. Click Join.

    The Join Details dialog box closes.

Related Topics

IP Subnet - Information Page

You use the IP Subnet - Information page to edit the information that appears in the IPv4 or IPv6 Summary page Information section. Some data elements cannot be changed after the entity is created.

Field Description


Edit the name of the IPv4 subnet.

IP Address Domain

Displays the IP address domain. This field is read only.

IP address domains are Network Address Domain entities.

IPv4 or IPv6 Subnet Start

Displays the starting address for the range of addresses within the IP subnet. This field is read only.

IPv4 or IPv6 Subnet End

Displays the ending address for the range of addresses within the IP subnet. This field is read only.

IPv6 Address Type

Displays the IPv6 address type. This field is read only.

Prefix Length

Displays the prefix length. This field is read only.

IPv4 or IPv6 Network

Displays the IP network to which the subnet belongs. This field is read only.

Owned By

Displays the party assigned as the owner of the IP network, and thereby owner of the IP subnet. This field is read only.

The owner is a party entity.

Managed By

Click to search for a party to assign as the manager of the IP subnet.

The list of parties from which to choose are the Party entities that you have defined prior to editing the IP address.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the lifecycle of the IP Subnet entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the lifecycle of a specific assignment of the IP subnet entity to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.


Edit the description of the IP subnet.

IP Subnet Page

You use the IP Subnet page to define the content for IPv4 or IPv6 Subnet entities. The page is arranged into tabs, each of which is used for a different purpose.

Subnet Details Tab

You use the Subnet Details tab to view and edit basic information about subnets.

Field Description

IP Subnet Hierarchy

Displays the entities included in the IP subnet hierarchy, which you can expand or collapse.

When an IP network is created, a subnet is automatically created, so the network always has a minimum of one child (the subnet). If the subnet is partitioned, the subnet will have two or more children (any partitioned subnets).

The hierarchy displays the IP Address, Inventory Status, and Assignment Status fields for each IP Address listed. Depending on the level of the hierarchy, the IP Address may represent the IP subnet, any partitioned IP subnets, and any IP addresses.

IP Resource Pools / Inventory Groups

Displays any inventory groups of type IP Address Resource Pool to which the IP subnet is associated. You use inventory groups to organize entities for a particular purpose.

The fields that appear in the IP Resource Pools / Inventory Group section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Adding an Entity to an Inventory Group from the Entity Summary Page" for information about associating entities with an inventory group.

Custom Involvements

Displays any custom associations defined for the IP subnet with entities that are not otherwise associated. See "Working with Custom Involvements" for more information.

Consumers Tab

You use the Consumers tab to view and edit basic information about assignments, reservations, and conditions defined for the IP subnet.

Field Description


Displays any assignments defined for the IP subnet. See "Assigning Entities to Configuration Items" for more information.


Displays any reservations defined for the IP subnet. See "Working with Resource Reservations" for more information.


Displays any conditions defined for the IP subnet. See "Working with Conditions" for more information.

IP Subnet Partition Dialog Box

You use the IP Subnet Partition dialog box to partition IPv4 or IPv6 subnets.

Field Description

IPv4 or IPv6 Network

Displays the name of the IP network. This field is read only.

IPv4 or IPv6 Subnet Start

Displays the starting address for the range of addresses within the IP subnet. This field is read only.

Partition CIDR Number

Select a classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) number from the list.

Subnet Mask

Displays the subnet mask, as generated based the specified CIDR number. This field is read only.

IPv4 or IPv6 Subnet End

Displays the ending address for the range of addresses within the IP subnet. This field is read only.

Number of Subnets

Select the number of subnets into which you want to partition the subnet.

Number of Subnets defaults to the maximum number of subnets possible with the new prefix length. You can change the defaulted number of subnets to a lesser number of subnets, in which case the specified number of subnets are created and the remaining address space is calculated based on the maximum number of subnets possible in the space. Selecting a number of subnets that is less than the defaulted number is called smart partitioning.

Maximum Hosts per Subnet

Displays the maximum hosts per subnet, as generated based the specified CIDR number. This field is read only.

IP Subnet Join Dialog Box

You use the IP Subnet Join dialog box to aggregate IPv4 or IPv6 subnets.

Field Description

IPv4 or IPv6 Network

Displays the name of the IP network. This field is read only.

IPv4 or IPv6 Subnet Start

Displays the starting address for the range of addresses within the IP subnet. This field is read only.

Join CIDR Number

Select a classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) number.

Subnet Mask

Displays the subnet mask, as generated based the specified CIDR number. This field is read only.

IPv4 or IPv6 Subnet End

Displays the ending address for the range of addresses within the IP subnet. This field is read only.

New IPv4 or IPv6 Subnet Start

Displays the new starting address for the range of addresses within the joined IP subnets. This field is read only.

Maximum Hosts per Subnet

Displays the maximum hosts per subnet, as generated based the specified CIDR number. This field is read only.

Working with IP Addresses

An IP address is a numerical label assigned to each device, such as a computer or printer, participating in a network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. Because an IP address resides within IP network, within an IP subnet, an IP address has the same IP address prefix as the IP network and IP subnet.

See the following topics for more information about working with IP addresses:

Related Topics

IP Address Page

Working with IP Networks

Working with IP Subnets

Creating IP Addresses

See the following topics for more information about creating IP addresses:

Creating IP Addresses within an Existing Non-Partitioned Subnet

You can create an IP address within an existing non-partitioned subnet from the Network Search Results section or the Subnet Search Results section, as described in the following procedure.

To create an IPv4 or IPv6 address within an existing non-partitioned subnet:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Do one of the following:

    To create the IP address from the Network Search Results section:

    1. In the Search section, search for an IP network.

      See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

    2. In the Search Results section, expand an IP network.

    3. Within the expanded network, right-click on a non-partitioned IP subnet row and select Create IPv4 Address or Create IPv6 Address.

      The IP Address - New page appears.

    To create the IP address from the Subnet Search Results section:

    1. Click the IPv4 Subnet or IPv6 Subnet tab.

      The IP Subnet Search page appears.

    2. In the Search section, search for an IP subnet.

      See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

    3. In the Search Results section, right-click on a non-partitioned IP subnet row and select Create IPv4 Address or Create IPv6 Address.

      The IP Address - New page appears.

  3. Populate the fields as needed. See IP Address - New Page for detailed information about each field.


    When creating an IP address from within an existing non-partitioned subnet, several of the fields are pre-populated based on the selected subnet, and based on the network in which the selected subnet resides.

  4. Click Save or Save And Close.

    Depending on what you clicked, the IP Address Summary page appears, or the IP Address Search page appears.

Creating IP Addresses within a New Network

To create an IPv4 or IPv6 address:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address tab.

    The IP Address Search page appears.

  3. In the Search Results toolbar, click Create.

    The IP Address - New page appears.

  4. (Optional) In the Name field, enter a name for the IP address.

  5. In the IPv4 or IPv6 Address From field, enter the IP address from for the IP address.

  6. (Optional) In the MAC Address field, enter a MAC address for the IPv4 address.

  7. (Optional) If you entered a MAC address, from the MAC Address Type list, select a MAC address type.

  8. The Assignment Status field automatically defaults to the Unassigned status.

  9. Associate a network address domain to the IPv4 address. Click the Search icon next to the IP Address Domain field to search for a network address domain.

    See "Working with Resource Management Entities" for more information.

  10. (Optional) In the IPv4 Address To field, enter the IPv4 address to for the IPv4 address.

  11. (Optional) Associate a party to the IP address. Click the Search icon next to the Managed By field to search for a party.

    See "Working with Parties" for more information.

  12. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description for the IPv4 address.

  13. Click Save or Save And Close.

    Depending on what you clicked, the IP Address Summary page appears, or the IP Address Search page appears.

Related Topics

IP Address - New Page

IP Address Page

Managing IP Addresses

Managing IP Addresses

You can manage IPv4 and IPv6 addresses by performing any of the following tasks:

Viewing or Updating IP Addresses

You can view or update an entity's basic information from the Information section at the top of its Summary page. The Information section displays much of the information entered during entity creation. Some data elements cannot be changed after the entity is created.

To view or edit an IPv4 or IPv6 address:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address tab.

    The IP Address Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP address.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, click an IP address link.

    The IP Address Summary page appears, where you can view the IP address.

  5. Click Edit. Alternatively, search for an entity, select it in the search results, and click Edit in the Search Results toolbar.

    Several fields in the IP Address Information section become editable.

  6. Make any changes and click Save or Save And Close.

    Depending on what you clicked, the IP Address Summary page appears, or the IP Address Search page appears.

Related Topics

Deleting IP Addresses

You can delete IP addresses.

To delete an IPv4 or IPv6 address:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address tab.

    The IP Address Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP address.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, select an IP address row.

  5. In the Search Results toolbar, click Delete.

    The Delete Confirmation dialog box appears.

  6. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    The IP address is deleted.

Related Topics

Activating or Deactivating IP Addresses

IP addresses are lifecycle-managed entities for which you can change the inventory status.

On the Actions menu:

  • Activate is available only for IP addresses with an Inventory Status of Unavailable. Selecting Activate changes the Inventory Status of the IP address from Unavailable to Installed.

  • Deactivate is available only for IP addresses with an Inventory Status of Installed. Selecting Deactivate changes the Inventory Status of the IP address from Installed to Unavailable.

To activate or deactivate an IPv4 or IPv6 address:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address tab.

    The IP Address Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP address.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, click an IP address link.

    The IP Address Summary page appears.

  5. From the Actions menu, select Activate or Deactivate.

Related Topics

Reserving IP Addresses

You can reserve an IP address resource in the same manner you reserve other resources. See "Working with Resource Reservations" for more information.

In addition, you can reserve an IP address resource from the Reservations section on its Summary page.

To reserve an IPv4 or IPv6 address:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address tab.

    The IP Address Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP address.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, click an IP address link.

    The IP Address Summary page appears.

  5. Click the Consumers tab, located below the IP Address Information section.

    The Consumers tab appears, which contains the Assignments, Reservations, and Conditions sections.

  6. In the Reservations section, select the IP address you want to reserve. If a reservation is already shown, you cannot reserve the resource unless you delete the existing reservation. See "Removing Resources from Reservations".

  7. Click Create.

    The Reservation - New page appears. See "Reservation - New Page" for more information about the fields in this page.

  8. In the Reserved for Type list, select the type of entity or process for which the reservation is made.

    The options in the list vary depending on how UIM is configured.

  9. In the Reserved For field, enter text that identifies who is making the reservation.

    This value must be specified during reservation redemption. See "Redeeming Reservations".

  10. In the Reservation Type list, select Shortterm or Longterm.

  11. In the Start Date field, enter the date on which the reservation becomes effective.

  12. (Optional) In the Expiry Date field, enter the date on which the reservation expires.

    Define a date here to override the Reservation Type setting.

  13. (Optional) In the Reason field, enter a reason for the reservation.

  14. Click Save and Close.

    The list of reservations reappears, now including the reservation you just created.

Related Topics

Unreserving IP Addresses

You can unreserve an IP address resource in the same manner you unreserve other resources. See "Working with Resource Reservations" for more information.

In addition, you can unreserve an IP address resource from the Reservations section on its Summary page.

To unreserve an IPv4 or IPv6 address:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address tab.

    The IP Address Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP address.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, click an IP address link.

    The IP Address Summary page appears.

  5. Click the Consumers tab, located below the IP Address Information section.

    The Consumers tab appears, which contains the Assignments, Reservations, and Conditions sections.

  6. In the Reservations section, select the IP address you want to unreserve and click Delete.

    The IP address resource is removed from the reservation.

Related Topics

Adding or Deleting Conditions to and from IP Addresses

You can add conditions to an IP address resource in the same manner you add conditions to other resources. See "Working with Conditions" for more information.

You cannot delete conditions from an IP address resource in the same manner you delete conditions from other resources, so disregard the "Deleting Conditions" subsection within the previously cited section. Instead, perform the following procedure.

To delete conditions from an IPv4 or IPv6 address:

  1. In the Resources section, click IP Address - IPv4 or IP Address - IPv6.

    The IP Network Search page appears.

  2. Click the IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address tab.

    The IP Address Search page appears.

  3. In the Search section, search for an IP address.

    See "Searching for IP Address Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, click an IP address link.

    The IP Address Summary page appears.

  5. Click the Consumers tab, located below the IP Address Information section.

    The Consumers tab appears, which contains the Assignments, Reservations, and Conditions sections.

  6. In the Conditions section, select the condition you want to delete and click Delete.

    The condition is deleted from the IP address.

Related Topics

IP Address - New Page

You use the IP Address - New page to create new IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.

If you are creating an IP address from an existing non-partitioned subnet, several of the fields are pre-populated and you cannot change the data.

Field Description


Enter a name for the IP address.

IP Address Domain

Select an IP address domain.

The list of IP address domains from which to choose are the Network Address Domain entities that you have defined prior to creating the IP address.

IPv4 or IPv6 Address From

Enter an address.

If creating a range of addresses, the address you enter is the starting address used with the ending address you specify in IPv4 or IPv6 Address To.

IPv4 or IPv6 Address To

Enter an address.

If creating a range of addresses, the address you enter is the ending address used with the starting address you specify in IPv4 or IPv6 Address From.

MAC Address

Enter the MAC address of client using the IP address.

A MAC address is hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies hardware, and which varies per specified MAC address type.

MAC Address Type

Select a MAC address type from the list.

MAC address types provide the ability to support different types of MAC addresses, including:

  • Ethernet

  • ATM

  • Bluetooth

  • Fibre Channel

  • MAC Type 80211

Managed By

Click to search for a party to assign as the manager of the IP address.

The list of parties from which to choose are the Party entities that you have defined prior to creating the IP address.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the lifecycle of the IP Network entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the lifecycle of a specific assignment of the IPv4 Address entity to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.


Enter a description for the IP address.

IP Address - Information Page

You use the IP Address - Information page to edit the information that appears in the Summary page Information section. Some data elements cannot be changed after the entity is created.

Field Description


Edit the name of the IP address.

IP Address Domain

Displays the IP address domain. This field is read only.

IP address domains are Network Address Domain entities.

IPv4 or IPv6 Address

Displays the IP address. This field is read only.

IPv6 Address Type

Displays the IPv6 address type. This field is read only.

Prefix Length

Displays the prefix length. This field is read only.

MAC Address

Edit the MAC address of client using the IP address.

A MAC address is hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies hardware, and which varies per specified MAC address type.

MAC Address Type

Select a MAC address type from the list.

MAC address types provide the ability to support different types of MAC addresses, including:

  • Ethernet

  • ATM

  • Bluetooth

  • Fibre Channel

  • MAC Type 80211

IPv4 or IPv6 Subnet Start

Displays the starting address for the range of addresses within the IP subnet to which the IP address belongs. This field is read only.

IPv4 or IPv6 Subnet End

Displays the ending address for the range of addresses within the IP subnet to which the IP address belongs. This field is read only.

IPv4 or IPv6 Network

Displays the network address. This field is read only.

Owned By

Displays the party assigned as the owner of the IP network, and therefore owner of the IP subnet and IP address. This field is read only.

The owner is a party entity.

Managed By

Click to search for a party to assign as the manager of the IP address.

The list of parties from which to choose are the Party entities that you have defined prior to editing the IP address.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the lifecycle of the IP Address entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the lifecycle of a specific assignment of the IP Address entity to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.


Edit the description of the IP address.

IP Address Page

You use the IP Address page to define the content for IPv4 or IPv6 Address entities. The page is arranged into tabs, each of which is used for a different purpose.

IP Address Details Tab

You use the IP Address Details tab to view and edit basic information about IP addresses.

Field Description

IP Resource Pools / Inventory Groups

Displays any inventory groups of type IP Address Resource Pool to which the IP address is associated. You use inventory groups to organize entities for a particular purpose.

The fields that appear in the IP Resource Pools / Inventory Group section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Adding an Entity to an Inventory Group from the Entity Summary Page" for information about associating entities with an inventory group.

Custom Involvements

Displays any custom associations defined for the IP address with entities that are not otherwise associated. See "Working with Custom Involvements" for more information.

Related Topics

Working with IP Addresses

Consumers Tab

You use the Consumers tab to view and edit basic information about assignments, reservations, and conditions defined for the IP address.

Field Description


Displays any assignments defined for the IP address. See "Assigning Entities to Configuration Items" for more information.


Displays any reservations defined for the IP address. See "Working with Resource Reservations" for more information.


Displays any conditions defined for the IP address. See "Working with Conditions" for more information.