Send Requests

Use these guidelines when sending requests to the Oracle Communications UTIA REST API.

URL Structure

Access the UTIA REST resources using this URL structure:

http://hostname:port/topology/version/ -H "Authorization: Bearer access token"


  • hostname is the URL for your UTIA REST server.
  • port is the port for your UTIA REST server.
  • version is the version of the API you're using, such as v2. See "Versioning".
  • access token is the generated token to access the REST APIs using OAuth2 authentication. See "Authentication and Authorization".

For example, the URL for accessing a vertex is:



This table shows the mapping between the UTIA release version and the REST API version.

UTIA Release REST API Version


Supported Methods

The UTIA REST API supports these HTTP methods:

HTTP Method Description

Get information about UTIA entities:

  • Nodes and edges
  • Graph

Create UTIA entities, such as nodes and edges.


Update UTIA entities, such as nodes and edges.


Delete UTIA entities.

This isn't a temporary suspension or status change; it's a permanent deletion of an entity (node or edge) from UTIA schema.

Not all endpoints support all methods.

Media Types

The UTIA REST API accepts requests in application/json and sends responses in the application/json media type.

Supported Headers

The UTIA REST API supports these headers in the HTTP request.

Header Description Example
Authorization The type of authorization. The UTIA REST API uses OAuth2. Authorization: access token

where access token is the generated access token from Authentication server. See "Authentication and Authorization".

Content-Type The media type of the body of the request. Required for POST requests. The UTIA REST API accepts only application/json.

Content-Type: application/json

The UTIA REST API responds with these headers in the HTTP response.

Header Description Example
Authorization The type of authorization. The UTIA REST API uses OAuth2. Authorization: access token

where access token is the generated access token from Authentication server. See "Authentication and Authorization".

Content-Type The media type of the body of the response. The UTIA REST API accepts only application/json. Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length The size of the entity-body, in decimal number of OCTETs, sent to the recipient. In the case of the HEAD method, the size of the entity-body that would have been sent had the request been a GET. The client can know whether it has read the correct number of bytes from the connection and can make a HEAD request to find out how large the entity-body is, without downloading it. Content-Length: 20620

Additional Parameters

The UIM REST API supports filtering parameters for some endpoints. Each endpoint described in this document lists which parameters are supported.

The additional parameters are:

Parameter type Parameter Method Description
Filtering GET

Filters the search results that are returned in GET responses. For more details, see optional parameters for each GET API.