Trapd Intro


The Unified Assurance Event SNMP Trap Aggregator is a generic SNMP Trap message listener that receives messages from devices, parses the results with customizable rules and creates de-duplicated events within Unified Assurance.

This page provides you with a basic overview. For more details refer to: Unified Assurance Event SNMP Trap Aggregator Advanced

A default installation includes a set of rules files for processing a variety of traps from numerous different vendors. The following documentation has information regarding supported devices and other useful information:

Please contact Oracle Communications if there are devices that are sending traps not processed by the out-of-the-box Foundation rules.

SNMP Trap Aggregator Setup

  1. Review the logic in the rules files referenced in the configuration to see the processing that will be done when traps are received:

    • "LoadRules" will be run during application startup to load data that might be needed during processing.

    • "IncludeRules" will be read during application startup to load additional files that might be called during processing.

    • "BaseRules" will be run for each trap that is received.

    Update the logic as needed.

  2. Enable the default Service, unless a specific configuration option is needed.

    Configuration -> Broker Control -> Services

  3. Configure devices to send SNMP Trap messages to the server where the SNMP Trap Aggregator has been started.

SNMPv3 Setup

A SNMP Access Profile must be created with the same credentials configured on the sending devices. Multiple SNMP Access Profiles can be setup to match different credential sets.

  1. Go to the "SNMP Access" UI:

    Configuration -> Device Discovery -> SNMP Access

  2. For each profile needed:

    • "Security Level" is always required

    • "Username" is always required

    • "Authentication Protocol" and "Authentication Password" are required if Security Level set to "authNoPriv" or "authPriv"

    • "Privacy Protocol" and "Privacy Password" are required if Security Level set to "authPriv"