show sipd local-subscription

The ACLI show sipd command includes an argument that provides information about local subscriptions, as shown below.

ORACLE# show sipd local-subscription
SIP Local Subscription Status  -- Period -- ----- Lifetime -------
                       Active  High   Total Total  PerMax    High
Server Subscription         0     1       1     1       1       1
Message Statistics
                    --------- Server --------   --------- Client --------
Message/Event       Recent      Total  PerMax   Recent      Total  PerMax
                    ------  ---------  ------   ------  ---------  ------
SUBSCRIBE Requests       2          2       2        0          0       0
Retransmissions          0          0       0        0          0       0
200 OK                   1          1       1        0          0       0
403 Forbidden            1          1       1        0          0       0
Response Retrans         0          0       0        0          0       0
Transaction Timeouts     -          -       -        0          0       0
Locally Throttled        -          -       -        0          0       0
Avg Latency=0.000 for 0
Max Latency=0.000
                    --------- Server --------   --------- Client --------
Message/Event       Recent      Total  PerMax   Recent      Total  PerMax
                    ------  ---------  ------   ------  ---------  ------
NOTIFY Requests          0          0       0        2          2       2
Retransmissions          0          0       0       10         10      10
200 OK                   0          0       0        1          1       1
Transaction Timeouts     -          -       -        0          0       0
Locally Throttled        -          -       -        0          0       0
Avg Latency=0.000 for 0
Max Latency=0.000

You can extend upon this ACLI show sipd command to include an argument that provides information about registration event package traffic, as shown below.

ORACLE# show sipd local-subscription regevent
SIP Local Subscription Status -- Period -- ------ Lifetime -----
                       Active High   Total Total  PerMax    High
Server Subscription         0    1       1     1       1       1
Message Statistics
                    --------- Server --------   --------- Client --------
Message/Event       Recent      Total  PerMax   Recent      Total  PerMax
                    ------  ---------  ------   ------  ---------  ------
SUBSCRIBE Requests       2          2       2        0          0       0
Retransmissions          0          0       0        0          0       0
200 OK                   1          1       1        0          0       0
403 Forbidden            1          1       1        0          0       0
Response Retrans         0          0       0        0          0       0
Transaction Timeouts     -          -       -        0          0       0
Locally Throttled        -          -       -        0          0       0
Avg Latency=0.000 for 0
Max Latency=0.000
                    --------- Server --------   --------- Client --------
Message/Event       Recent      Total  PerMax   Recent      Total  PerMax
                    ------  ---------  ------   ------  ---------  ------
NOTIFY Requests          0          0       0        2          2       2
Retransmissions          0          0       0       10         10      10
200 OK                   0          0       0        1          1       1
Transaction Timeouts     -          -       -        0          0       0
Locally Throttled        -          -       -        0          0       0
Avg Latency=0.000 for 0
Max Latency=0.000

The ACLI show registration sipd command includes an argument that provides information about a specific user’s registration(s), as shown below.

ORACLE# show registration sipd by-user ra1 detailed
  Registered at:  2013-06-05-19:23:40    Surrogate User: false
  Contact Information:
      Valid: true
      Challenged: false
      Registered at: 2013-06-05-19:23:40
      Last Registered at: 2013-06-05-19:23:40
      Expire: 3581
      Local expire: 41
      Half: 1781
      Registrar IP:
      Transport: UDP
      Secure: false
      Local IP:
      User Agent Info:
        Contact: sip:ra1@
        Realm: net192
      SD Info:
        Contact: sip:ra1-1cdstqjt90hve@
        Realm: net172
      Call-ID: 1-28361@
    Associated URI(s):
         Filter Criteria:
           Priority: 0
             Filter: None specified
             Application Server:
    Reg Event Subscriptions Terminated locally:
      Number of Subscriptions: 1

Subscriber: appserv<>;tag=1 state=active exp=600114