show sipd third-party

The show sipd third-party command displays the current status of third party servers and statistics for messages. The format is:

show sipd third-party <all | name>

The name argument allows status to be displayed for just the server specified by the name. Not specifying a name results in status being displayed for all third party servers. For example:

ORACLE# show sipd third-party-reg all
3rd Party Registrar   SA State  Requests  200OK  Timeouts    Errors            INSV         9      9         0         0            INSV        14     14         0         0

Column definitions are as follows:

  • IP Address —IP Address of third party server
  • Status —Session Agent State
  • Requests —Register requests sent
  • 200 OK —200 OK Responses received
  • Timeouts —Requests timed out
  • Error —Error Responses