Customizing the Questions Tree

The Questions Tree (C1-CSRTQuestionTree) is built on the Tree object in Framework. Refer to Trees for more information.

C1-CSRTQuestionTree is configured to display up to 25 levels of related / conditional questions. Implementations can extend this by adding tree nodes to this base tree.

The tree nodes on this tree are configured with Populate Node algorithms that use messages to display the information:
  • Tree Node - CS Request Type Question Root (C1CSRTQROOT) - populates the information on the top-level nodes. It uses the messages 11131,12409 and 11131,12410 to display the question's sort sequence, question text and status (if Inactive).
  • Tree Node - CS Request Type Question - Related Questions (C1CSRTQRELQ) - populates the information on the child nodes that display related/conditional questions. It uses the messages 11131,12411 and 11131,12412 to display: valid answer, question's sort sequence, question text and status (if Inactive).
The text of these messages can be overridden to change the order in which the information is shown - e.g. to move the sequence number at the end.

If the base-supplied node information is not suitable to the implementation, the Populate Node algorithm can be overridden by plugging in a custom Override Information algorithm on the base tree node.

Lastly, the base product provides a Populate Node algorithm that checks if there are more related question levels than can be displayed, based on the configured number of tree nodes - i.e. either the 25 levels in base or the implementation-specific number of levels). To use this algorithm, configure an extra tree node level at the end and specify a Populate Node algorithm of Tree Node - Check If More Related Questions Exist (C1CSRTQCHKRQ).