Savings Hub Program Details

The Savings Hub Program Details page provides customers with the opportunity to learn more about a particular assistance program highlighted in their Savings Hub Program Results page. The goal is to ensure that the customer receives all of the information they need to confirm their eligibility for a given program and to enroll in it successfully. Customers can access the program details for a specific program by clicking the More Details button located on each program card.

On this page:

User Experience

This image shows an example of the Affordability Savings Hub Program Details page.

  • Header: The header includes the utility logo and back bar.
  • Back Bar: Links back to the Savings Hub Program Results page.
  • Program Card Elements: The program card elements of the Program Details page include the program card information available on the Savings Hub Program Results page and a more detailed program description.
    • Program Name: The name of the program the customer is eligible for.
    • Key Benefit Tag: A label that identifies the key benefit of the program to the customer in order to motivate them to enroll in the program. For example, Payment Plan, No Cost Upgrade, One-time Bill Credit, and Emergency Assistance.
    • Potential Assistance: Provides an estimated range of savings if the customer participates in the program.
    • Program Long Description: A more detailed description of the program that could include how the program works, benefits, and terms and conditions.
    • Social Proof: The number of people enrolled or who have applied to the program. The purpose of this element is to help convince users to apply by letting them know that many others have done the same.
    • Enrollment Window: Time period during which the customer can apply to the program. If the customer has already signed up for the program, the enrollment window indicates when the customer can enroll again. A label next to the window indicates if program enrollment is open or closed.
  • More Details: The more details section contains information not included on the Savings Hub Program Results page.
  • Eligibility Requirements: Requirements that the customer must meet in order to be eligible for the program.
  • How to Apply: Instructions for eligible customers to apply to the program in-person, by mail, or online.
  • Required Documentation: Any additional documentation that must be supplied with the customer's application. For example, a valid proof of purchase or receipt for rebates.
  • FAQ Section: A maximum of five frequently asked questions and their answers. FAQs do not repeat content that is elsewhere in the program card or program details. For example, How soon does the discount take effect?
  • Call-to-Action Button: If enrollment for the program is open, an Apply Now button directs the customer to the website where they can apply for the program online.

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User Experience Variations

The user experience varies for customers depending upon their service types, available data, costs, and locale. Note that the following list indicates the primary user experience variations, not all possible variations.

Recommended program

If the customer is viewing the program details for the program that was recommended on the Affordability Savings Hub Program Results page, a recommended header appears above the program header to remind the user that this is the best program for them as they review the program details.

Enrollment Closed

When a program is not currently accepting applications (closed), the enrollment information is marked as closed and the call-to-action button, Apply Now, is removed.

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