Revenue Analytics
This section describes the metrics available in Revenue Analytics of Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse Dashboards. The metrics analyze revenue and billed usage specific information.
Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse Dashboards for Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing provides the Revenue analytics content in the following dashboards:
The Overview dashboard provides a high-level overview of revenue and customer segmentation for a specified period.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Revenue Analytics > Overview.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
Overview - Revenue
The Overview - Revenue dashboard page provides revenue and billing information for the selected period.
Revenue Comparison
This analysis shows a comparison of revenues for three months, including the current month.
Business users can use this analysis to gauge the business growth in the last three months.
The graph shows the revenue for each of the three months. The X-axis represents the revenue amount. The Y-axis represents the month and year. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the total revenue for each of the three months.
Drill Down
The fiscal period table link drills down to the Revenue dashboard to show specific revenue information for the selected record.
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Financial
Revenue Amount
Payments as a Percentage of Bills and Adjustments
This analysis provides insight into the success rate of completing payments in the current month, with 100% completion as the target. Analytics include details about payments, bills, and adjustments.
Business users can analyze how well the payments are made in the current month and further identify collection processes accordingly.
The gauge shows the percentage of bills and adjustments in the current month, using different colors to denote how the business users perceive the calculated result.
The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention on the payment collection scenarios.
Note: The range for green, yellow and red can be customized.
The table shows the payments, bills and adjustments, and the percentage for the current month.
Drill Down
The Payments as % of Bills and Adjustments column link drills down to the Bills and Payments dashboard page for specific details about bills and payments for the selected record.
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Financial
Payments, Bills and Adjustments, Payments as % of Bills and Adjustments
Overview - Billed Usage
The Overview - Billed Usage dashboard page provides a snapshot of the billed usage.
Billed Usage
This analysis compares the usage that was billed for the selected period with the same period in the previous year.
Business users can gauge if the Kilowatt-Hours increased when compared to the same month last year, as well as an average of the last three months.
The gauge shows the percentage of billed usage using different colors to denote how the users perceive the calculated result. The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention on the usage scenarios.
Note: The range for green, yellow and red can be customized.
The table shows usage that was billed for the current month and the same period last year, along with the average billed usage.
Drill Down
The Billed Usage (Kilowatt-Hours) Current Month column link drills down to the Billed Usage dashboard to show specific usage information about the selected record.
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Billed Usage
Compared to Last Year, Billed Usage (UOM) Selected Month Selected Year, Billed Usage (UOM) Same Period Last Year, Average Billed Usage for Last Three Periods (UOM)
Overview - Billing
The Overview - Billing dashboard page provides a bird’s eye view of the customer billing process and its key measures, such as bill cycle effectiveness, first day billing efficiency, and days of unbilled usage.
Bill Cycle Effectiveness
This analysis details the bill cycle effectiveness by comparing the bill segments frozen in window with the total/target bill segments in the selected month.
Business users can gauge if the billing effectiveness is increased or decreased. Higher effectiveness would mean the configuration and billing process setup are working correctly; else business users would need to review the bill process delays.
The gauge shows the percentage, using different colors to denote how the business users perceive the calculated result.
The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention on the clearing of bill segments. Hover over the gauge for specific values.
Note: The range for green, yellow and red can be customized.
The table shows the target bill segments that need to be cleared, the number of bill segments that were frozen/cleared in the window, and the effectiveness of bill cycle.
Bill Cycle Effectiveness = (100 * Bill Segments Frozen in Window) / Target Bill Segments
Drill Down
The Bill Cycle Effectiveness column link drills down to the Bill Cycle Effectiveness dashboard page to show specific billing information.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Target Bill Segments, Bill Segments Frozen in Window, Bill Cycle Effectiveness
First Day Billing Efficiency
This analysis shows the billing efficiency on the first day of the bill cycle for the selected month.
Business users can gauge the rate at which bill segments are frozen on the first day of the bill cycle.
The gauge shows the percentage, using different colors to denote how the business users perceive the calculated result.
The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention on the clearing of bill segments on the first day of bill cycle. Hover over the gauge for specific values.
Note: The range for green, yellow and red can be customized.
The table shows the target bill segments that need to be cleared, the number of bill segments that were frozen/cleared on the first day, and the billing efficiency on the first day.
First Day Billing Efficiency = (Bill Segments Frozen on First Day * 100) / Target Bill Segments
Drill Down
The First Day Billing Efficiency column link drills down to the First Day Billing Efficiency dashboard page to show specific billing information.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Target Bill Segments, Bill Segments Frozen on First Day, First Day Billing Efficiency
Estimated Bill Segments
This analysis shows the estimated bill segments in the selected month.
Business users can gauge the percentage of estimated bill segments from the total bill segments.
The gauge shows the percentage, using different colors to denote how the business users perceive the calculated result.
The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention to the billing process on why usage is not being calculated. Hover over the gauge for specific values.
Note: The range for green, yellow and red can be customized.
The table shows the frozen bill segments, estimated bill segments, and the percentage of estimated bill segments.
% Estimated = 100 * (Estimated Bill Segments / Frozen Bill Segments)
Drill Down
The % Estimated column link drills down to the Estimated Bill Segments dashboard page to show specific billing information.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Frozen Bill Segments, Estimated Bill Segments, % Estimated
Bill Segment Cancelation
This analysis shows the percentage of bill segments that were canceled in the selected month.
Business users can gauge bill segments that were canceled and analyze the reason behind the cancelation.
The gauge shows the percentage, using different colors to denote how the business users perceive the calculated result.
The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention towards the cancellation reasons for the bill segments. Hover over the gauge for specific values.
Note: The range for green, yellow and red can be customized.
The table shows the target bill segments, canceled bill segments, bills pending for cancelation, and the percentage of canceled bill segments.
% Canceled = 100 * (Canceled Bill Segments / Target Bill Segments)
Drill Down
The % Canceled column link drills down to the Canceled Bill Segments dashboard page to show specific billing information.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Target Bill Segments, Pending Cancelation, Canceled Bill Segments, % Canceled
Average Days of Unbilled Usage
This analysis shows the average number of days for which the usage was not billed. The data is shown for the previous three months.
Business users can analyze the unbilled usage in the selected month and compare the usage with other months.
The bar graph shows the average days of unbilled usage in each month, for the previous three months. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the average days. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Unbilled SAs dashboard to show specific billing and usage information.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Average Days of Unbilled Usage
Billed Usage
The Billed Usage dashboard provides insight into various patterns of quantities of usage that were billed both in terms of the amount billed and the amount of usage.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Revenue Analytics > Billed Usage.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for current fiscal and/or calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
Billed Usage
The Billed Usage dashboard page provides a snapshot of the consumption across geographical regions.
Billed Usage by Region
This analysis provides a spatial representation of the actual billed usage in a geographical area (postal code) for the selected month.
Business users can identify the areas with very high or low billed usages.
The color-coded region on the map shows the billed usage in that area and the total calculated amount for the usage, along with its postal code.
Drill Down
The postal code link broadcasts the postal code value to the Billed Usage Distribution and Billed Usage by Month analyses on the same dashboard page.
Source Object
Billed Usage Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Billed Usage
Billed Usage, Calculated Amount
Billed Usage Distribution
This analysis shows the distribution of billed usage in a geographical area (postal code) across various customer classes, in the selected month.
The postal code for which the data is shown on this analysis can also be broadcast from the Billed Usage by Region map on the same dashboard page.
Business users can analyze how the customer billed usage in the selected month is distributed in an area for various customer classes.
The Postal Code drop down slices the data for the area with the respective postal code.
The pie chart shows the distribution of billed usage in the selected month for different customer classes in the selected postal code.
Drill Down
The pie chart drills down to the Analysis dashboard page to display the billed usage and billed amount details for the selected customer segment.
Source Object
Billed Usage Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Billed Usage
Billed Usage
Billed Usage by Month
This analysis shows a 15-month trend in the usage amount that was billed for the customers in the selected region (postal code).
The postal code for which the data is shown on this analysis can also be broadcast from the Billed Usage by Region map on the same dashboard page.
Business users can identify the geographical areas with minimum and maximum billed usage in the previous 15 months.
The Postal Code drop down slices the data for the area with the respective postal code.
The graph displays the actual billed usage for the respective months in the selected geographical area. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The bar graph drills down to the Analysis dashboard page for billed usage and billed amount details for the selected customer segment.
Source Object
Billed Usage Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Billed Usage
Billed Usage
The Analysis dashboard page provides a snapshot of the billed usage and billed amount in a month.
Billed Usage Analysis
This analysis provides insight into the actual billed usage of the customers in the selected month across different dimensions.
Viewing usage from this perspective helps to highlight any unusual consumption and allows the business users to analyze customer segments in specific geographical areas based on the consumption patterns.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class, with a combination of rate, premise type, jurisdiction, service type, city, or postal code.
The table shows the billed usage, billed amount, and average price per unit for the selected View By options the selected month.
Drill Down
The Billed Usage (Kilowatt-Hours) column link drills down to the Analysis dashboard page for detailed information about the billed usage at account level.
Source Object
Billed Usage Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Billed Usage
Billed Amount, Billed Usage, Average Price Per Unit
The Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the billed usage at account level.
Billed Usage Detail
This analysis shows the account level details of the top 100 customers based on the billed usage. The data is shown for the selected month.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones for which the highest amount of usage has been billed. Business users can drill back to the source application and analyze the data further.
The table displays the customer information details based on the billed usage in the selected month.
Drill Back
The Account column link drills back to the Account Maintenance page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Billed Usage Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Billed Usage
Billed Usage
The Revenue dashboard provides insight into the revenue details of customers.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Revenue Analytics > Revenue.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for current year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
The Revenue dashboard page provides a snapshot of the total revenue, payments, bills, and adjustments in the selected period.
Revenue Distribution
This analysis compares the revenue for the current month with the average of previous last three months, broken down into various customer segments.
Revenue % = Revenue for current month / Average revenue for previous three months
Business users can analyze how the revenue is distributed across specific customer segments in the selected period.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class, jurisdiction, premise type, rate, or service type.
The table shows the distribution of revenue for different customer classes in the selected period, along with the average revenue of the last three months and a calculated result.
Drill Down
The Current Month column link drills down to the Region and Trend dashboard pages for specific metrics related to the selection.
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Financial
Current Month / Average Revenue Last Three Periods
Payments as a Percentage of Bills and Adjustments
This analysis provides a snapshot of payments as a percentage of bills and adjustments across various segments in the selected month.
The payments percentage is calculated as the payments received in the current month divided by the bills and adjustments for that month in the respective customer segments.
Business users can analyze how well payments are being made by the customers.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class, jurisdiction, premise type, or service type.
The table shows the percentage and actual amount of adjustment compared to the payments received from the customers. The data is displayed for the current month.
Drill Down
The Payments column link drills down to the Bills and Payments dashboard page for specific details about bills and payments for the selected record.
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Financial
Payments as % of Bills and Adjustments, Payments, Bills and Adjustments
The Region dashboard page provides a snapshot of how different cities postal codes contribute to the total revenue.
Revenue by Region
This analysis provides a spatial representation of the contribution each region/city (postal code) makes to the total revenue in the selected month.
Business users can identify the areas with most, least, or moderate revenue generation for the selected month.
The color-coded region on the map shows the total revenue amount in that area for the selected month, along with its postal code.
The postal code link broadcasts the postal code value to the Revenue by Customer Class and Revenue by Month analyses on the same page.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Financial
Revenue Amount
Revenue by Customer Class
This analysis shows the revenue amount generated in a region (postal code) across various customer classes (commercial, industrial, or residential).
The postal code for which the data is shown on this analysis can also be broadcast from the Revenue by Region map on the same dashboard page.
Business users can analyze how the revenue is generated in an area (postal code) for various customer classes.
The Postal Code drop down slices the data for the area with the respective postal code.
The pie chart shows the distribution of revenue for different customer classes in the selected area (postal code).
Drill Down
The pie chart drills down to the Trend dashboard page to display the trend in revenue generation in that region.
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Financial
Revenue Amount
Revenue by Month
This analysis shows a 15-month trend in the revenue generation in a region (postal code).
The postal code for which the data is shown on this analysis can also be broadcast from the Revenue by Region map on the same dashboard page.
Business users can identify the geographical areas with minimum and maximum revenue generation in the previous 15 months.
The Postal Code drop down slices the data for the area with the respective postal code.
The graph displays the actual revenue generated for the respective months in the selected geographical area. Hover over the bars for specific details. The graph also shows the yearly average revenue in the selected region.
Drill Down
The bar drills down to the Trend dashboard page for the trend in revenue generation in the selected region.
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Financial
Revenue Amount
The Trend dashboard page provides a snapshot of the trend in revenue generation in the selected time period.
Revenue Trend
This analysis shows the revenue generation broken down into various customer segments per month, for the previous 15 months.
From this snapshot the business users can determine the trend in which revenue amounts are generated across various segments in the selected time period.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class, jurisdiction, premise type, rate, or service type.
Revenue includes only billed amount. Both the graph and the table show the monthly revenue amount that is generated against the selected customer segment, for the previous 15 months. Hover over the graph bars to view specific details.
Drill Down
The Revenue Amount column link drills down to the Analysis and Details dashboard pages for detailed information about the revenue generation and also account level details of each customer.
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Financial
Revenue Amount
Year To Date Revenue
This analysis displays a 15-month plot for the revenue amount of each month and year to date revenue before that month.
This analysis provides a snapshot of the trend in revenue generation in the selected time period. Business users can identify any lapses in the revenue generation for a fiscal period.
The graph shows the revenue amount generated until each month of the selected year. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the total revenue and year to date revenue amounts for specific fiscal periods in the selected fiscal year. It also displays a calculated result.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Financial
Revenue Amount, Fiscal YTD Revenue, YTD Revenue
Bills and Payments
The Bills and Payments dashboard page provides a snapshot of payments, bills, and adjustments.
Bills & Adjustments vs Payments
This analysis shows how effectively customers are making their payments in a month; 100% payments compared to the total bills and adjustments is the target.
Business users can analyze whether or not customers are paying their bills on time, and if revenue generation is as per the set target.
The graph shows the payments and bills and adjustments for the selected period. It also shows payments as the percentage of bills and adjustments amount, as well the set target for payments collection. Hover over the graph to view the specific details for the selected period.
The table displays specific details about payments, bills, and adjustments for previous 15 months.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Financial
Payments, Bills and Adjustments, Payments / Bills and Adjustments
The Analysis dashboard page provides a snapshot of the monthly revenue generation.
Revenue Analysis
This analysis provides information on how different customer segments contribute to the total revenue in the selected month.
This analysis provides a snapshot of the monthly revenue generation across various customer segments. Business users can determine how different customer segments contribute to the total revenue.
The View By drop down slices the data by postal code, with a combination of city, customer class, jurisdiction, premise type, rate, service type, or state.
The table shows how various customer segments contribute to the total revenue for the selected period.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Financial
Revenue Amount
The Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the revenues at account level.
Revenue Detail
This analysis shows the account level details of the top 100 customers based on their contribution to the revenue generation. The data is shown for the selected month.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones with highest revenue generation. Business users can drill back to the source application and analyze the data further.
The table displays the customer information details based on the revenue generation in the selected month.
Drill Back
The Account column link drills back to the Account Maintenance page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Financial Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Financial
Revenue Amount
The Billing dashboard provides insight into the key metrics related to the billing system, such as bill cycle effectiveness, first day billing efficiency, and estimated and canceled bill segments.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Revenue Analytics > Billing.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for the last completed calendar month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria as per requirement.
Bill Cycle Effectiveness
The Bill Cycle Effectiveness dashboard page provides details on how effective bill cycles were historically, and also the details within a single month and also the bill cycle revenue amount trend.
Bill Cycle Effectiveness History
This analysis shows the monthly trend in bill cycle effectiveness for the previous 15 months. It also shows a monthly comparison between the number of bill segments frozen within the billing window against the monthly target.
Business users can analyze the trends in bill cycle effectiveness for the previous 15 months. Depending on the increase or decrease, analysts can take appropriate measures.
The bar graph shows the number of bill segments frozen within the billing window and the target for that month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y1-axis represents the number of bill segments, while the Y2-axis represents the bill cycle effectiveness. The line on the graph shows the trend in bill cycle effectiveness. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The View By drop down slices the data by various dimensional attributes, such as premise type, customer class, measurement type, service type, or jurisdiction.
The Month Year drop down filters the data for the specific month.
The table shows the target bill segments, bill segments frozen in window, bill segments frozen outside the window, and the bill cycle effectiveness for the selected dimensional attribute.
Bill Cycle Effectiveness = (Bill Segments Frozen in Window * 100) / Target Bill Segments
Drill Down
The labels on the X-axis of the bar graph have the master-detail interaction with the tabular report and Bill Cycle Effectiveness analysis on the same dashboard page.
Clicking on a specific Month Year label refreshes the tabular report and Bill Cycle Effectiveness analysis to show the data for the specific month and year.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Target Bill Segments, Bill Segments Frozen in Window, Bill Cycle Effectiveness, Bill Segments Frozen Outside Window
Bill Cycle Effectiveness
This analysis shows the trend in bill cycle effectiveness for the selected month between the various bill cycles.
Note: The Month Year value for which the data is shown in this analysis can also be broadcast from the Bill Cycle Effectiveness History analysis on the same dashboard page.
Business users can analyze the bill cycle effectiveness for the current month. They can compare the effectiveness of the bill cycles within a month and determine which bill cycles perform better across months.
The Month Year drop down filters the data for the specific month.
The bar graph shows the number of bill segments in each bill cycle. The X-axis represents the bill cycle. The Y1-axis represents the number of bill segments, while the Y2-axis represents the bill cycle effectiveness. The line on the graph shows the trend in bill cycle effectiveness. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Target Bill Segments, Bill Segments Frozen in Window, Bill Cycle Effectiveness
Bill Cycle Trend
This analysis shows the revenue amount generated in various bill cycles in the selected month, and then compares it with the values in the previous month and same month in the previous year.
Business users can analyze the trends in revenue generation across various bill cycles.
The table shows the revenue amount generated in the selected month and previous month, and also compares it with the revenue generated in the same month in the previous year.
The revenue generation is shown against various bill cycles.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Revenue Amount, Trend Compared to Last Month, Trend Compared to Same Month Last Year
First Day Billing Efficiency
The First Day Billing Efficiency dashboard page covers key metrics related to the efficiency of billing in the first day of the billing window.
First Day Billing Efficiency
This analysis shows the billing efficiency on the first day of the billing window for the previous 15 months.
Business users can gauge the rate at which bill segments are frozen on the first day of the billing window. They can also observe any trends over the 15-month period.
The bar graph shows the number of bill segments frozen and targeted in each month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y1-axis represents the number of bill segments, while the Y2-axis represents the first day billing efficiency. The line on the graph shows the trend in the first day billing efficiency. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The View By drop down slices the data by various dimension attributes, such as premise type, customer class, measurement type, service type, or jurisdiction. The selection is applicable for table representation.
The Month Year drop down filters the data for the specific month.
The table shows the target bill segments, bill segments frozen on the first day of the bill cycle, and the bill cycle effectiveness on the first day for the selected dimension attribute.
First Day Billing Efficiency = (Frozen Bill Segments on First Day * 100) / Target Bill Segments
Drill Down
The labels on the X-axis of the bar graph have the master-detail interaction with the tabular report in the same analysis.
Clicking on a specific Month Year label refreshes the tabular report to show the data for the specific Month Year.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Target Bill Segments, Frozen Bill Segments on First Day, First Day Billing Efficiency
Worst 5 Bill Cycles By First Day Billing Efficiency <selected month>
This analysis shows the top five bill cycles that have the least efficiency in first day billing. The data is shown for the selected month.
Business users can identify the bill cycles that had a high number of bill segments not getting frozen on the first day of the billing window. They can compare the performance of these bill cycles with that of the previous month.
The bar graph shows the percentage of bill segments frozen on the first day of the billing window across various bill cycles. The X-axis represents the bill cycle. The Y-axis represents the average efficiency percentage on the first day. The lines on the graph represent the average of all bill cycles and the highest efficiency percentage of the month in a specific bill cycle bucket. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table displays the target bill segments and the bill segments frozen on the first day of the bill cycle. It compares the billing efficiency on the first day with that of the efficiency in the previous month, and also shows the trend in billing efficiency.
First Day Billing Efficiency = (Frozen Bill Segments on First Day * 100) / Target Bill Segments
Trend = Last Month Efficiency - First Day Billing Efficiency
Drill Down
The labels on the X-axis of the bar graph and the Bill Cycle column have the master-detail interaction with the Cumulative Percentage Of Frozen Bill Segments By Day analysis of the same dashboard page.
Clicking on a specific Bill Cycle label will refresh the Cumulative Percentage Of Frozen Bill Segments By Day analysis to show the data for the specific Bill Cycle.
Source Object
SA Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - SA Billing
Target Bill Segments, Frozen Bill Segments on First Day, First Day Billing Efficiency, Last Month's Efficiency, Highest % of the Month, Average of all Bill Cycles, Trend
Worst 5 Bill Cycles By First Day Billing Efficiency <rolling 12 months>
This analysis shows the top five bill cycles that have the least efficiency in first day billing. The data is shown for the rolling 12 months.
Business users can identify the bill cycles that had a high number of bill segments not getting frozen on the first day of the billing window over the last 12 months.
The bar graph shows the percentage of bill segments frozen on the first day of the billing window across various bill cycles. The X-axis represents the bill cycles. The Y-axis represents the efficiency percentage on the first day. The lines on the graph represent the average efficiency of all bill cycles and the highest efficiency of the previous 12 months in a specific bill cycle bucket. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table displays the target bill segments and the bill segments frozen on the first day of the bill cycle. It compares the billing efficiency on the first day with that of the efficiency in the previous month, and also shows the trend in billing efficiency.
First Day Billing Efficiency = (Frozen Bill Segments on First Day * 100) / Target Bill Segments
Trend = Last Month Efficiency - First Day Billing Efficiency
Drill Down
The labels on the X-axis of the bar graph and the Bill Cycle column have the master-detail interaction with the Cumulative Percentage Of Frozen Bill Segments By Day analysis of the same dashboard page.
Clicking on a specific Bill Cycle label will refresh the Cumulative Percentage Of Frozen Bill Segments By Day analysis to show the data for the specific Bill Cycle.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Target Bill Segments, Frozen Bill Segments on First Day, First Day Billing Efficiency, Last Month's Efficiency, Highest % of the Month, Average of all Bill Cycles, Trend
Cumulative Percentage Of Frozen Bill Segments By Day
This analysis shows the cumulative percentage of bill segments that were frozen in the various days of the billing window. The data is shown for the selected month.
Note: The bill cycle for which data is shown on this analysis can also be broadcast from the Worst 5 Bill Cycles By First Day Billing Efficiency <selected month> analysis on the same dashboard page.
Business users can analyze the percentage of bills frozen in various days of the billing window. (day 1, 2-5 days, etc).
The first Bill Cycle drop down filters the data to show the frozen bill segment percentages for the selected bill cycle. This selection is applicable only to the graph.
The bar graph shows the cumulative percentage of frozen bill segments in the selected month, along with the 12-month average. The X-axis represents the days in bill window. The Y-axis represents the cumulative percentage. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The second Bill Cycle drop down filters the data to show the frozen bill segment percentages for the selected bill cycle. This selection is applicable only to the table.
The table shows the bill segments frozen and their cumulative percentage for the selected month, and also the respective averages for the previous 12 months. The data is shown against various day buckets in the bill window.
Cumulative % Frozen (12 Months) = (Bill Segments Frozen Till the Particular Day in Window (12 Months) * 100.0) / Bill Segments Frozen (12 Months)
Cumulative % Frozen (Selected Month) = (Bill Segments Frozen Till the Particular Day in Window (Selected Month)* 100.0)/ Bill Segments Frozen (Selected Month)
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Bill Segments Frozen, Cumulative % Frozen (For selected month and the 12 month average)
Estimated Bill Segments
The Estimated Bill Segments dashboard page focuses on the estimated bill segment trend, along with the high bill complaints raised against them.
Estimated Bill Segment Trend
This analysis provides a snapshot of the estimated bill segment trend in the previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze trends in the volumes of estimated bill segments and any sub-trends within it based on the various dimensional attributes that be used for slicing.
The View By drop down slices the data into various dimensional attributes, such as customer class, bill cycle, service type, rate, measurement type, premise type, or jurisdiction.
The stacked bar graph shows the estimated bill segments sliced by the selected dimensional attribute for each month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the number of estimated bill segments. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the estimated bill segments, frozen bill segments, percentage of estimated bill segments, estimated amount, total amount, and the percentage of estimated amount. The percentage of estimated bill segments with high bill complaints metric is derived from the % of Estimated Bill Segments With High Bill Complaints analysis on the same dashboard page.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Estimated Bill Segment Details dashboard page to show specific billing information.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Estimated Bill Segments, Frozen Bill Segments, % of Estimated Bill Segments, Estimated Amount, % of Estimated Amount, Total Amount, % of Estimated Bill Segments with High Bill Complaints
% of Estimated Bill Segments With High Bill Complaints
This analysis provides the details of the percentage of estimated bill segments with high bill complaints. The data is shown for the previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze trends in the percentage of estimated bill segments resulting in high bill complaints from customers. They can help the utility to identify reasons for the same and analyze the effectiveness of their estimation tools.
The line graph shows the percentage of estimated bill segments with high bill complaints for each month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the percentage. Hover over the markers in the line for specific values.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Estimated Bill Segment Details dashboard page to show specific monthly billing information.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Estimated Bill Segments, Frozen Bill Segments, % of Estimated Bill Segments, Estimated Amount, % of Estimated Amount, Total Amount, % of Estimated Bill Segments with High Bill Complaints
Canceled Bill Segments
The Canceled Bill Segments dashboard page focuses on the canceled bill segments and the cancellation reasons.
Canceled Bill Segments Trend
This analysis provides a snapshot of the bill segments that were canceled in the previous 15 months.
Business users can identify trends in the volumes of bill segments that get canceled and any sub-trends within it based on the various dimensional attributes that be used for slicing.
The View By drop down slices the data into various dimensional attributes, such as customer class, service type, measurement type, premise type, or jurisdiction.
The stacked bar graph shows the canceled bill segments against each selected dimensional attribute, and in each month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the number of canceled bill segments. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the number of bill segments in specific customer segments that were canceled in each month, for the previous 12 months.
Drill Down
The labels on the X-axis of the bar graph and the Month Year column have the master-detail interaction with the Top 5 Reasons for Bill Segment Cancelation analysis of the same dashboard page.
Clicking on a specific Month Year label will refresh the Top 5 Reasons for Bill Segment Cancelation analysis to show the data for the specific Month Year.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Count of Canceled Bill Segments in each Dimensional Attribute Classification
Top 5 Reasons for Bill Segment Cancelation
This analysis provides the top five reasons for a bill segment to mark as canceled. The data is shown for the previous 12 months.
Note: The month year for which the data is shown on this analysis can also be broadcast from the Canceled Bill Segments Trend analysis on the same dashboard page.
Business users can identify the top reasons why bill segments result in cancellations.
Use the slider to view the canceled bill segments’ details for a specific month.
The bar graph shows the number of cancelled bill segments against each bill cancelation reason. The X-axis represents the reason for bill cancellation. The Y-axis represents the number of cancelled bill segments. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The Month Year drop down filters the data in the table for the selected month.
The table shows the number of cancelled bill segments, percentage of total canceled, average canceled amount, canceled amount, average billed amount, rebilled segments, and rebilled amount. The data is shown for the selected month.
Drill Down
The Canceled Bill Segments column link drills down to the Canceled Bill Segment Details dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Canceled Bill Segments, % of Total Canceled, Total Canceled Amount, Average Canceled Amount, Rebilled Segments, Rebilled Amount, Average Rebilled Amount
Estimated Bill Segment Details
The Estimated Bill Segment Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the estimated bill segments at account level.
This analysis shows the account level details of the top 100 customers who have the highest billed amounts based on estimated bill segments. The data is shown for the selected month.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones with highest estimated amount. Business users can drill back to the source application and analyze the data further.
The table displays the customer details based on the estimated bill segments and estimated amount in the selected month.
Drill Back
The Account column link drills back to the Control Central page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Estimated Amount, Number of Estimated Bill Segments
Canceled Bill Segment Details
The Canceled Bill Segment Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the canceled bill segments at account level.
This analysis shows the account level details of the top 100 customers who have the highest amounts based on canceled bill segments. The data is shown for the selected month.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones with highest canceled amount. Business users can drill back to the source application and analyze the data further.
The table displays the customer details based on the canceled bill segments and canceled amount in the selected month.
Drill Back
The Account column link drills back to the Control Central page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Canceled Amount, Number of Canceled Bill Segments
Unbilled SAs
The Unbilled SAs dashboard provides insight into the service agreement details of customers who have been unbilled for certain period.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Revenue Analytics > Unbilled SAs.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for the last completed calendar year month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria as per requirement.
The Overview dashboard page provides an overview of the unbilled service agreements for the selected period.
Service Agreements by Days Of Unbilled Usage
This analysis shows the number of service agreements that are unbilled, grouped by the various age buckets for the unbilled period. It shows the monthly trend for the previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze the quantity of agreements that have been unbilled over the last 15-month period.
The stacked bar graph shows the number of service agreements in each unbilled usage days bucket, for the previous 15 months. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the number of service agreements. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the number of days for which service agreements were unbilled against each unbilled usage bucket (such as > 30, 20-30, and more).
Drill Down
The Month column link drills down to the Unbilled SAs Details dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
SA Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - SA Snapshot
Service Agreements, Counts Based on Age Buckets
Bill Segment Errors
The Bill Segment Errors dashboard page provides insight into the errors in bill segments for the selected period.
Bill Segment Error Trend
This analysis compares the bill segments in errors in each month, for the previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze any trends in the volume on bill segments going into error and also any patterns based on the selected dimensional attribute.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class, premise type, rate, measurement type, or service type.
The stacked bar graph shows the number of bill segments with errors sliced by the selected dimensional attribute. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the number of bill segments with errors. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the number of bill segments that had errors, bill segments still in error, target number of bill segments, and the percentage of bill segments still in error. The data is displayed for each month, for the previous 15 months.
% Still in Error = (Total Bill Segments Still in Error * 100.0)/ Total Bill Segments
Drill Down
The Bill Segments That Had Errors column links drill down to the Bill Segment Errors Details dashboard page for granular details.
The labels on the X-axis of the bar graph have the master-detail interaction with the Analysis of Bill Segment Errors analysis on the same dashboard page.
Clicking on a specific Month Year label will refresh the Analysis of Bill Segment Errors analysis to show the data for the specific Month Year.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Bill Segments Still in Error, Bill Segments that Had Errors, Target Bill Segments, % Still in Error
Analysis of Bill Segment Errors
This analysis shows the bill segments that had errors and those still in error, along with the respective error messages. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can analyze the errors that are associated with more number of bill segments. Corrective actions can then be focused upon the identified top errors.
The Month Year drop down filters the data for respective month.
The table shows the number of bill segments that had errors, those still in error, the respective error message, and the customer class.
Drill Down
The Bill Segments That Had Errors and Bill Segments Still in Error column links drill down to the Bill Segment Errors Details dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Bill Segments Still in Error, Bill Segments that Had Errors
Bill Segment Errors Details
The Bill Segment Errors Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the bill segments with errors, at account level.
This analysis shows the account level details of the top 100 customers based on the bill segments that are still in error. The data is shown for the selected month.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones with the highest number of bill segments that are still in error. Business users can drill back to the source application and analyze the data further.
The table displays the customer details based on the bill segments still in error and those that had errors.
Drill Back
The Account column link drills back to the Control Central page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Service Agreement Billing Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Billing
Bill Segments Still in Error, Bill Segments that Had Errors
Unbilled SAs Details
The Unbilled SAs Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the unbilled service agreements at account level.
This analysis shows the account level details of the top 100 customers based on the average unbilled days on a single service agreement. The data is shown for the selected month.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones with highest average unbilled days on a single service agreement. Business users can drill back to the source application and analyze the data further.
The table displays the account details based on the average unbilled days on a single service agreement. It also displays the number of days of unbilled usage in age buckets (such as 10-20 days, 20-30 days, >30 days, etc).
Drill Back
The Account column link drills back to the Control Central page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Service Agreement Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement Snapshot
Service Agreement Counts Based on Age Buckets, Average Unbilled Days on a Single SA