The Activities dashboard provides key performance indicators (KPIs) for the service organization activities. It provides statistics on various issues to help the organization monitor the activity completion progress.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Mobile Workforce Analytics > Activities.
The dashboard includes the following dashboard pages. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
Activities Distribution
The Activities Distribution dashboard page provides a snapshot of the activity distribution based on the selection criteria. Activity distribution can be monitored for each service category and at various service area hierarchy levels.
Activities Scheduled vs Completed
This analysis displays the count of activities (both scheduled and completed) for the previous 15 months.
Scheduled activities in a month are the number of activities scheduled to be completed in that month, and completed activities are the number of activities completed in that month. Using this data, business users can analyze the work load balance.
The bar graph shows the comparison between the scheduled and completed activities in each month, for the previous 15 months. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the number of activities. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the number of scheduled and completed activities, along with the percentage of completion per each month.
Drill Down
The Month column link drills down to the Activity Details dashboard page for specific details in that month.
Source Object
Field Activities Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activities
Scheduled and completed activity counts
Completed Activities Distribution
This analysis shows the percentage of completed activities by service category for the selected month.
Business users can analyze the category in which most of the activities were completed, and that with minimum completions to take necessary actions.
The pie chart shows the distribution of completed activities categorized under the selected service category.
The Service Category drop down in the table slices the data by various service categories.
The table displays a list of completed activities by the selected service category and activity types within the service area hierarchy.
Drill Down
The Number of Activities column link drills down to the Activity Details dashboard page for specific details in that month.
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Number of Activities, Percentage of Total Completed Activities
Multi-Attempt Activities
The Multi-Attempt dashboard page focuses on the activities that were completed in more than one attempt (the activity was either ‘postponed’ or ‘suspended’).
Multi-Attempt Activities
This analysis shows the percent of activities in each service category that were completed in more than one attempt. The data is shown for the selected month.
Business users can analyze the service category in which most of the activities were completed with multiple attempts and which has higher number of attempts, and evaluate the reasons for the same.
The pie chart shows the distribution of multi-attempt activities across various service categories.
The Service Category drop down filters the data per the selected service category.
The table displays a list of completed activities and the number of attempts for each activity completed. The data is categorized by service category (selected in the pie chart) and activity types within the service area hierarchy.
Drill Down
The pie chart segments show the master-detail interaction with the table in this analysis. Clicking on a specific segment refreshes the table to show the data for the specific Service Category.
The Number of Activities column link drills down to the Activity Details dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Number of Activities, Number of Attempts
The Deviations dashboard page provides a snapshot of activity work duration across various duration deviation buckets and service categories. The distribution can also be viewed at different service area hierarchy levels and can be useful in analyzing how well the company is estimating work durations.
Duration Deviation Distribution
This analysis shows the percentage of completed activities across various work duration deviation buckets per month. Each activity is associated with a duration deviation bucket.
Business users can analyze the whether or not the mobile workers are completing the activities in the allocated time frame.
The pie chart shows the distribution of work duration deviations in the selected month. It shows master-detail implementation in the Duration Deviation by Service Category analysis on the same dashboard page.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Count of completed activities by work duration deviation
Duration Deviation Trend
Deviation is the difference between the estimated duration and actual duration. This analysis shows the number of activities per month per work duration deviation bucket, for the previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze the trend at which activities are completed within their estimated work durations.
The stacked bar graph shows the number of activities against each duration deviation bucket. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the number of activities. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Count of Completed Activities by Work Duration Deviation
Duration Deviation by Service Category
This analysis shows the percentage of completed activities’ duration deviations across various service categories. The data is shown for the selected month.
Note: The data is broadcast from the deviation duration bucket selected in the Duration Deviation Distribution analysis on the same dashboard page.
Business users can analyze the trend at which types of activities are deviating from their duration estimates.
The first Work Duration Deviation drop down filters the activities by selected duration deviation bucket and this selection is applicable only for the pie chart. The selection is applicable only for the pie chart.
The pie chart shows the distribution of activities in various service categories for the selected work duration deviation bucket.
The second Work Duration Deviation filters the activities by selected duration deviation bucket and this selection is applicable only for the table.
The Service Category drop down filters the data by the selected service categories in the hierarchy.
The table displays a list of completed activities filtered by the selected service category within each activity type.
Drill Down
The Number of Activities column link drills down to the Activity Details dashboard page for specific details.
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Number of Activities
Canceled and Incomplete
The Canceled and Incomplete dashboard page provides a snapshot of how many activities are being canceled or made incomplete, and the reasons for the same. The analyses can be viewed at difference service area hierarchy levels.
Canceled Activities Percentage
This analysis shows the percentage of activities that were canceled in the selected month.
Business users can analyze the number of canceled activities.
The gauge shows the percentage of canceled activities in the selected month, using different colors to denote how the business users perceive the calculated result. The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention to cancelations.
Note: The ranges for green, yellow, and red can be customized.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
% of Activities Canceled
Canceled Activities by Reason
This analysis shows the distribution of activities that were canceled for various reasons. The data is shown for the selected month.
Business users can analyze the scenarios for activities being canceled for a specific reason.
The pie chart shows the percentage of cancelled activities per reason. The top 5 reasons are shown in separate segments and the rest are combined into one segment.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
% of activities canceled against each reason
Incomplete Activities Percentage
This analysis shows the percentage of activities that were not completed and marked incomplete for various reasons. The data is shown for the selected month.
Business users can analyze and identify the reasons for activities being incomplete in the scheduled time.
The gauge shows the percentage of incomplete activities in the selected month, using different colors to denote how the business users perceive the calculated result. The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention to incomplete activities.
Note: The ranges for green, yellow, and red can be customized.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Crew Task Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Crew Task
% of Incomplete Activities
Incomplete Activities by Reason
This analysis shows the distribution of incomplete activities against reason. The data is shown for the selected month.
Business users can analyze the scenarios for activities being incomplete in the assigned time line.
The pie chart shows the percentage of incomplete activities per each incomplete reason bucket. The top 5 reasons are shown in separate segments and the rest are combined into one segment.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Crew Task Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Crew Task
% of Incomplete Activities
Activities Map
The Activities Map dashboard page provides a spatial representation of completed activities and their distribution as per work duration deviation buckets. In addition, for each postal code, a mini pie chart displays the work duration deviations of the activities in that postal code.
This analysis provides a geographical view to quickly identify the count of activities in a specific region, and the work duration deviations for those activities. The data is shown for the selected month.
Using this map view, business users can view activity volumes in postal codes and their work duration deviations.
The color-coded region on the map shows the postal code of that geographical region and the number of completed activities per month in that postal code. The postal codes are colored based on the number of activities, which can be configured by the user in the legend.
The map also shows pie charts, one per postal code. Each pie chart displays the number of activities in the respective work duration buckets. The work duration link drills down to show lower level details.
The table shows the number of activities against each activity type that are categorized under each service category. The data is shown per postal code.
Drill Down
The Postal Code link broadcasts the region details and drills down to the Multi-Attempt Activities, Deviations, and Canceled and Incomplete dashboard pages for granular details.
The Number of Activities column link drills down to the Activity Details dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Activities Count
Activity Details
The Activity Details dashboard page displays the details of activities, such as activity type, mobile worker or crew that worked on the activity, number of attempts, work duration deviation, and more.
Activity Details
This analysis shows a list of activities against each activity type grouped under respective service category and service area. For each activity, the mobile worker or crew that was assigned that activity, the work duration deviation, the number of attempts, and the status are also shown. The data is shown at the day level of the selected month.
Business users can use this detail-level analysis to navigate back to the source Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management/ Oracle Real-Time Scheduler system and view specific details pertaining to an activity on the MWM Activity page.
The table displays the details of activities, such as activity type, mobile worker or crew, number of attempts, work duration deviation, and status. It also shows the service category and service area.
Drill Down
The Activity column link drills back to the Activity page in the Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management system for more details about the selected activity.
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Number of attempts