The Emergencies dashboard provides key performance indicators (KPIs) for activities classified as emergencies. The dashboard provides a snapshot of the number and location of emergencies and how the service organization responds to them. These metrics help to manage emergencies.
A spatial analysis also been included to show the geographical distribution of the where the various emergencies arose. Users can also drill back to the source Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management/ Oracle Real-Time Scheduler application for further details about a specific activity.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Mobile Workforce Analytics > Emergencies.
The dashboard includes the following dashboard pages. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
The Emergencies dashboard page provides a geographical distribution of emergencies, monthly trend of emergencies, and yearly trend of average percentage of emergencies.
This analysis provides a geographical view of the number of emergencies by postal codes. The data is shown for the selected month.
Using the map view, business users can view the volume of emergencies in specific postal codes, and also identify which areas have more concentration of emergencies. The tabular view can be used to monitor the number of emergencies and the response time.
The color-coded region on the map shows the postal code of that geographical region, the total number of emergencies in that postal code, and the average response time in minutes for that postal code. The postal codes are colored based on the number of emergencies that can be configured by the user in the legend.
The tables display the total number of emergency activities for the service area hierarchy, service category, and postal code.
Drill Down
The Number of Emergencies column link drills down to the Emergency Details dashboard page for granular details.
The Postal Code link on the map’s pop-up window have the master-detail interaction with the Emergencies by Month and the Average Percentage of Emergencies Per Month analyses on the same dashboard page.
Clicking on a specific postal code value refreshes the two analyses to show the data for the specific postal code.
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Number of Emergencies
Emergencies by Month
This analysis shows the emergency activity distribution against each activity type and postal code. The data is shown for each month, for the previous 15 months.
Note: The postal code for which the data is shown on this analysis can also be broadcast from the Emergencies analysis on the same dashboard page.
Business users can identify the trend in the number of emergencies by postal code and how they are distributed across activity types.
Use the slider to display the data per postal code.
The bar graph shows the number of emergencies grouped under each activity type in each month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the number of emergencies. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Daily Emergencies dashboard page for the respective activity type details.
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Number of Emergencies
Average Percentage of Emergencies Per Month
This analysis provides the average percentage of emergencies of the total number of activities, per month, per postal code, for the current year and previous two years.
Note: The postal code for which the data is shown on this analysis can also be broadcast from the Emergencies analysis on the same dashboard page.
Business users can identify the trend in the number of emergencies and how they are distributed across postal codes.
Use the slider to display the data per postal code.
The bar graph shows the average percentage of emergencies per month. The X-axis represents the year. The Y-axis represents the average percentage of emergencies. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Number of Emergencies
Daily Emergencies
The Daily Emergencies dashboard page provides a daily analysis on the emergencies dealt with.
Daily Emergencies
This analysis shows the number of emergencies on each day of the selected month, broken down by activity type.
Business users can identify the daily trend in the number of emergencies and how they are distributed across activity types.
The stacked bar graph shows the number of emergencies in each activity type on each day of the selected month. The X-axis represents the day of the month. The Y-axis represents the number of emergencies. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table displays the daily view of the number of emergencies against each activity type grouped under specific service categories.
Drill Down
The Number of Emergencies column link drills down to the Emergency Details dashboard page for specific details.
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Number of Emergencies
Emergency Response Analysis
The Emergency Response Analysis dashboard page helps to understand out of all emergencies, how many are handled on time, are late, and also the distribution per lateness categories.
Emergency Response Met vs Missed
This analysis shows the emergencies for the selected period as either missed or met SLA. The user defines whether or not the SLA status was “Met” or “Missed” on the Extendable Lookup for Response Time Deviation in the “SLA Status” field.
Business users get a snapshot of the percentage of emergency activities that missed the SLA. They can initiate corrective actions if this is larger.
The pie chart shows the distribution of emergencies per the SLA status.
Drill Down
The pie chart drills down to the Emergency Details dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
% of emergency responses which met/missed the SLA
Emergency Response Trend
This analysis shows the percentage of emergencies whose response time overshot the SLA.
Business users can identify any trends in the emergency responses overshooting the SLA. They can initiate corrective actions if a large percentage of emergency responses do not meet the SLA.
The bar graph shows the percentage of emergencies of the total emergencies whose SLA was missed, for the previous 15 months. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the percentage of emergencies that missed the SLA out of the total emergencies. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Emergency Details dashboard page for specific details.
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
% of emergency responses which missed the SLA
Emergency Responses - On Time or Early
This analysis shows the emergencies that are either being on time or early sliced by the time. The data is shown for the selected month.
Business users can identify the reasons for responses being on time or early and try to implement similar scenarios in other situations as well.
The pie chart shows the emergency responses grouped under various response time buckets.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
% of timely emergency responses sliced by time buckets
Emergency Responses - Late
This analysis shows emergencies whose response time was missed, per lateness bucket, for the selected month. The emergency lateness buckets are configurable.
Business users can identify the time buckets with most delayed emergency responses and start analyzing deeper to determine the root causes.
The pie chart shows the emergency responses grouped under lateness buckets.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
% of late emergency responses sliced by time buckets
Emergency Response Time
The Emergency Response Time dashboard page gives a detailed insight into time related metrics about emergency responses, such as response time trends, top mobile workers or crews, and postal areas with high response time, response times by day of week.
Emergency Responses Missed By Activity Type
This analysis shows the percentage of emergency responses that missed the SLA, sliced by the activity type. The data is shown for the selected month.
Business users can identify the activity types with a high percentage of the emergency responses missing the SLA.
The pie chart shows the distribution of emergency responses that missed SLA, grouped by activity type.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
% Emergencies Missing SLA by Activity Type
Emergency Response Time - By Day Of The Week
This analysis shows how emergency response time varies with different days of the week. The data is shown for the selected month.
Business users can identify which days of the week have higher response times.
The stacked bar shows the total response time in four stacks - each stack indicating a specific usage time bucket (the amount of time spend from creation to dispatch, from dispatch to enroute, from enroute to start, and from start to completion).
The X-axis represents the day of the week. The Y-axis represents the response time in minutes. Hover over the bars for the average of each stack for each week day.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Response Time
Top 10 Crews with Highest Average Emergency Response Time
This analysis shows the top 10 mobile workers or crews with the highest average response time across all emergencies they attended in the selected month.
Business users can identify the crews with highest average response time and investigate further on why their response times are on the higher side.
The bar graph shows the mobile workers or crews with the highest average response times. The X-axis represents the mobile worker or crew. The Y-axis represents the response time in minutes. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Crew with Highest Average Response Time
Top 10 Postal Codes with Highest Average Emergency Response Time
This analysis shows the top 10 postal codes with the highest average response time across all emergencies that arose in those postal areas.
Business users can identify the postal codes with the highest average response time and analyze the specific reasons for mobile workers or crews not meeting SLAs in those areas.
The bar graph shows the postal codes with the highest response times. The X-axis represents the postal code. The Y-axis represents the response time in minutes. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Postal Codes with Highest Average Response Time
Response Time Trend
This analysis gives a snapshot of how the average response time for emergencies is trending for a specific activity type over the last 15-month period.
Business users can analyze the trends in monthly average response time for all emergencies.
The line graph shows the monthly average response time for the selected month and previous 14 months. It also shows moving average of the average response time.
The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the response time in minutes. Hover over the lines for specific details.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Average Response Time, Moving Response Time
Emergency Details
The Emergency Details dashboard page shows a list of emergencies with detailed information.
Emergency Details
This analysis shows the emergency activity details and the status of SLA for each emergency.
Business users can use this detail-level analysis to navigate back to the source Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management/ Oracle Real-Time Scheduler system and view specific details pertaining to emergencies on the MWM Activity page.
The table displays the details of emergency activities, such as the time from creation to dispatch, dispatch to enroute, response time to complete, enroute to onsite, and the total response time. Along with the response time deviation, it also displays the SLA status of the emergencies grouped by activity type and service category.
Drill Down
The Activity column link drills back to the Activity page in the Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management system for more details about the selected activity.
Source Object
Field Activity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Field Activity
Creation to Dispatch, Dispatch to Enroute, Response Time to Complete, Enroute to On Site, Total Response Time