The Overview dashboard presents an overall picture of the number of To-Do entries that are created or completed in the selected time period. It also displays existing incomplete To-Do entries.
The dashboard helps in analyzing the productivity, and identifying the overall state of the product. Each of the analysis in the dashboard drills down to the respective detailed dashboard page.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Exception Analytics > Overview.
The dashboard includes the following analysis. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
To-Do Entries Created
An entry is “created” when a To-Do is created in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
This analysis provides a percentage of the number of To-Do entries created in the selected month compared to the average of the past three months.
Business users can quickly analyze whether more To-Do entries are being logged in the selected month compared to the previous months. If there are alarming volumes, they can then further investigate to find the possible reasons for the increase in volume.
The gauge shows the percentage of To-Do entries created in the current month relative to the average of the last three months. The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention and figure out why there are more To-Do entries being logged compared to the previous months.
Note: The ranges for green, yellow, and red can be configured.
The table shows the average To-Do entries created in the last three months and also the entries created in the current month relative to the average of the last three months.
Drill Down
The Current Month / Average of Last 3 Months column link drills down to the Productivity Trend dashboard page for more details about the respective To-Do entries.
Source Object
To Do Entry Fact
OAS Subject Area
Current Month / Average of Last 3 Months, Average of Last 3 Months
To-Do Entries Completed
An entry is considered to be “complete” when a To-Do is resolved. In the source application, the status of the entry is set to Complete (C).
This analysis provides the summary of the total number of To-Do entries completed in the selected period. It also provides a percentage of the number of To-Do entries completed in the selected month compared to the average of the previous three months.
Business users can compare the volume of the current month against the average of the previous three months to get an insight into the number of To-Dos entries that got resolved when compared to the previous periods.
The gauge shows the percentage of To-Do entries that are completed in the current month relative to the average of the last three months. The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention and possibly determine why there are fewer To-Do entries being completed compared to previous months.
Note: The ranges for green, yellow, and red can be configured.
The table shows the average To-Do entries completed in the previous three months and also the entries completed in the current month relative to the average of the previous three months.
Drill Down
The Current Month / Average of Last 3 Months column link drills down to the Productivity Trend dashboard page for more details about the respective To-Do entries.
Source Object
To Do Entry Fact
OAS Subject Area
Current Month / Average of Last 3 Months, Average of Last 3 Months
To-Do Entries Created and Completed
This analysis shows the ratio at which To-Do entries are completed against their creation in the selected year and the previous year. It also shows the Total Completion Ratio that helps you to analyze how effectively the issues are resolved against their creation.
Total Completion Ratio = To-Do Entries Completed / To-Do Entries Created
The business users can get a big picture of the count of To-Do entries that are created and completed on yearly basis, and the situation to date for the current year.
The graph shows the number of To-Do entries that are created and completed in the previous year and the current year. X-axis denotes the calendar year. Y-axis denotes the number of To-Do entries. Hover over the graph to view the entry details for each year.
The table shows the number of To-Do entries created and completed in the current year and the previous year. It also shows the ratio between the entry creation and completion.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
To Do Entry Fact
OAS Subject Area
To-Do Entries Created, To-Do Entries Completed, Total Completion Ratio
Incomplete To-Do Entries
An entry is considered “incomplete” as long as it is open or assigned and is not yet complete.
This analysis shows the number of To-Do entries created in the last three months that are still incomplete (as of a specified date).
Together with the To-Do Entries created, the business user can analyze the rate at which the entries created in the past are completed.
The graph shows the number of incomplete To-Do entries created in the previous three months. X-axis denotes the number of incomplete To-Do entries. Y-axis denotes the calendar month. Hover over the graph to view the entry details for each year.
Drill Down
The graph drills down to the Summary dashboard page for more details about the incomplete To-Do entries.
Source Object
Recent To Do Entry Fact
OAS Subject Area
Incomplete To-Do entries