To-Do Entries
The To-Do Entries dashboard provides key performance indicators (KPIs) for Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing To-Do entries. This dashboard shows productivity trends for the number of entries created and completed. Completion durations are also displayed.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Exception Analytics > To-Do Entries.
The dashboard includes the following analysis. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
Top N
Productivity Trend
The Productivity Trend dashboard page shows productivity trends by analyzing the number of entries created and completed.
Monthly Trend
This analysis shows trends on how many To-Do entries are created and completed against each segment (To-Do type or To-Do priority) for the previous 15 months. It also shows the total completion ratio for each month.
Total Completion Ratio = (Number of Entries Created * 100) / Number of Entries Completed
Business users can analyze whether the To-Dos are being resolved up to speed.
The bar graph shows the number of To-Do entries created and completed in the previous 15 months. The blues bars represent To-Do entries created, while the green line corresponds to those completed. X-axis denotes the calendar month. Y-axis denotes the count of To-Do entries. Hover over the graph to view the entry details for each month.
The View By drop-down slices the data by To-Do type and priority.
The table shows detailed data for every To-Do type or To-Do priority for the previous 15 months. In addition, it provides more insight into performance details.
Drill Down
The Completed and Total Completion Ratio column links drill down to the Duration, Top N, or Details dashboard pages for respective details.
Source Object
To Do Entry Fact
OAS Subject Area
Created, Completed, Total Completion Ratio
To-Do Entries by Day of Week
This analysis displays the total number of To-Do entries that were created and completed on each day of week, throughout the previous 15 months.
The created entries are summarized based on the creation date, while those completed are based on the completion dates.
This analysis gives business users insight into the performance for each day of the week. It gives an insight onto which day To-Do Entries are being logged more and which day has more completion.
The graph shows the count of To-Do entries created and completed on each day of week in the previous 15 months. The blue bars represent To-Do entries created, while the green bars show those completed. X-axis denotes the count of To-Do entries. Y-axis denotes the day of week. Hover over the graph to view the entry details for each day of week.
The table shows the count of To-Do entries created and completed on each day of week for previous 15 months.
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Source Object
To Do Entry Fact
OAS Subject Area
Number of To-Do Entries Created, Completed
The Duration dashboard page shows the duration trend by analyzing the average completion duration for the selected period.
Average Completion Duration
This analysis shows the average time (in hours) needed to complete To-Do entries.
For all the To-Do entries completed in every month for the past 15 months, the total duration is broken down into average duration for being open and the average duration for those assigned.
From the duration trend of To-Do entries business users can analyze the average completion duration of the entries in the selected period. Also, users can determine the following:
How long does it normally take to complete a To-Do entry?
What is the trend of the duration?
Of the total duration, how long does it take for the jobs to get assigned?
The bar chart shows the average duration of the To-Do entries that are open and those which are assigned, for the last 15 months. The red bars represent the open duration, while the blue bars show the assignment duration. X-axis denotes the calendar month. Y-axis denotes the average duration in hours. Hover over the graph to view the duration details for each month.
The table shows the average number of hours the To-Do entries were open, assigned, and completed. It also shows the trend in completion duration for current month compared to the previous months.
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Source Object
To Do Entry Fact
OAS Subject Area
Average Open Duration (Hours), Average Assigned Duration (Hours), Average Completion Duration (Hours)
Top N
The Top N dashboard page provides information to figure out for which possible reasons or purpose (via the message used to log the To-Do Entry against) To-Do Entries are being logged and which ones are being completed faster.
Messages with Highest Completed To-Do Entries
This analysis includes two views which list the messages with highest completed To-Do entries.
For selected month:
This view shows which are the top 10 messages, with To-Do Entries logged against with, have the highest number of completion volume in the selected month. It provides further detail related to information on the Productivity Trend dashboard page.
Rank = Rank (To-Do Entries Completed)
For previous 15 months:
This view shows which are the top 10 messages, with To-Do Entries logged against with, have the most number of To-Do entries completed in the last 15 months.
Rank = Rank (To-Do Entries Completed)
For selected month:
For To-Do entries that are being completed more than most in a selected month, business users can analyze for which purposes or reasons they were created for. In case To-Do Entries for more urgent purposes or reasons are not being resolved more, they can plan accordingly to prioritize the resolutions of these To-Do entries.
For previous 15 months:
Sometimes, data from only one month may not be sufficient to arrive at business decisions. In such cases, business users may use this view to identify in the previous 15 months what are the possible purposes or reasons of To-Do Entries with higher resolution volumes.
For selected month:
The bar chart shows the number of To-Do entries completed against each of the top 10 messages in the selected month. X-axis denotes the rank. Y-axis denotes the To-Do entries' count. Hover over the graph to view the respective entry details.
The table shows the ranks, detailed message descriptions, and the exact number of completed To-Do entries in the selected month.
For previous 15 months:
The bar chart shows the number of To-Do entries completed against each of the top 10 messages in the previous 15 months. X-axis denotes the rank. Y-axis denotes the To-Do entries' count. Hover over the graph to view the respective entry details.
The table shows the ranks, detailed message descriptions, and the exact number of completed To-Do entries in the previous 15 months.
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Source Object
To Do Entry Fact
OAS Subject Area
To-Do Entries Completed
Messages with Highest Completion Duration
This analysis includes two views which list the messages with highest completion duration for the To-Do entries created.
For selected month:
This view shows which are the top 10 messages, with To-Do Entries logged against with, have the highest number of completion time in the selected month. It provides further detail related to information on the Duration dashboard page.
Rank = Rank (Average Completion Duration (Hours))
For previous 15 months:
This view shows which are the top 10 messages, with To-Do Entries logged against with, have the highest completion times in the last 15 months.
Rank = Rank (Average Completion Duration (Hours))
For selected month:
For To-Do entries that are being completed faster than most in a selected month, business users can analyze for which purposes or reasons they were created for. In case To-Do Entries for more urgent purposes or reasons are not being resolved faster, they can plan accordingly to prioritize the resolutions of these To-Do entries.
For previous 15 months:
Sometimes, data from only one month may not be sufficient to arrive at decisions. In such cases, business users may use this view to identify in the previous 15 months what are the possible purposes or reasons of To-Do Entries with highest resolution times.
For selected month:
The bar chart shows the average completion duration (in hours) for the top 10 To-Do entry messages in the selected month. X-axis denotes the rank. Y-axis denotes the average completion duration. Hover over the graph to view the respective entry details.
The table shows the rank, total completion duration, average completion duration, and the detailed descriptions for each To-Do entry message completed in the selected month.
For previous 15 months:
The bar chart shows the average completion duration of each of the top 10 To-Do entry messages completed in the previous 15 months.
X-axis denotes the rank. Y-axis denotes the average completion duration. Hover over the graph to view the respective entry details.
The table shows the rank, total completion duration, average completion duration, and the detailed descriptions for each To-Do entry message completed in the previous 15 months.
Drill Down
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Source Object
To Do Entry Fact
OAS Subject Area
Completion Duration, Average Completion Duration, To-Do Entries Completed
The Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the completed To-Do entries at account level.
Completed To-Do Entries Details
This analysis provides the customer information associated with To-Do entries. It shows a list of the top 100 accounts with highest completed To-Do entries in the selected month.
The accounts at the top of the list are the customers with highest number of complete To-Do entries. Business users can drill back to the source application and analyze the data further.
Besides navigating directly to this analysis, users can drill down from either the Productivity Trend or Duration dashboard pages. Users can slice the data to show the list of customers for a particular To-Do type, priority, or message category.
The table shows the customer information (name, customer class, contact number), and the number of To-Do entries for that customer that were completed in the selected month.
Drill Down
The Account table link drills back to the Control Central page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
To Do Entry Fact
OAS Subject Area
To-Do Entries Completed