Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse
This section provides an overview of Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse, including:
The purpose of the data warehouse is to publish the organization’s data assets for supporting the decision making. Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse consists of the pre-built analytics applications, as well as a collection of the Extractors and Schema products.
Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse is a suite of pre-built analytics applications for the utilities industry. It is a single data repository with pre-built data integration to the Oracle Utilities source applications listed below:
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing (CCB)
Oracle Utilities Customer to Meter (C2M)
Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management (MDM)
Oracle Utilities Network Management System (NMS)
Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management (WAM)
Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management (ODM)
Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management (MWM)
Built on world class Oracle Analytics Server (OAS) platform with integrated spatial features, Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse supports end-to-end analytic workflows including the ability to drill back to the source applications. The extractors and schema are designed with the pre-built mapping between the source and the target. They support schema extensibility with built-in user-defined fields, dimensions and measures.
Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse data warehouse is a separate database from the operational database. The data warehousing involves large volumes of data used primarily for analysis. The data warehouse includes the following features:
Includes pre-built star schemas, pre-built metrics, pre-built reports, and pre-built dashboards.
Makes the data structures easily accessible for reporting needs of the end users.
Retrieves the large volumes of data quickly. This in turn allows fast rendering of the graphics that showcase the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Contains star schemas and graphics suited for data retrieved from the various Oracle Utilities source applications.
Provides you with the ability to add additional star schemas and graphics as per the requirement using the necessary development tools.
This section provides details on the product architecture and how the different components work together. The objective of this section is to provide you a high level understanding of the key components of the Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse product and how these components work together.
It covers the following topics:
Product Overview
The selected tables from the edge applications are replicated to the corresponding replication schema using Oracle GoldenGate. The data in the replication area is transformed into appropriate star schemas using Oracle Data Integrator. Oracle Data Integrator is utilized to generate the aggregated materialized views based on the star schemas. Oracle Analytics Server is used for presenting the data in the star schemas and associated materialized views on dashboards for each subject area.
The following diagram illustrates the solution components of Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse.Depicts the conceptual components involved in Oracle Utilities Analytics.
Depicts the conceptual components involved in Oracle Utilities Analytics.
A standard deployment of the Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse product consists of a database and an application server. Two WebLogic installations are performed on the application server, one for Oracle Analytics Server and another for Oracle Data Integrator. And, Oracle GoldenGate is installed on the source database server and on the target database server.
The following diagram shows the standard Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse deployment.
Depicts a standard deployment of the Oracle Utilities Analytics product.
For more information about the components related to extractors and schemas within Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse and pre-built analytics delivered with the product, refer to Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse Installation and Configuration Guide included in the Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse documentation.