Credit & Collections Analytics
This section describes the metrics available in Credit & Collections Analytics of Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse Dashboards. The metrics analyze accounts in arrears, and write offs to the customers.
Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse Dashboards for Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing provides the Credit & Collections analytics content in the following dashboards:
The Overview dashboard provides a high-level overview of arrears, collectibles, write offs data, pay plans, and payment arrangements for the selected period.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Credit & Collections Analytics > Overview.
The dashboard includes the following dashboard pages. The data for current fiscal or calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
Overview - Arrears
The Overview - Arrears dashboard page compares arrears against revenue.
Arrears (31+ Days) Compared to Revenue
This analysis provides a percentage of the arrears for 31+ days compared against the total revenue amount in the selected fiscal period.
Percentage = 100 * (Arrears (31+ days) / Revenue)
Business users can get an insight into how well payments are made on time.
The gauge shows the percentage, using different colors to denote how the business users perceive the calculated result. The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention on the payment collection scenarios.
Note: The range for green, yellow and red can be customized.
The table shows the calculated result and the relevant data.
Drill Down
The Arrears (31+ Days)/ Revenue column link drills down to the Arrears dashboard for more details about the respective arrears.
Source Object
SA Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - SA Snapshot
31+ Days, Revenue Amount, Arrears (31+ Days) / Revenue
Overview - Collection
The Overview - Collection dashboard page provides an overview of the effectiveness of collection and write off processes, and also pay plans and payment arrangements.
Collection Process Effectiveness
This analysis shows the level of success in collecting the arrears payments, in the selected month, in relationship to collections.
Collection Process Effectiveness % = 100 (1 - (Arrears at Start / Arrears at End))
This analysis provides insight into the success rate of collecting arrears payments. Business users can determine the effectiveness of the collection processes used to collect the arrears payments.
The gauge shows the percentage, using different colors to denote how the business users perceive the calculated result. The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention on the payment collection scenarios.
Note: The range for green, yellow and red can be customized.
The table shows the percentage of successful collection amount versus the original arrears amount, and the relevant data.
Drill Down
The Collection Process Effectiveness column link drills down to the Collectibles dashboard to view the respective collectibles in detail.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
Collectible Process
Collection Process Effectiveness, Arrears at Start, Arrears at End
Write Off Process Effectiveness
“Arrears at start” specifies the amount of arrears being collected by the write off process (captured when a write off process is initiated). “Arrears at end” is the amount of arrears remaining when the write off process completes (ideally, this should be zero if the outstanding debt is collected from the customer).
This analysis shows the level of success in collecting the arrears payments, in the selected month, in relationship to write offs.
Write Off Process % = 100 * (1 - (Arrears at End/Arrears at Start))
This analysis provides insight into the success rate of write off arrears payments. Business users can determine the effectiveness of the write off processes used to collect the arrears payments. It is typically used to measure the effectiveness of 3rd party collections vendors.
The gauge shows the percentage, using different colors to denote how the business users perceive the calculated result.
The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention on the payment collection scenarios.
Note: The range for green, yellow and red can be customized.
The table shows the percentage of successful write offs versus the original arrears amount, and the relevant data.
Drill Down
The Collection Process Effectiveness column link drills down to the Collectibles dashboard to view the respective collectibles in detail.
Source Object
Uncollectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Uncollectible Process
Write Off Process Effectiveness, Arrears at Start, Arrears at End
Pay Plans
A “pay plan” is an agreement with a customer to make scheduled payments on specific dates to clear off the customer’s debt.
This analysis shows the total number of pay plans classified by their statuses for the previous three months.
This analysis provides a bird’s eye view of the pay plans in the last three months, along with their statuses. Business users can identify the recently happening trends based on the statuses.
The bar graph displays the number of pay plans active or ended in a month and their status, for the previous three months.
The X-axis represents the month. The Y-axis represents the number of pay plans. Hover over the graph for more details.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Current Status dashboard page in the Pay Plans dashboard for the status of pay plans created in that month.
Source Object
Pay Plan Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Pay Plan Snapshot
Pay Plan Count
Payment Arrangement Success Rate
A “payment arrangement” is an agreement with a customer to pay off their debt as installments as part of their future bills (sometimes referred to as “current bill plus”).
This analysis shows the success rate of payment arrangement for the selected month.
Payment Arrangement Success Rate = 100 * ((Active + Kept Payment Arrangement) / Total Payment Arrangement)
Business users can analyze the rate at which customers are paying off their debts and bringing the payment arrangements to a closure.
The gauge shows the percentage, using different colors to denote how the business users perceive the calculated result.
The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention to customers paying off their debt through payment arrangements and the various payment arrangement scenarios that are implemented.
Note: The range for green, yellow and red can be customized.
Drill Down
The gauge drills down to the Overview page of Payment Arrangements dashboard.
Source Object
Payment Arrangement Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Payment Arrangement Snapshot
Success Rate
The Arrears dashboard provides an overview of the distribution and trends of arrears in a geographical region for the selected period.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Credit & Collections Analytics > Arrears.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for current fiscal year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
The Distribution dashboard page provides a snapshot of the comparison between revenue and arrears, and also shows how the arrears are distributed across various customer classes, jurisdiction, premise types, and service types.
Arrears Compared to Revenue
This analysis shows the comparison between arrears and revenue in the selected month and for each service type, thus facilitating a quick view of the outstanding debt in that month.
Comparison % = 100 * (Arrears for 31+ days / Total Revenue)
Note: The arrears buckets can be configured to include values, such as > 60 days, > 90 days, etc.
Business users can determine the outstanding debt across various service types in the selected month.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class, jurisdiction, premise type, or service type.
The table shows the comparison between the arrears for 31+ days and the total revenue for each service type.
Drill Down
The 31+Days Arrears column link drills down to the Trend dashboard page to view the respective bill cycle details.
Source Object
SA Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - SA Snapshot
31+ Days Arrears / Revenue, 31+ Days Arrears, Revenue
Arrears Distribution
This analysis shows how the arrears pending for 91+ days are distributed in each service type and in each service agreement type.
For example: You can chose different buckets, such as 31+ days, 15-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91+ days.
% = Bucket Amount in Arrears for View By Choice/(Sum of all buckets for View By) * 100
Business users can view the total arrears, and their distribution, by various age buckets and customer segments for the selected period.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class, jurisdiction, premise type, or service type, with the corresponding age buckets.
The pie chart shows how the arrears in each service type are distributed.
The table shows the percentage distribution of each service agreement type against each service type for the selected period.
Drill Down
The 91+ Days and the Percentage column links drill down to the Details dashboard page for more specific details.
Source Object
SA Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - SA Snapshot
Arrears Total, Percentage of Arrears
Arrears Map
The Arrears Map dashboard page provides a bird's eye view of arrears by region.
Arrears by Region
This analysis provides a geographical view to quickly analyze the outstanding debts in a specific region and in the selected period.
This analysis shows the customer debt broken down by various regions, thus helping the business users to plan effective collection processes.
The color-coded region on the map shows the arrears amount by age buckets in that area. The postal code shows the master-detail implementation in the table.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class, jurisdiction, premise type, or service type.
The Postal Code drop down lists the various postal codes on the map.
The table displays the current outstanding arrears amount and the arrears amount in respective age buckets, against each customer segment. The data is based on the postal code selected on the map.
Drill Down
Click any of the table links (corresponding to the age buckets) to drill down to the Details dashboard page for arrears-specific details.
Source Object
SA Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - SA Snapshot
Current Balance, 15-30 days, 31+Days, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, 91+ Days
The Trend dashboard page summarizes the customer arrears’ trend as a percentage of billed revenue for the selected period.
Arrears as % of Billed Revenue
This analysis provides a snapshot of the customer debt as a percentage of revenue over a 15-month period (earlier to the selected month).
Business users can determine how well the bills are being paid by customers.
The first stacked bar graph shows the percentage of debt against the total revenue. This information provides an indication of how well the bills are being paid.
The second stacked bar graph shows the actual amount of debt against the total revenue to analyze how well the bills are being paid.
Revenue contains only billed amount. The table displays the debt stored in various buckets based on its age - 31-60 days, 61-90 days, and 91+ days.
Drill Down
The 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, and 91+ Days column links drill down to the Details dashboard for more specific details.
Source Object
SA Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - SA Snapshot
Revenue Amount, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, 91+ Days
The Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the arrears at account level.
Arrears Detail
This analysis shows a list of the top 100 accounts (in each customer class) with the highest 31+ days' arrears amounts in the selected month.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones with highest arrears. Business users can plan effective collection processes to collect the arrears amount.
The table displays the customer class and various age buckets for each customer account.
Drill Back
The Account column link drills back to the Account Maintenance page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
SA Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - SA Snapshot
Current Balance, 15-30 Days, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, 91+ Days, 31+ Days
Note: Additional arrears measures (buckets) can be customized.
The Collectibles dashboard provides an overview of the collection amount and various processes initiated to collect that amount.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Credit & Collections Analytics > Collectibles.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
The Distribution dashboard page provides a snapshot of the distribution of collection processes.
Collection Process Effectiveness Distribution
This analysis helps to understand any variations in collection process effectiveness across multiple dimensions, such as jurisdiction, premise type, city, postal code, and customer class, or a combination of any of these.
Effectiveness % = 100 * ((Arrears at Start - Arrears at End) / Arrears at Start)
The collection process effectiveness is broken down by various customer segments, helping the business users to identify if there is a need to adopt tailored collection processes for different segments.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class, premise type, or jurisdiction.
The table shows the percentage of successful collections amount versus the original arrears amount.
Drill Down
The Premise Type, Customer Class, or Jurisdiction column links drill down to the Collection Process and Collection Duration dashboard pages for more details.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Arrears at Start, Arrears at End, Effectiveness
Active Collection Process Volume
This analysis provides a summary of the count of collection processes created (to collect arrears payments from the customers) in the selected month.
This analysis compares the volume of the current month against the average of the last three months. Business users can analyze the count of accounts ending up in the collection compared to previous periods.
The gauge shows the percentage of collection processes in the current month compared to the average of the previous three months. It uses different colors to denote how the users perceive the calculated result.
The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention on payment collection scenarios.
Note: The range for green, yellow and red can be customized.
The table shows the collection processes created in the last three months, their collective average, and a calculated value (collection processes in the current month divided by the average of last three months).
Drill Down
The Current Month / Average of Last 3 Months column link drills down to the Collection Process dashboard page for more specific details.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Current Month / Average of Last 3 Months, Average of Last 3 Months
Collection Process
The Collection Process dashboard page shows the trend of collection processes created and their effectiveness in a 15-month period across various segments.
Collection Process Effectiveness
This analysis provides a detailed view of how effectively the collection processes are used to collect arrears payments from customers for the previous 15 months.
Effectiveness % = 100 * ((Arrears at Start - Arrears at End) / Arrears at Start)
This analysis shows the effectiveness trend across various segments. Business users can pinpoint the segments which are least successful in collecting debts, and thus analyze the need for additional efforts.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class or jurisdiction.
The bar graph displays the effectiveness of the collection processes in the selected customer segment for the previous 15 months.
The table shows the arrears at the start and end of each month, along with the collection process effectiveness, in the selected customer segment.
Drill Down
The Effectiveness column link drills down to the Process Template, Analysis, and Details dashboard pages for respective details.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Arrears at Start, Arrears at End, Collection Process Effectiveness
Active Collection Process Volume
This analysis provides insight into the distribution of the total number of collection processes run to collect all the outstanding customer debt, for previous 15 months (from the selected month), across various customer segments.
Higher number of collection processes indicates higher efforts in collecting the billed amount.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class or jurisdiction.
The bar graph shows the count of collection processes run to collect arrears in the selected segment and in the selected period.
Drill Down
The Collection Processes column link drills down to the Collectible Amount dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Count of Collection Processes
Process Template
The Process Template dashboard page provides a snapshot of the performance, usage, and effectiveness of the collection process templates.
5 Worst Performing Collection Process Templates
This analysis shows the top five worst performing collection process templates in the selected month.
Business users can identify the collection process templates that are not performing well.
The bar graph shows the percentage of arrears collected in a month across various collection process templates. The X-axis represents the templates. The Y-axis represents the percentage. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table displays the completed or cancelled processes for each collection process template in the selected month. It also shows the arrears at start, at end, and the percentage of arrears collected.
% of Arrears Collected = 100 * ((Arrears At End - Arrears At Start) / Arrears At Start)
Drill Down
The labels on the X-axis of the bar graph have the master-detail interaction with the Event Effectiveness analysis on the same dashboard page. Clicking on the label of a specific template name will refresh the Event Effectiveness analysis to show the data for this specific template.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Arrears At Start, Arrears At End, Number of Completed or Canceled Processes, % of Arrears Collected
5 Best Performing Collection Process Templates
This analysis shows the top five best performing collection process templates in the selected month.
Business users can identify the collection process templates that are performing the most.
The bar graph shows the percentage of arrears collected in a month across various collection process templates. The X-axis represents the templates. The Y-axis represents the percentage. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table displays the completed or cancelled processes for each collection process template in the selected month. It also shows the arrears at start, at end, and the percentage of arrears collected.
% of Arrears Collected = 100 * ((Arrears At End - Arrears At Start) / Arrears At Start)
Drill Down
The labels on the X-axis of the bar graph have the master-detail interaction with the Event Effectiveness analysis of the same dashboard page.
Clicking on the label of a specific template name will refresh the Event Effectiveness analysis to show the data for this specific template.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Arrears At Start, Arrears At End, Number of Completed or Canceled Processes, % of Arrears Collected
5 Most Used Collection Process Templates
This analysis shows the top five collection process templates that are most used to collect customer debts. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can identify the collection process templates that are used frequently.
The bar graph shows the number of collection or canceled processes in each template. The X-axis represents the templates. The Y-axis represents the number of collection processes. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table displays the completed or canceled processes for each collection process template in the selected month. It also shows the arrears at start, at end, and the percentage of arrears collected.
% of Arrears Collected = 100 * ((Arrears At End - Arrears At Start) / Arrears At Start)
Drill Down
The labels on the X-axis of the bar graph have the master-detail interaction with the Event Effectiveness analysis of the same dashboard page.
Clicking on the label of a specific template name will refresh the Event Effectiveness analysis to show the data for this specific template.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Arrears At Start, Arrears At End, Number of Completed or Canceled Processes, % of Arrears Collected
Event Effectiveness
This analysis shows the effectiveness of the collection event types based on the percentage of arrears collected on its related collection processes. The data is shown for the selected month.
Business users can analyze which types of collection events are more effective and which types are not.
The first Template drop down box filters the pie chart to show event effectiveness slices for the selected collection process template.
The pie chart shows the distribution of collection event types in the selected template and in the selected month.
The second Template drop down box filters the tabular report to show event effectiveness details for the selected collection process template.
The table displays the number of effective processes against each collection event type in the selected template. It also shows the arrears at start, at end, and the percentage of arrears collected, along with the duration.
% of Arrears Collected = 100 * (Arrears at Start - Arrears at End / Arrears at Start)
Drill Down
The Collection Event Type column link drills down to the Details dashboard page for specific details.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Effective Processes, % of Total, Duration (Days), Arrears at Start, Arrears at End, % of Arrears Collected
Collectible Amount
The Collectible Amount dashboard page provides a snapshot of the distribution of the collectible amount in the selected month.
Collectible Amount
Collectible amount is the amount due from a customer for which an organization initiates collection processes. This analysis displays the maximum, minimum, and average collectible amounts for the previous 15 months.
Business users can identify any unusual collectible amounts or emerging trends in a particular month.
Both the graph and the table show the maximum, minimum, and average collectible amounts for each of the previous 15 months.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Maximum Amount, Minimum Amount, Average Amount
Collectible Amount Distribution
This analysis provides insight into the distribution of collection amounts broken down by various customer segments for the previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze how the arrears at the start of each month are distributed in the selected customer segment.
The View By drop down slices the details by customer class or jurisdiction.
Both the graph and the table display the arrears at the start of each month for the previous 15 months and across the selected customer segment.
Use the slider to view the arrears at the start of a particular month.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Arrears at Start
Collection Duration
The Collection Duration dashboard page provides an overview of the time taken to complete the collection processes and also shows the distribution across various segments.
Collection Duration
This analysis displays the maximum, minimum, and average collection durations for the previous 15 months. It provides insight into the time taken by the collection processes to collect the arrears amount for the selected period.
This analysis shows how long the collection processes take at a minimum, maximum, and average to close. Business users can thus analyze the lead time in collecting debt.
Both the graph and the table display the maximum, minimum, and average collection duration for each month, for the previous 15 months. If the organization has data for fewer months, the graph displays values for only those existing months. Hover over the graph for the month and duration (in hours) details.
Drill Down
The Average Duration (Hours) column link drills down to the Details dashboard page for more specific details.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Maximum Duration (Hours), Minimum Duration (Hours), Average Duration (Hours)
Collection Duration Distribution
This analysis shows the distribution of collection duration broken down by the selected customer segment for the previous 15 months. It provides insight into the distribution of the time taken by the collection processes to collect the arrears amount for the selected period.
Business users can analyze the lead time in collecting debts across various customer segments.
The View By drop down slices the details by customer class or jurisdiction.
Use the slider to display the collection duration distribution against each customer segment for a particular month.
The graph displays the collection duration against each customer segment in the selection month (from the slider). Hover over the graph for the customer segment and duration (in hours) details.
The table displays the collection duration against each customer segment for the previous 15 months.
Drill Down
The graph and the Collection Duration (Hours) column link drill down to the Details dashboard page for respective details.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Collection Duration (Hours)
The Analysis dashboard page primarily generates ad hoc reports where business users can pick the dimension attributes and view the effectiveness based on the selected attributes.
Collection Analysis
This analysis provides insight into the collection process effectiveness in more detail by allowing users to group data by various customer segments and geography.
Note: The result is the percent of successful collection amount versus the original arrears amount.
Business users can analyze how effectively the collection processes are operating in various areas in the selected customer segments.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class or jurisdiction, with a combination of city or postal code.
The table displays the arrears at the start and end of the selected period, and the collection process effectiveness against the selected customer segments. The effectiveness percentages in red and yellow indicate a need for higher efforts in collecting debts.
Effectiveness % = 100 * ((Arrears at Start - Arrears at End) / Arrears at Start)
Drill Down
The Effectiveness column link drills down to the Details dashboard page for more specific details.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Collection Duration (Hours)
The Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the collectibles at account level.
Effectiveness Details
This analysis shows a list of the first 100 accounts (in each customer class) with highest collection process effectiveness in the selected month.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones that the user is least successful in collecting payments for arrears. Business users can plan effective collection processes to collect the arrears amount.
The table displays the customer class, arrears at start, arrears at end, and collection process effectiveness for each customer account.
Drill Back
The Account column link drills back to the Control Central page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Collectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Collectible Process
Arrears at Start, Arrears at End, Effectiveness
Write Offs
The Write Offs dashboard provides insight into the write off processes and the effectiveness of the third-party programs in collecting debts.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Credit & Collections Analytics > Write Offs.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
The Distribution dashboard page provides a snapshot of the distribution of write off processes in the selected month.
Write Off Process Effectiveness Distribution
This analysis shows how the write off process effectiveness is distributed across various customer segments in the selected period.
Effectiveness % = 100 * ((Arrears at Start - Arrears at End) / Arrears at Start)
At this point all collection efforts have been exhausted and the utility turns the collection efforts over to a 3rd party collection agency.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class, jurisdiction, or premise type.
The table shows the percentage of successful collections amount versus the original arrears amount.
Drill Down
The customer segment table link drills down to the Write Off Process and Write Off Duration dashboard pages for more specific details.
Source Object
Uncollectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Uncollectible Process
Arrears at Start, Arrears at End, Effectiveness
Write Off Process Volume
This analysis provides a summary of the count of write off processes created (to collect debts from the customers) in the selected month.
This analysis compares the current month's volume against the average of the last three months. Business users can analyze how effective the third-party programs are in collecting debts.
The gauge shows the percentage of write off processes in the current month compared to the average of the previous three months. It uses different colors to denote how the users perceive the calculated result.
The needle movement in the gauge towards yellow or red indicates a need to pay more attention on debt collection scenario.
Note: The range for green, yellow and red can be customized.
The table shows the write off processes created in the last three months, their collective average, and a calculated value (write off processes in the current month divided by the average of last three months).
Drill Down
The Current Month / Average of Last 3 Months column link drills down to the Write Off Process and Write Off Amount dashboard pages for more specific details.
Source Object
Uncollectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Uncollectible Process
Count, Current Month / Average of Last 3 Months, Average of Last 3 Months
Write Off Process
The Write Off Process dashboard page shows the trend of write off processes created and their effectiveness in a 15-month period.
Write Off Process Effectiveness
When a business is not able to collect the outstanding customer debt by running write off processes, third-party collection agencies get involved in the process.
This analysis provides a detailed view of how effectively the third-party programs are used to collect debts from customers for the previous 15 months.
Note: The result is the percent of successful write off amount versus the original arrears amount.
Business users can analyze the outstanding customer debt for a specific period and propose necessary measures pertaining to the situation.
The bar graph shows the write off process effectiveness for rolling 15 months. Hover over the graph for the write off effectiveness in a particular month.
The table displays the arrears at the start and end of each month, along with the write off process effectiveness.
Effectiveness % = 100 * ((Arrears at Start - Arrears at End) / Arrears at Start)
Drill Down
The Effectiveness column link drills down to the Analysis and Details dashboard pages for specific details.
Source Object
Uncollectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Uncollectible Process
Arrears at Start, Arrears at End, Effectiveness
Write Off Process Volume
This analysis provides insight into the distribution of the total number of write off processes (created in the specific period) run to collect customer debts for the previous 15 months.
Higher number of write off processes indicates higher efforts in collecting the outstanding customer debt. Business users can analyze how to collect the write off amount for these processes.
The bar graph shows the count of write off processes created (in rolling 15 months) to collect the outstanding debt from customers. Hover over the graph to view the count of write off processes in a particular month.
The table displays the number of write off processes created in each of the previous 15 months.
Drill Down
The Write Off Processes column link drills down to the Write Off Amount dashboard page for more details about outstanding debt.
Source Object
Uncollectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Uncollectible Process
Write Off Processes
Write Off Amount
The Write Off Amount dashboard page provides a snapshot of the distribution of write off amount for 15 months prior to the selected month.
Write Off Amount
This analysis shows a monthly trend (maximum, minimum, and average) of the debt that is being written off after the third-party agencies try to collect the outstanding customer debt. The data is shown for the previous 15 months.
Business users can identify any unusual write off amounts in a particular month.
Both the graph and the table show the maximum, minimum, and average write off amount for each of the previous 15 months. Hover over the graph to view the write off amount details in a particular series.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Uncollectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Uncollectible Process
Maximum Amount, Minimum Amount, Average Amount
Write Off Amount Distribution
This analysis provides insight into the distribution of write off amounts broken down by various customer segments. The data is shown for the previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze how the write off amounts in each month are distributed in the selected customer segment.
The View By drop down slices the details by customer class, city, jurisdiction, postal code, or state.
Use the slider to view the total write offs in the selected segment for a particular month.
Both the graph and the table show the total write off process amount collected in each of the previous 15 months, in the selected segment. Hover over the graph to view the total write off amount details in a particular group.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Uncollectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Uncollectible Process
Total Write-offs
Write Off Duration
The Write Off Duration dashboard page provides an overview of the time taken to complete the write off processes for the selected period.
Write Off Duration
This analysis shows how long the write off processes took to close before the debt is either written off or collected. Only the closed write off processes for the previous 15 months are considered.
This analysis displays the minimum, maximum, and average duration of the write off processes in each month. Business users can thus analyze the effectiveness of the third-party programs in collecting debts.
Both the graph and the table display the maximum, minimum, and average duration taken for collecting the outstanding debt amount for each month, for the previous 15 months. Hover over the graph for the month and duration (in hours) details.
Drill Down
The Average Duration (Hours) column link drills down to the Details dashboard page for more specific details.
Source Object
Uncollectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Uncollectible Process
Maximum Duration (Hours), Minimum Duration (Hours), Average Duration (Hours)
The Analysis dashboard page primarily generates ad hoc reports where business users can pick the dimension attributes and view the write off effectiveness based on the selected attributes.
Write Off Analysis
This analysis provides insight into the write off process effectiveness in more detail by allowing users to group data by various customer segments and geography.
Effectiveness % = 100 * ((Arrears at Start - Arrears at End) / Arrears at Start)
Business users can analyze the effectiveness in debt collection across various customer segments and regions.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class or jurisdiction with a combination of city or postal code.
The table displays the arrears at the start and end of the selected period, and the write off process effectiveness against the selected customer segments. The effectiveness percentages in red and yellow indicate a need for higher efforts in collecting debts.
Drill Down
The Effectiveness column link drills down to the Details dashboard page for more specific details.
Source Object
Uncollectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Uncollectible Process
Effectiveness, Arrears at Start, Arrears at End
The Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the write offs at account level.
Write Offs Detail
This analysis shows a list of the first 100 accounts (in each customer class) with debts being written off. The customers with least write off process effectiveness in the selected month are displayed first.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones that the user is least successful in attempting to collect the debts. Business users can plan effective collection processes to collect the debts.
The table displays the customer class and the write off process effectiveness for each customer account.
Drill Back
The Account table link drills back to the Account Maintenance page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Uncollectible Process Fact
OAS Subject Area
Uncollectible Process
Pay Plans
The Pay Plans dashboard provides insight into the current status, trends, and collection effectiveness of the pay plans. Users can also drill back to the source Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system for further details about a specific pay plan or account.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Credit & Collections Analytics > Pay Plans.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for the last completed calendar month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria as per the requirement.
Current Status
The Current Status dashboard page shows the latest status of pay plans, their collection effectiveness, and the amount remaining for collection.
Pay Plans by Status
A “pay plan” is an agreement with a customer to make payments on specific dates to clear off the customer's debt.
This analysis helps to view the number of pay plans classified by their status in the respective payment grouped by payment methods, pay plan type, debt class, and customer class. The data is shown as of last extraction time.
Business users can analyze the status of pay plans against each segment.
The View By drop down slices the data by pay method, pay plan type, debt class, and customer class into various statuses.
The stacked bar graph shows the total number of pay plans against each segment, grouped under various status buckets (kept, cancelled, broken, or active). The X-axis represents the selected dimensional attribute. The Y-axis represents the pay plan count. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the number pay plans in each status bucket against the selected dimensional attribute.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Pay Plan Accumulation Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Pay Plan Accumulation
Pay Plan Count
Effectiveness of Non-Cancelled Pay Plans
This analysis shows the effectiveness of non-canceled pay plans on the last extraction date.
Business users can analyze the effectiveness of the active pay plans.
The View By drop down slices the data by pay method, pay plan type, debt class, and customer class.
The graph displays the pay plan effectiveness against each customer segment. The X-axis represents the selected dimensional attribute. The Y-axis represents the play plan effectiveness. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table shows the scheduled payments, collected payments, and play plan effectiveness for the selected dimensional attribute.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Pay Plan Accumulation Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Pay Plan Accumulation
Scheduled Payments, Collected Payments, Pay Plan Effectiveness
Remaining Amount
This analysis shows the remaining scheduled payment amount based on the various dimensional attributes, as on last extraction date.
Business users can get a picture of the money to be paid back by the customers.
The View By drop down slices the data by pay method, pay plan type, debt class, and customer class.
The graph displays the remaining amount to be paid classified by the selected dimensional attribute. The X-axis represents the selected dimensional attribute. The Y-axis represents the remaining amount to be cleared. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table shows the remaining amount and average remaining amount for active pay plans classified by the selected dimensional attribute.
Average Remaining Amount = Remaining Amount / Active Pay Plans
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Pay Plan Accumulation Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Pay Plan Accumulation
Remaining Amount, Average Remaining Amount
The Trend dashboard page provides insight into the trends in status changes, collection effectiveness, and the remaining amounts of the pay plans.
Pay Plans by Status
This analysis shows the count of the pay plans classified by their status for the previous 15 months.
Business users can identify trends between the status changes amongst the pay plans. Any rise in the number of broken pay plans can be easily identified and corrective actions can be initiated.
The stacked bar graph shows the number of pay plans scheduled in each month, for the previous 15 months, against each status bucket. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the pay plan count. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table displays the number of pay plans categorized under each status bucket (active, broken, canceled, or kept) in each month.
Drill Down
The status column link drills down to the Details dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Pay Plan Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Pay Plan Snapshot
Pay Plan Count
Effectiveness of Non-Canceled Pay Plans
This analysis shows the monthly trend of the effectiveness of the non-canceled pay plans scheduled in the previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze the effectiveness of the active pay plans.
The line graph shows the pay plan effectiveness in each month, for the previous 15 months. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the pay plan effectiveness. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table displays the scheduled and collected payments, and also the respective pay plan effectiveness.
Plan Effectiveness = 100 * ((Collected Payments / Scheduled Payments))
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Pay Plan Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Pay Plan Snapshot
Scheduled Payments, Collected Payments, Pay Plan Effectiveness
Remaining Amount
This analysis shows the trend in remaining amount that customers need to pay towards the pay plans. The data is shown for each month, for the previous 15 months.
Business users can determine trends in the balance amount that are to be paid by customers.
The bar graph shows the remaining amount to be paid by the customers in each month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the remaining amount. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Details dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Pay Plan Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Pay Plan Snapshot
Remaining Amount
New Pay Plans
This analysis shows the number of pay plans created in each month, for the previous 15 months.
Business users can determine the rate at which new pay plans are created in a month.
The line graph shows the number of pay plans created in each month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the pay plan count. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Pay Plan Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Pay Plan
Pay Plan Count
The Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the pay plans at account level.
Pay Plan Detail
This analysis shows a list of the first 100 pay plans with the highest remaining amounts.
The accounts at the top of the list with the highest remaining amounts are the ones which pose a potential risk if the pay plans break. If the remaining amounts are also on the higher side, business users can drill back to the source system for specific details of the individual.
The table displays the pay plan duration, number of installments left, average payment amount, scheduled payments, collected payments, and remaining amount for each customer account.
Average Payment Amount = Total Scheduled Payment Amount/ Number of Total Scheduled Payments
Drill Back
The Pay Plan and Account column links drill back to the Pay Plan Maintenance Search and Control Central pages respectively in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Pay Plan Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Pay Plan Snapshot
Pay Plan Duration, Installments Left, Average Payment Amount, Scheduled Payments, Collected Payments, Remaining Amount
Payment Arrangements
The Payment Arrangement dashboard helps users analyze the key metrics related to the payment arrangements, such as pay off balances, successful payments, payment trends, etc. Users can also drill back to the source Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system for further details about a specific payment arrangement or account.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Credit & Collections Analytics > Payment Arrangements.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for the last completed calendar month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria as per requirement.
The Overview dashboard provides insight into the successful payment arrangements, payoffs, remaining amount to be paid by the customer, and the periods in which collections are expected.
Successful Payment Arrangements
A “payment arrangement” denotes an agreement with a customer to pay off their debt as part of their future bills (sometimes referred to as “current bill plus”).
This analysis helps to view the payment arrangements that currently active or have been successfully kept by customers in the selected month.
Business users can analyze the rate at which debts are converted into payment arrangements and how many of them are successfully paid by the customers.
The View By drop down slices the data by installment amount and number of installments.
The bar graph compares the percentage of successful payments in the selected month with that of the 12-month average, against each customer segment. The X-axis represents the buckets available for the selected dimensional attribute. The Y-axis represents the percentage of successful payments. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the number of payment arrangements in various status buckets, and also the success rate at which the payments were made. The data is shown against the selected dimensional attribute for the selected month and the average for a rolling 12-month period.
<Selected Month> Success Rate = 100 * ((Kept + Active) Payment Arrangements / Non-Canceled Payment Arrangements for Selected Month)
12-Month Average Success Rate = 100 * ((Kept + Active) Payment Arrangements / Non-Canceled Payment Arrangements for Last 12 Months)
Drill Down
The <Selected Month> Success Rate column link drills down to the Analysis and Trend dashboard pages for granular details.
Source Object
Payment Arrangement Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Payment Arrangement Snapshot
Payment Arrangement Count by Status, Success Rate of Selected Month Year, 12 Month Average Payment Arrangement Count, 12 Month Average Success Rate
Successful Payoffs
This analysis shows the percentage of payment arrangements that have been successfully kept by the customers. The data is shown for the selected month.
Business users can compare the rate at which payment arrangements were kept for the selected month against the 12-month average.
The View By drop down slices the data by installment amount and number of installments.
The bar graph compares the percentage of successful payoffs in the selected month with that of the rolling 12-month average, against each customer segment. The X-axis represents the buckets available for the selected dimensional attribute. The Y-axis represents the percentage of successful payoffs. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the number of payoffs in various status buckets, and also the success rate at which the payments were made. The data is shown against the selected dimensional attribute for the selected month and the average for a rolling 12-month period.
<Selected Month> % Success Rate = 100 * (Kept Payment Arrangements / (Kept + Broken) Payment Arrangement)
12-Month Average % Success Rate = 100 * (Kept Payment Arrangements / (Kept + Broken) Payment Arrangement)
Drill Down
The <Selected Month> Success Rate column link drills down to the Analysis and Trend dashboard pages for granular details.
Source Object
Payment Arrangements Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Payment Arrangements Snapshot
Current Month (Selected Month Year) Payment Arrangement %, 12 Month Average Payment Arrangements %
Payoff Balance
This analysis shows the balance amount of payment arrangements in the previous three months.
Business users can analyze the recent monthly trend in the balance amounts to be paid by customers.
The bar graph shows the trend in payoff balance of payment arrangements in the previous three months. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the payoff balance amount. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Trend dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Payment Arrangement Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Payment Arrangement Snapshot
Payoff Balance Amount
Expected Future Collections
This analysis shows the amount that is pending for collection from the active payment arrangements. The data is shown as of last extraction date.
Based on the various cash inflows expected in the future months, business users can plan accordingly.
The bar graph shows the amount that has to be collected in future. The data is shown across various payment buckets, such as 0-30 days, 30-60 days, etc. The X-axis represents the age buckets for the payments. The Y-axis represents the future payment amount.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Payment Arrangement Accumulation Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Payment Arrangement Accumulation
Expected Future Collection Amount
The Analysis dashboard provides the details of successful payments and payoffs.
Successful Payment Analysis
The analysis focuses on the success rate of payments based on the active and kept ones, grouped by the various installment amount buckets and the installment count buckets. The data is shown for the selected month and a rolling 12-month average.
Business users can analyze the success rate at which customers are clearing off their debts for the current month. The rate of this month can be compared against the 12-month average. The rates can also be compared between the various installment amount buckets and the installment count buckets to determine which buckets show better success rates.
The table shows the success rate for the selected month and the 12-month average. It shows the number of payments in each status bucket (active, kept, or broken) grouped by installment amount buckets and the installment count buckets. It also displays the success rate for each category.
(Current Month %) Success Rate = 100 * ((Kept + Active) Payment Arrangement / Non Canceled Payment Arrangement for selected month)
The table also displays the average details for the rolling 12 months.
(12-Month Average % ) Success Rate = 100 * ((Kept + Active) Payment Arrangement / Non Canceled Payment Arrangement for last 12 months)
Drill Down
The <Selected Month> Success Rate column link drills down to the Trend dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Payment Arrangement Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Payment Arrangement Snapshot
Number of Payment Arrangements in the States - Kept, Broken, Total, (Current Month %) Success Rate, % Success Rate
Successful Payoffs
The analysis focuses on the success rate of payoffs based on the kept ones, grouped by the various installment amount buckets and the installment count buckets. The data is shown for the selected month and a rolling 12-month average.
Business users can analyze the success rate at which customers are clearing off their debts for the current month. The rate of this month can also be compared against the 12-month average. The rates can also be compared between the various installment amount buckets and the installment count buckets to determine which buckets show better success rates.
The table shows the payoff details for the selected month. It shows the total payment amount, number of installments in which the debt was cleared, amount paid in each installment, and the number of payoffs in each bucket (active, kept, or broken). It displays the success rate for each category.
(Current Month %) Success Rate = 100 * (Kept Payment Arrangement / (Kept + Non Canceled Payment Arrangement)
The table also displays the average details for the rolling 12 months.
(12-Month Average % ) Success Rate = 100 * (Kept Payment Arrangement / (Kept + Non Canceled Payment Arrangement)
Drill Down
The <Selected Month> Success Rate column link drills down to the Trend dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Payment Arrangement Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Payment Arrangement Snapshot
Number of Payment Arrangements in the States - Kept, Broken, Total, (Current Month %) Success Rate, % Success Rate
The Trend dashboard page focuses on the trend in payments, payoffs, and pay off balances.
Successful Payments and Payoffs
This analysis shows the trend in how successfully payments are made by the customers and how successfully payment arrangements have been paid off. The data is shown for the previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze the success rate at which payments are made and payment arrangements are being paid off over a 15-month period.
The line graph shows the success rate of payments and payoffs in a specific month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the success rate. Hover over the lines for specific values.
The table shows the percentage of both successful payments and successful payoffs in a month, against each month for a 15-month period. The number of payment arrangements in each status of active, kept and the total is also shown.
%Successful Payments = 100 * (Kept + Active Payment Arrangements / Kept + Active + Broken Payment Arrangements)
%Successful Payoffs = 100 * (Kept Payment Arrangements / (Kept + Broken Payment Arrangements))
Drill Down
The Active, Kept, and Broken column links drill down to the Details dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Payment Arrangement Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Payment Arrangement Snapshot
Percentage of Successful Payments, Percentage of Successful Payoffs, Active, Broken, Kept and Total Payment Arrangements
Payoff Balance
“Payoff balance” is the balance that the customer has to pay towards a payment arrangement to clear off the debt and bring the payment arrangement to a closure.
This analysis shows the trend in the payoff balance amount that has to be paid by the customer as of specific month. The data is displayed for the previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze any trends in the balance amount to be paid from customers. They can identify procedures to collect the debts from those customers.
The bar graph shows the payoff balance amount for each month, for the previous 15 months. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the payoff balance amount. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Details dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Payment Arrangement Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Payment Arrangement Snapshot
Payoff Balance
The Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the payment arrangements at account level.
Payment Arrangements Details
This analysis shows a list of the first 100 payment arrangements based on the percentage of payment amount collected.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones that the user is most successful in attempting to clear the debts.
The table displays the payment arrangement, total number of installments, collected payments, arranged payment amount, and percentage collected from each customer.
Percentage Collected = (Amount Collected / Arranged Payment Amount)* 100
Drill Back
The Pay Arrangement and Account column links drill back to the Payment Arrangement and Control Central pages respectively in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Payment Arrangement Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Payment Arrangement Snapshot
Arranged Payment Amount, Number of Installments, Amount Collected, Percentage Collected