Distribution Analytics
This section describes the metrics available in Distribution Analytics of Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse Dashboards. The analytics enable the Utilities' customers to monitor and measure network distribution.
The analytics mainly focus on feeder functionality. Based on certain feeder values (such as its length, capacity, etc), users can calculate the power actually distributed.
Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse Dashboards for Oracle Utilities Network Management System provides Distribution Analytics content in the Distribution dashboard.
The Distribution dashboard provides various analytics about feeders and their performance.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Distribution Analytics > Distribution.
The dashboard includes the following dashboard pages. The data for current calendar year and previous month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
Feeder Load (Composite)
The Feeder Load (Composite) dashboard page focuses on the feeder load statistics in the Oracle Utilities Network Management System model.
Feeder Load
This analysis shows the average feeder load, on a monthly basis, for the previous 15 months. The load is measured in kilovolt-ampere (kVA).
Business users can analyze if the feeder is handling the load as per its capacity or it is being overloaded.
The line graph shows the average feeder load for the previous 15 months. Hover over the line for specific details. The X-axis denotes the calendar month. The Y-axis denotes the average feeder load in kVA. Use the graph to view the low-level details of the feeder load.
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Source Object
Feeder Delivered Load Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
DMS - Feeder Delivered Load Snapshot
Average kVA, kw, kVAr, Amp, Voltage
Feeder Load Detail
This analysis displays the maximum daily feeder load details for the selected month. The details include feeder information and maximum load that can be carried by the feeder in terms of amperes, voltage, etc.
Business users can analyze the data and observe or monitor the peaks in the feeder load for the selected month. Any deviations in the load will impact the network distribution.
The table shows the name of the feeder, manufacturing company of the feeder, and load details for the selected month.
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Source Object
Feeder Delivered Load Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
DMS - Feeder Delivered Load Snapshot
Maximum kVA, Maximum kw, Maximum kVAr, Maximum Amp, Maximum Voltage
Greatest Feeder Peak Load Detail
This analysis shows the feeders that experienced the maximum peak load (in kVA) in the selected month. It also shows where the heaviest load exists within the distribution network.
The feeders are ranked based on the load each one of them experienced in the selected month. Business users can monitor such feeders closely to ensure that the overload conditions do not occur. Overload might cause breakdown leading to outages.
The table shows the maximum load for each of the feeder and also the ranking.
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Source Object
Feeder Delivered Load Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
DMS - Feeder Delivered Load Snapshot
Maximum kVA
Smallest Feeder Capacity Margin
“Breaker capacity” is the margin before which an overload may occur.
This analysis displays the breaker capacity for each feeder that helps to determine the feeders having the smallest remaining margin before overloads may occur, possibly resulting in a breaker lock out.
Business users can identify the feeders with lowest margin and take necessary measures to set an even distribution amongst the feeders.
The table shows the maximum amplitude, maximum breaker amp limit, and the capacity margin for the respective feeder.
Capacity Margin = (Maximum Breaker Amp Limit - Maximum Amp)
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Source Object
Feeder Delivered Load Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
DMS - Feeder Delivered Load Snapshot
Capacity Margin, Maximum Amp, Maximum Breaker Amp Limit
Feeder Performance
The Feeder Performance dashboard page provides a snapshot of the overall health of feeders, such as worst performing feeders. It also compares the feeder performance with that of the previous period, along with the number of interruptions and customers impacted. This can alert the businesses to take preventive action in advance.
Feeder Performance
This analysis displays the reliability indices for company, region, division, and feeder level, along with the number of customers served per control zone. The data is displayed for the selected calendar year.
Business users can verify the reliability indices to state the effectiveness of feeders. Users can identify the impact of outages in a specific year and control zone.
The table shows the number of sustained interruptions, number of momentary interruptions, number of customers served, and the relative reliability indices, for the selected calendar year.
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Control Zone Outage Fact
OAS Subject Area
NMS - Control Zone Outage
SAIDI, SAIFI, CMI, CAIDI, MAIFI, Number of Sustained Interruptions, Number of Customer Served
Top 10 Worst Performing Feeders
This analysis displays the top 10 worst performing feeders in the selected month, sorted by their SAIDI numbers.
Business users can identify the feeders that are not performing well, and thus analyze how each feeder contributes to the total SAIDI value.
Based on the analysis, they might choose to replace or upgrade feeders or check if there are any external factors impacting the feeder performance. Also, they can figure out if any load balancing techniques have to be used.
The table shows the SAIDI values for each of the feeders and their corresponding SAIDI rank. The previous SAIDI rank is also shown to compare the performance in the current month and the previous month. It also shows the percentage of total SAIDI for each of the feeders.
% of Total = (SAIDI * 100) / Total SAIDI
The pie chart shows the share of each feeder in total SAIDI.
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Source Object
Control Zone Outage Fact
OAS Subject Area
NMS - Control Zone Outage
SAIDI, SAIFI, CMI, CAIDI, MAIFI, Number of Sustained Interruptions, Number of Customer Served
Top 10 Consecutive Worst Performing Feeders
Sometimes, feeders tend to under perform due to environmental factors, overload, or outdated hardware issues.
This analysis displays the top 10 feeders that are consecutively performing badly. The data is shown for the selected month.
Feeders that consecutively perform worse might need more attention. Any degrade in the performance might need necessary measures.
The table shows the SAIDI values and the respective SAIDI ranks for each of the top 10 worst performing feeders in the selected and previous months. It also shows the percentage of total SAIDI for each of the feeders.
% of Total = (SAIDI * 100) / Total SAIDI
The Rank text box displays selected ranks in the report.
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Source Object
Control Zone Outage Fact
OAS Subject Area
NMS - Control Zone Outage
SAIDI, % of Total, Rank of SAIDI, Previous SAIDI Rank, Previous SAIDI