Asset Management
The Asset Management dashboard provides information, such as how old are the assets, how long have they been installed, what conditions are they in, which are critical and in poor condition, and what is the trend of the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) across assets, among other details.
To access the dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select > Dashboards > Work and Asset Analytics > Asset Management.
The data for previous month and year is displayed by default. You can modify the default values in various page prompts to view the report data as per requirement.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages:
The Overview dashboard page provides a high-level overview of assets’ installation age, their condition scores, and failure related information.
Asset Failures by Criticality
This analysis shows the count of asset failures for the selected period grouped into the various criticality buckets, such as Critical, High, Medium, or Low.
This analysis gives an overall picture about asset failures reported by the criticality factor. Business users can take necessary measures and improve the failure handling capability.
The tiles show the total number of failures and their breakdown across asset criticality.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Work Order Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Work Order
Asset Failure Count
Assets by Installed Age
This analysis shows the asset count grouped into various installation age buckets.
Installation age of an asset is the duration calculated from the date of installation of that asset.
Business users can quickly see the number of assets installed in the respective age range buckets and determine how old the assets are. They can also see how the asset installations have changed over years.
The bar graph shows the number of assets grouped into respective install age buckets.
X-axis represents the asset install age bucket range. Y1-axis represents the number of assets, while Y2-axis represents the percentage of total assets. The line on the graph shows the percentage of assets installed. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Percentage of Total = Number of Assets / Total Number of Assets
Drill Down
The graph drills down to the Asset Age Details dashboard page to display asset install age specific information.
Source Object
Asset Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Snapshot
Number of Assets, Percentage of Total
Assets Across Criticality and Condition Score
This analysis shows the percentage of assets grouped according to their condition scores and respective criticality.
Business users can have a quick look at the distribution of assets according to their criticality and condition score.
The Asset Install Age drop down slices the data per each asset install age bucket.
The table shows the buckets configured for asset criticality and asset condition score.
Drill Down
The cells in the table drill down to the Asset Details dashboard page.
Source Object
Asset Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Snapshot
Percentage of Assets
Top 10 Asset Types with Worst Mean Time Between Failure Rating
This analysis shows the top 10 asset types with the worst Mean Time Between Failure rating calculated based on the asset's lifetime operating hours. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can identify the types of assets that are more prone to failures and the average time these assets work before they fail and need to be repaired again.
This information can be used to determine the frequency of inspection or preventive maintenance for assets whose types have a shorter period between breakdowns.
The bar graph shows the average Mean Time Between Failures for each asset type. X-axis represents the asset type and Y-axis represents the average Mean Time Between Failures in hours. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
The bars on the graph drill down to the Failure and Repair Analysis dashboard page.
Source Object
Asset Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Snapshot
Mean Time Between Failures
Top 10 Asset Types with Worst Mean Time To Repair Rating
This analysis shows the top 10 asset types with the worst Mean Time To Repair rating calculated from the asset's lifetime operating hours.
Business users can identify the asset types for which assets that take longer time to repair belong to. This is particularly important for mission critical assets. It can be used to make informed decisions, such as to repair, replace, or optimize maintenance schedules.
The bar graph shows the average Mean Time To Repair for each asset type. X-axis represents the asset type and Y-axis represents the average Mean Time To Repair in hours. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
The bars on the graph drill down to the Failure and Repair Analysis dashboard page.
Source Object
Asset Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Snapshot
Mean Time To Repair
Asset Performance
The Asset Performance dashboard page provides details of the condition of assets grouped by their type and/or category.
Assets Across Condition Score and Category
This analysis shows the percentage of assets, in each asset category, that falls in a particular condition score bucket. The data is displayed for the selected snapshot period.
Business users can analyze the condition scores for the respective asset category.
The table shows the asset condition score for assets across each category.
The Asset Category column has the master-detail interaction with the Assets by Condition Score and Asset Type analysis on the same dashboard page.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Asset Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Snapshot
Percentage of Assets
Assets by Condition Score and Asset Type
This analysis shows the percentage of assets that fall within each condition score bucket and asset type, for the selected asset category. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Note: The data is broadcast from the asset category selected in the Assets Across Condition Score and Category analysis on the same dashboard page.
Business users can analyze the asset condition scores for the respective asset type.
The Asset Category drop down slices the data by various asset categories.
The table shows the asset condition score for assets across each type.
Drill Down
The cells in the table drill down to the Asset Details dashboard page for specific asset details included in the selected Asset Type.
Source Object
Asset Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Snapshot
Percentage of Assets
Failure and Repair Analysis
The Failure and Repair Analysis dashboard page provides a snapshot of the failures and repairs associated with the assets.
Average Mean Time Between Failure by Asset Criticality
This analysis shows the average Mean Time Between Failures per asset criticality. The data is displayed for the selected month.
This analysis provides information on how reliable assets are particularly those that are critical. Business users can take necessary proactive measures and improve the failure handling capability.
The View By drop down shows the metric Mean Time Between Failures in hours or days.
The tiles show the distribution of assets by their criticality buckets, such as critical, high, medium, or low.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Asset Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Snapshot
Mean Time Between Failure
Average Mean Time Between Failure Over Time Ranges
This analysis provides information on how Mean Time Between Failures is getting better or worse over periods of time.
This analysis gives an overall picture of how the Mean Time Between Failures score changes over time. Business users can take necessary pro-active measures and improve the failure handling capability.
The View By drop down shows the metric Mean Time Between Failures in hours or days.
The Time Range drop down shows different time buckets for which Mean Time Between Failures is calculated for.
The table shows the number of assets with various criticality categories under a specific time bucket.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Asset Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Snapshot
Mean Time Between Failure
Average Mean Time To Repair by Asset Criticality
This analysis shows the average Mean Time To Repair per criticality. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can get an overall picture of the average time required to troubleshoot and repair failed assets and return it to normal operating condition, particularly those that are critical.
The View By drop down shows the metric Mean Time To Repair in hours or days.
The tiles show the distribution of assets by their criticality buckets, such as critical, high, medium, or low.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Asset Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Snapshot
Mean Time To Repair
Average Mean Time to Repair Over Time Ranges
This analysis shows how the Mean Time To Repair is getting better or worse over periods of time.
Business users can get an overall picture of how the Mean Time To Repair score is changing over time.
The View By drop down shows the metric Mean Time To Repair in hours or days.
The Time Range drop down shows the different time buckets for which Mean Time To Repair is calculated for.
The table shows the number of assets with various criticality categories under a specific time bucket.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Asset Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Snapshot
Mean Time To Repair
Asset Details
The Asset Details dashboard page shows the details of the assets. Only the top 100 assets, in the order of their Mean Time Between Failure ratings are shown.
Asset Details
This analysis shows a list of the top 100 assets based on their Mean Time Between Failures. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Note: The restriction of top 100 records is only for the online report. Users can download the complete set of records using the Download option available on the analysis.
Business analysts can use this detailed analysis for a summary of all Mean Time Between Failures or Mean Time To Repair for any asset installed at a location.
The table shows the asset type, location, condition score, number of failures, Mean Time Between Failures, and Mean Time To Repair for each asset.
The Source Location ID column has the master-detail interaction with the Asset Location Details analysis on the same dashboard page.
Drill Down
The Location and Asset Information column links drill back to the Asset Location and Asset pages respectively in the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management application.
Source Object
Asset Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Snapshot
Number of Failures, Mean Time To Repair, Mean Time Between Failures
Asset Location Details
This analysis shows the details of an asset in a specific asset location grid for failures at that location.
Note: The data displayed in this analysis is broadcast from the Asset Details analysis on the same dashboard page.
Business users can use this information to analyze the asset failures in a specific location.
The Source Location ID drop down shows the list of locations where assets are installed.
The table shows the location type, location, number of failures, Mean Time Between Failures, and Mean Time To Repair of the assets installed in the selected source location.
Drill Down
The Location column link drills back to the Asset Location page in the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management application.
Source Object
Location Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Location Snapshot
Number of Failures, Mean Time To Repair, Mean Time Between Failures
Asset Age Details
The Asset Age Details dashboard page shows the details of the assets. It shows the top 100 assets in the order of their installation age.
Asset Age Details
This analysis shows a list of top 100 assets based on their installation age. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Note: The restriction of top 100 records is only for the online report. Users can download the complete set of records using the Download option available on the analysis.
Using this analysis, business users can monitor the install age of each asset in a location and take preventive measures to replace any critical asset nearing expiry.
The table shows the asset type, location, asset information, condition score, asset criticality, asset age, and install age of each asset.
Drill Down
The Location and Asset Information column links drill back to the Asset Location and Asset pages respectively in the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management application.
Source Object
Asset Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Snapshot
Asset Install Age, Asset Age