Maintenance Program
The Maintenance Program dashboard provides insight into the preventive and corrective maintenance costs, and also overtime, downtime, and failure details associated with assets.
To access the dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select > Dashboards > Work and Asset Analytics > Maintenance Program.
The data for current month and year is displayed by default. You can modify the default values in various page prompts to view the report data as per requirement.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages:
The Overview dashboard page provides an overview of the corrective and preventive maintenance hours, asset downtime, work orders, labor analysis, and total maintenance costs.
Corrective Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance Hours
This analysis shows a comparison of corrective maintenance hours versus preventive maintenance hours by the location hierarchy for the selected period.
The data is displayed for the selected time period starting with the highest hierarchy level.
Business users can analyze the balance between corrective versus preventive maintenance and propose business decisions accordingly.
The bar graph shows the distribution of corrective and preventive maintenance labor hours. The line on the graph shows the trend in the preventive maintenance labor hours percentage.
Preventive Maintenance Labor Hours Percentage = 100 * Preventive Maintenance Labor Hours/(Preventive Maintenance Labor Hours + Corrective Maintenance Labor Hours)
X-axis represents the organizational breakdown. Y1-axis represents the labor hours. Y2-axis represents the preventive maintenance labor hours percentage. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
The line on the graph drills down to the Work Analysis dashboard page for more details. The bars drill down to the parent levels from level 1 to 10.
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Corrective Maintenance Labor Hours, Preventive Maintenance Labor Hours, Percentage of Preventive Maintenance Hours
Distribution of Asset Downtime
This analysis shows the total, planned, or unplanned asset downtime (in hours) based on the organization.
The data is displayed for the selected owning organization and time period.
This analysis can be used to compare how much of the downtime is unplanned out of the total downtime period, so that the strategies can be placed to minimize unplanned maintenance.
The Downtime Type drop down shows the data for total, planned, or unplanned downtime (in hours).
The bar graph shows the asset downtime for the selected organization.
Total Down Time = Planned Down Time + Unplanned Down Time
X-axis represents the organizational breakdown. Y-axis represents the downtime, in hours. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
The bars drill down to the Downtime Analysis dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Service History Fact
OAS Subject Area
Shared - Service History
Total Down Time (in Hours), Planned Downtime (in Hours), Unplanned Downtime (in Hours)
Work Order Labor Analysis
This analysis shows how much overtime work is being logged relative to the total work hours.
The data is displayed for the selected owning organization and time period.
This information can be used to determine a better strategy on how shifts should be scheduled and how many crews are needed to minimize the overtime work.
The bar graph shows the overtime hours and the total labor hours for the selected organization.
X-axis represents the organizational breakdown. Y1-axis represents the labor hours. Y-2 axis represents the overtime hours as percentage. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
The bars drill down to the Overtime Analysis dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Total Hours, Percentage of Over Time Hours
Total Maintenance Cost and Corrective Maintenance Cost
This analysis shows the distribution of work order activity costs based on the corrective maintenance work type versus total work order activity costs (corrective + preventive) based on the organization.
The data is displayed for the selected time period.
Business users can use this analysis to analyze how corrective maintenance cost compares to the overall maintenance cost. If a bigger cost is spent on corrective work, they can use this information to make changes to their maintenance strategy to lower the expensive corrective maintenance costs.
The bar graph shows the corrective and preventive maintenance costs, and also the total maintenance cost for the selected period and organization.
X-axis represents the organizational breakdown. Y1-axis represents the maintenance cost. Y-2 axis represents the corrective maintenance cost as percentage. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
The bars drill down to the Maintenance Cost Analysis dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Total Maintenance Cost, Corrective Maintenance Cost
Maintenance Cost Analysis
The Maintenance Cost Analysis dashboard page provides insight into the maintenance costs (such as expenditure, repair, etc) associated with assets.
Total Maintenance Cost Breakdown by Resource Type
This analysis shows the breakdown of maintenance cost by resource type and can be viewed by corrective, preventive, or total maintenance cost. The data is displayed for the selected period.
Business users can analyze the areas how much costs are charged per resource type, and whether the costs are corrective or preventive.
The Cost Type drop down shows the data by total, preventive, or corrective maintenance costs.
The pie chart shows the distribution of maintenance cost breakdown by resource type.
Drill Down
The pie segments drill down to the Maintenance Cost Details dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Total Maintenance Cost, Corrective Maintenance Cost, Preventive Maintenance Cost
Maintenance Cost Trend
This analysis shows the maintenance cost trend for the selected period comparing the corrective maintenance cost against the total cost.
Business users can use this information to see how the corrective maintenance costs are growing over time relative to the total maintenance cost.
The Display Format drop down slices the data by calendar year, quarter, or month and year.
The line graph shows the maintenance cost trend. X-axis represents the period. Y-axis represents the maintenance cost. The data points show total maintenance cost and corrective maintenance cost.
Drill Down
The data points on the line drill down to the Maintenance Cost Details dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Total Maintenance Cost, Corrective Maintenance Cost
Maintenance Cost by Asset Criticality
This analysis shows the maintenance cost across asset criticality for the selected period.
Business users can analyze the maintenance costs summarized by the asset criticality. They can focus on the reasons for any increase in cost in a specific criticality level, and propose suggestions for controlling the costs.
The bar graph shows the maintenance cost per asset criticality.
X-axis shows the asset criticality. Y-axis shows the maintenance cost. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
The bars drill down to the Maintenance Cost Details dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Total Maintenance Cost, Corrective Maintenance Cost
Overtime Cost Trend
This analysis shows how much is being charged for overtime work.
Business users can analyze the trend in overtime hours.
The Cost Type drop down slices the data by total, preventive maintenance, or corrective maintenance overtime costs.
The Display Format drop down slices the data by calendar year, quarter, or month and year.
The bar graph shows the overtime cost for the selected cost type against the selected display format.
X-axis represents the period. Y-axis represents the overtime cost. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Total Overtime Cost, Corrective Maintenance Overtime Cost, Preventive Maintenance Overtime Cost
Top 10 Asset Types with Highest Maintenance Cost
This analysis shows the top 10 asset with the highest maintenance cost.
Business users can identify the asset types of assets that incur highest maintenance cost. They can improve the maintenance strategy accordingly to reduce expensive costs associated with unplanned corrective maintenance.
The table shows the corrective maintenance cost, total maintenance cost, and corrective maintenance cost percentage for each asset type.
Drill Down
The Asset Type column drills down to the Maintenance Cost Details dashboard page.
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Total Maintenance Cost, Corrective Maintenance Cost Percentage
Work Analysis
The Work Analysis dashboard page focuses on the corrective and preventive maintenance labor hours.
Corrective Vs Preventive Maintenance Hours
This analysis compares the corrective maintenance labor hours with preventive maintenance labor hours for the selected period.
Business users can analyze how much time is spent doing corrective work vs preventive work over time.
The line graph shows the comparison between corrective and preventive maintenance labor hours and also the respective trend over a period.
X-axis represents the period. Y-axis represents the labor hours. Hover over the data points for specific details.
Drill Down
The period on X-axis has a master-detail interaction with the Corrective Vs Preventive Maintenance Hours By Asset Criticality and Top 10 Asset Types with Highest Maintenance Hours analyses on the same dashboard page.
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Corrective Maintenance Labor Hours, Preventive Maintenance Labor Hours
Corrective Vs Preventive Maintenance Hours By Asset Criticality
This analysis shows the corrective maintenance hours and preventive maintenance hours across asset criticality for the selected period.
Note: The data is broadcast from the period (month) selected in the Corrective Vs Preventive Maintenance Hours analysis on the same dashboard page.
Business users can analyze the maintenance hours against each asset criticality and make decisions to reduce the same.
The Month Year drop down slices the data for each month in the selected period.
The line graph shows the comparison between corrective and preventive maintenance labor hours by asset criticality and also the respective trend over a period.
X-axis represents the asset criticality. Y-axis represents the maintenance hours. Hover over the data points for specific values.
Drill Down
The data points on the graph drill down to the Maintenance Hours Details dashboard page for specific period and asset criticality details.
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Corrective Maintenance Labor Hours, Preventive Maintenance Labor Hours
Top 10 Asset Types with Highest Maintenance Hours
This analysis shows the top 10 asset types with highest corrective maintenance/preventive maintenance hours for the selected period.
Note: The data is broadcast from the period (month) selected in the Corrective Vs Preventive Maintenance Hours analysis on the same dashboard page.
Business users can identify the asset types with highest maintenance labor hours. Necessary actions can be taken and planned accordingly.
The Labor Hours Type drop down box slices the data by corrective or preventive maintenance labor hours respectively.
The Month Year drop down slices the data for each month in the selected period.
The bar graph shows the labor hours for each asset type in the selected period. X-axis represents the labor hours. Y-axis represents the asset type. Hover over the bars for specific values
Drill Down
The bars on the graph drill down to the Maintenance Hours Details dashboard page for specific details.
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Corrective Maintenance Labor Hours, Preventive Maintenance Labor Hours
Overtime Analysis
The Overtime Analysis dashboard page provides insight on the time spent doing the overtime work.
Overtime Hours Trend
This analysis shows the comparison between overtime hours and total maintenance hours for the selected period.
Business users can identify the trend in overtime hours and analyze it further to decrease the overtime incurred.
The Display Format drop down slices the data by calendar year, quarter, or month and year.
The line graph shows the comparison between total maintenance hours and overtime hours and also the respective trend over a period. X-axis represents the period. Y-axis represents the labor hours. Hover over the data points for specific details.
The table shows the overtime hours and total hours for the selected period. It also shows the overtime hours as percentage.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Overtime Hours Percentage, Overtime Hours, Total Hours
Overtime Hours Distribution
This analysis shows how the total overtime hours are distributed as the overtime hours incurred for corrective maintenance activities and preventive maintenance activities.
This tool helps the business users to identify the overtime hours spent doing the corrective work versus preventive work.
The table displays the total overtime hours, corrective maintenance and preventive maintenance overtime hours, and corrective maintenance and preventive maintenance overtime ratio.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Total Overtime Hours, Corrective Maintenance Overtime Ratio, Preventive Maintenance Overtime Ratio
Total Overtime Hours Vs Emergency Overtime Hours
This analysis shows the overtime hours that are emergencies relative to the total overtime hours. The data is displayed for the selected period.
Business users can use this information to identify how many hours of emergencies are causing overtime work.
The Display Format drop down slices the data by calendar year, quarter, or month and year.
The line graph displays the overtime hours and emergency overtime hours as a trend across time.
X-axis represents the period. Y-axis represents the overtime hours. Hover over the data points for specific details.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Total Overtime Hours
Downtime Analysis
The Downtime Analysis dashboard page focuses on the overall downtime, the trend in downtime, and its distribution across asset criticality.
Top 10 Asset Types with Highest Downtime Hours
This analysis shows the top 10 asset types with highest downtime hours. The data is displayed for the selected period.
Business users can identify the assets types that incur highest downtime. Service Organizations can plan for alternatives or take necessary actions to reduce the downtime.
The drop down slices the data by total, planned, or unplanned down time (in hours).
The bar graph shows the asset types and downtime hours for each asset type. X-axis represents the asset types. Y1-axis represents the downtime hours. Y2-axis represents the cumulative percentage of the downtime hours. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
The data points on the line drill down to the Failure Analysis dashboard page for specific details.
The bars show a master-detail interaction with the Downtime Across Asset Criticality analysis on the same dashboard page.
Source Object
Service History Fact
OAS Subject Area
Shared - Service History
Total Downtime
Downtime Across Asset Criticality
This analysis shows how the downtime is distributed across asset criticality.
Note: The data is broadcast from the Top 10 Asset Types with Highest Downtime Hours analysis on the same dashboard page.
Business users can analyze the downtime across asset criticality by the selected asset type.
The Asset Type drop down slices the data by the asset type.
The pie chart shows the percentage of total downtime for each asset criticality (critical, high, low, etc) by the selected asset type.
Drill Down
The pie segments drill down to the Downtime Details dashboard page.
Source Object
Service History Fact
OAS Subject Area
Shared - Service History
Total Downtime
Downtime Trend
This analysis shows the trend in planned and unplanned downtime hours. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can analyze if the total hours for planned and unplanned work are improving over time.
The bar graph shows the downtime hours for the selected period. X-axis represents the period. Y-axis represents the downtime hours. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The bars drill down to the Downtime Details page for specific details.
Source Object
Service History Fact
OAS Subject Area
Shared - Service History
Planned Downtime, Unplanned Downtime
Failure Analysis
The Failure Analysis dashboard page focuses on the failures and respective downtime details of assets.
Failure Events and Downtime Across Asset Type
This analysis shows the downtime hours and failure events across failure cause. The data is displayed for the selected period.
Business users can identify the cause for asset failures. Service Organizations can plan for alternatives or take necessary actions to reduce the downtime and failures.
The bar graph shows the total downtime and number of failures against each failure cause.
X-axis represents the failure cause. Y1-axis represents the total downtime. Y2-axis represents the percentage of total failures. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the number of failure events against each failure type or failure cause.
Drill Down
The bars drill down to the Failure History Details dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Service History Fact
OAS Subject Area
Shared - Service History
Total Downtime, Percentage of Total Failures
Downtime Details
The Downtime Details dashboard page provides a summary of assets and their downtime details.
Downtime Details
This analysis shows a list of top 100 assets based on their downtime (in hours) for the selected period.
Business users can use this detail-level analysis to navigate to the source Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management system and view the specific details pertaining to an asset.
The table displays the asset details (asset type, location, and criticality) and the downtime details (planned, unplanned, and total) for each asset.
Drill Down
The Location Information and Asset Information column links drill back to the Asset Location and Asset pages respectively in the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management system.
Source Object
Service History Fact
OAS Subject Area
Shared - Service History
Total Downtime
Failure History Details
The Failure History Details dashboard page provides a summary of assets and their failure details.
Failure History Details
This analysis shows the list of top 100 assets based on their downtime (in hours) due to failures. The data is displayed for the selected period.
Business users can use this detail-level analysis to navigate to the source Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management system and view the specific details pertaining to an asset.
The table displays the asset details (asset type, location, and criticality) and the failure and downtime details (failure type, mode, component, and total downtime hours) of each asset.
Drill Down
The Location Information and Asset Information column links drill back to the Asset Location and Asset pages respectively in the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management system.
Source Object
Service History Fact
OAS Subject Area
Shared - Service History
Total Downtime (Hours)
Maintenance Cost Details
The Maintenance Cost Details dashboard page provides a summary of maintenance cost associated with the assets.
Maintenance Cost Details
This analysis shows the list of top 100 assets based on their total maintenance cost. The data is displayed for the selected calendar year and month.
Business users can use this detail-level analysis to navigate to the source Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management system and view the specific details pertaining to an asset.
The table displays the asset details (asset type, location, and criticality) and corrective, preventive, and total maintenance cost details of each asset.
Drill Down
The Location Information and Asset Information column links drill back to the Asset Location and Asset pages respectively in the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management system.
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Total Maintenance Cost, Percentage of Corrective Maintenance Cost
Maintenance Hours Details
The Maintenance Hours Details dashboard page provides a summary of maintenance hours associated with the assets.
Maintenance Hours Details
This analysis shows the list of top 100 assets based on the total labor hours incurred. The data is displayed for the selected calendar year and month.
Business users can use this detail-level analysis to navigate to the source Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management system and view the specific details pertaining to an asset.
The table displays the asset details (asset type, location, and criticality), work order details, and the total labor hours for each asset.
Drill Down
The Location Information, Asset Information, Work Order Number, Activity Number column links drill back to the Asset Location, Asset, Work Order, and Activity pages respectively in the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management system.
Source Object
Asset Financial Transaction Fact
OAS Subject Area
WAM - Asset Financial Transaction
Total Labor Hours