Collection Class Control - Main Information

The information on this transaction defines the conditions that will be checked by the Account Debt Monitor when it checks if an account has violated your debt criteria.

Open Admin > Credit & Collection > Collection Class Control > Add to define this information.


For more information about collection class control, refer to Designing Collection Class Controls.

Description of Page

Enter a unique Collection Class Control code and Description for the collection class control (CCC).

Enter the CIS Division to which the CCC's criteria applies.

Enter the Collection Class to which the CCC's criteria applies.

Enter the Debt Class to which the CCC's criteria applies.

Enter the Currency Code in which the CCC's criteria are denominated.

Use Long Description to further describe the CCC.


The information in the following grid is not intuitively obvious. Refer to Designing Collection Class Controls and Designing Your Collection Class Control Overrides for more information.

The grid which follows contains the conditions that are checked by the Account Debt Monitor (ADM) to determine the type of criteria (defined on the next tab) that will be applied against an account's debt. In other words - the ADM will check each condition (from highest to lowest Priority). The first condition that returns a value of true will cause the system to compare the account's debt against the debt criteria defined on the next tab.

Multiple conditions may be defined if different conditions result in a different type of debt thresholds (or a different type of collection process). The following fields are required for each condition:

Collection Condition Priority The priority controls the order in which the ADM checks if a collection condition applies (the lower the number, the higher the priority). Higher priorities are checked before lower priorities.


The values for this field are customizable using the Lookup table. This field name is COLL_​CAT_​PRIO_​FLG.

Condition Algorithm Define the algorithm used to check if an account should be subject to the collection criteria defined on the next tab. If the algorithm returns a value of true (i.e., the condition is met), the ADM will compare the account's debt against the Debt Criteria (defined on the next tab) and start a collection process if the account has debt that violates these criteria.

You must have at least one collection condition; otherwise the system will not have criteria against which to compare the account's debt. This entry should have the lowest priority code and reference the "default" algorithm. If you haven't done so already, you must set up this algorithm in the system. To do this, create a new algorithm (refer to Setting Up Algorithms ). On this algorithm, reference an Algorithm Type that references the "default" collection condition algorithm type (COLL COND DF).

If you have other conditions that should be checked before the default condition, you must create an entry for each in this grid. Each entry should have a priority consistent with your business requirements (and this priority should be higher than the default condition's priority). In addition, you should reference an algorithm that contains the conditions that will be checked to determine if the account should be subject to the debt criteria (defined on the next tab). The system is supplied with many additional algorithm types. In order to take advantage of them, you will need to create an algorithm (refer to Setting Up Algorithms ). On this algorithm, reference an Algorithm Type that references one of the collection condition algorithm types.

Where Used

Collection class controls contain the data that controls the Account Debt Monitor. Refer to How Does The Account Debt Monitor Work? for more information.