What Happens When A Severance Process Is Cancelled?

The following takes place when a severance process is canceled by the system:

  • The system cancels all pending severance events and deactivates the severance process.
  • If there are any field activities linked to the severance process, an optional plug-in spot defined on the installation record allows you to plug in an algorithm to cancel these field activities.
    • The base package Severance Process Cancellation Algorithm will cancel all pending field activities that were created as a result of the severance process that are not linked to a dispatched field order.
  • If there are any pending field activities left associated with the severance process, it is marked to trigger the creation of a To Do entry to highlight that field activities exist for a canceled severance process. (This happens if you have not plugged in an algorithm to perform the cancellation or if the algorithm detected a condition that prevented cancellation.) To create the To Do entry, you must run the background process TD-SPRO.
  • There is an optional plug-in spot defined on the severance process' template. If an algorithm is plugged-in, it is called. The base package algorithm will create a reconnect process if there are completed field activities for a cut for nonpayment severance event associated with the severance process. Refer to Severance Post Cancellation Algorithm for more information about this algorithm.