Transferring Credit from Unmonitored Non-Billed Budgets

If you distribute an overpayment to an unmonitored Non-Billed Budget SA (i.e. the unmonitored non-billed budget maintains a credit balance instead of an overpayment SA), you must plug-in a bill completion algorithm on the SA type to transfer the credit balance to the covered SAs at bill completion time. The bill completion algorithm type (BCMP-NB) supplied with the base package transfers the credit balance to the covered service agreements when the bill is completed. Additionally, the Adjustment Type (Xfer) on unmonitored Non-Billed Budget SA types should reference a FT algorithm of Payoff Amt = Adj / Current Amt = Adj to ensure that the credit is removed from both the current and payoff balances.


You must create your own SA stop algorithm type for correctly stopping an unmonitored non-billed budget that maintains a credit balance. The SA stop algorithm that is supplied with the base package does NOT transfer remaining credit from the unmonitored Non-Billed Budget SA. (The base package SA stop algorithm transfers the remaining credit using the overpayment distribution algorithm on the customer type, which you have set up to transfer to back to the unmonitored non-billed budget.)