Deposit Control - Tender Deposit

The Tender Deposit page contains a row for every tender deposit linked to the deposit control. Open this page using Menu > Financial > Deposit Control > Search and navigate to the Tender Deposit page.

Description of Page

Deposit Control contains a concatenation of the deposit control's creation date, tender source type, and status.

Deposit Control ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the deposit control.

The Tender Deposit scroll that follows contains one row for every financial institution into which the tenders will be deposited. To insert a new row, click the + button and fill in the following fields:

  • Tender Deposit ID is maintained by the system. When a deposit is being created, there is no ID number displayed. Once a deposit is entered and saved, the system generates an ID and displays it here.
  • Deposit Amount contains the amount to be deposited at the bank. Currency Code is the currency in which the deposit is denominated.
  • Reference ID contains the ID of the deposit (if any).
  • Use Bank and Bank Account to define where the tenders will be deposited.