Get Interval Data

This rule is used to get interval quantities from interval measuring components installed in the service points linked to the usage subscription for the specified 'Interval' usage period. Only measuring components that match the UOM/SQI defined in the usage calculation rule are processed. Measurements within the period are stored in the usage transaction's service quantities' interval data list. The SQ entry's quantity is calculated based on the Calculate Function defined in the usage calculation rule. This is done for every entry in the usage period list. Each service quantity recorded by this rule is linked to a service point and measuring component.

By supplying the Axis Conversion parameters on the usage calculation rule, this algorithm will convert the identified measuring component's consumption into the supplied UOM and interval size prior to storing the consumption into the service quantity's interval data list.


Additional detail on the logic of this rule can be found in the Detailed Description of the D2-GETINTDAT Algorithm Type.

For help with the meaning of specific configuration fields, refer to the embedded help on the screen when adding or editing the rule.

Business Object
