Zone Visibility Service Script

All zones support a visibility script that is used to determine if the zone should be displayed to the user or not based on conditions. The script may receive input parameters and is expected to return a Boolean value indicating if the zone should be displayed or not. The embedded help for the Zone Visibility Service Script parameter provides details related to the syntax.

The following table highlights some service scripts provided by the product that may be used if applicable to your zone's requirements. This is not an exhaustive list of visibility scripts. There may be others that are specific to a given zone.

Script Code Description Comments

Zone Visibility - Display Zone in Portal

This script simply returns a value of 'true' and is used when the zone should always appear.


Zone Visibility - Display Zone in Portal Conditionally

This is used when the condition for showing the zone is based on the population of a context value. This is commonly used when one zone in the portal should only appear after a broadcast of a record from another zone in the portal.

For an example of a zone the uses this visibility script, refer to F1-BSFTYPE .


Zone Visibility - Based on Row Count

This is used when the condition for showing the zone is based on the existence of one or more rows that can be determined using SQL. This script accepts a zone code, user filters 1 through 25 and hidden filters 1 through 10. The script returns an indication of 'true' if at least one row count is returned by the zone.

To use this visibility script, a specific data explorer zone must be developed for the specific use case.

For an example of a zone the uses this visibility script, refer to F1-MIGRREQEL .