Service Program

This transaction defines services available in the system. These include user interface services as well as stand-alone services that perform a specific function. A service may be referenced by a business service. Use this transaction to view existing service and introduce a new stand-alone service to be made available to a Business Service.

Select Admin > System > Service Program to maintain service programs.

Description of Page

Service Name is the unique identifier of the service.

CAUTION: Important! When adding new service programs, carefully consider its naming convention. Refer to System Data Naming Convention for more information.

Owner indicates if this service is owned by the base package or by your implementation (Customer Modification). The system sets the owner to Customer Modification when you add a service. This information is display-only.

Description describes the service.

Application Service is the application service that is used to provide security for the service. If the service is related to a maintenance object, the access modes for the application service should be the standard Add, Change, Delete and Inquire. For other services, the application service should have the Execute access mode.

Service Type indicates whether the service is a Java Based Service or a Java (Converted) Service. Note that services generated to support a portal in the system will not have a service type populated.

This Program Component grid shows the list of program user interface components associated with the service. For a stand-alone service, this list is typically not applicable.