We Bill For Them - Payment Relationship Segmentation

As described under Pay At Bill Time vs. Pay At Pay Time when you provide billing service for a service provider you have to define if you pay the service provider when you bill the customer OR only later, when the customer pays you.

In the table below, we have shown the payment relationships for each service provider.

Service Provider

Billing Relationship

Payment Relationship


We Bill For Them - Bill Ready

Pay At Billing Time


We Bill For Them - Bill Ready

Pay At Billing Time

Green Power

We Bill For Them - Rate Ready

Pay At Billing Time

Cheap Power - Res

We Bill For Them - Rate Ready

Pay At Billing Time

Cheap Power - Com/Ind

Dual Billing


Us - Billable

It's Us


Us - Non billable




They Bill For Us - Bill Ready


TeniCorp - Com

We Bill For Them - Bill Ready

Pay At Billing Time

TeniCorp - Ind

We Bill For Them - Bill Ready

Pay At Pay Time


Dual Billing


Notice that we had to introduce an additional service provider for TeniCorp because for commercial customer we purchase the receivable (Pay At Bill Time), but for industrial customers we only pay them when we're paid by the customer (Pay At Pay Time).