Column Parameters

Data explorer zones are used to select data to display using one or more SQL statements. For each SQL statement, the zone may configure up to 20 Columns that contain the formatting definition for displaying the output data.

These parameters are applicable to the zone types

  • Info Data Explorer - Single SQL (F1-DE-SINGLE). The parameters follow the description pattern of Column x.

  • Info Data Explorer - Multiple SQLs (F1-DE). For this zone type, all SQLs are executed and the zone displays a union of all the results. The parameters follow the description pattern of Column x for SQL y. There are some mnemonics that do not make sense to differ within rows of the same column. For example, the column label. For these mnemonics, only the value in SQL 1 is considered for that column. The table below indicates which mnemonics follow this rule.

  • Query Data Explorer - Multiple SQLs (F1-DE-QUERY). For this zone type, only one SQL is executed. The SQL y Condition parameter may be used to control this. The system will execute the first SQL whose condition is satisfied (or with no condition populated). The parameters follow the description pattern of Column x for SQL y.

The following sections describe the various types of mnemonics.


Source Mnemonics

Formatting Mnemonics

Click Mnemonics

Common Use Cases

Source Mnemonics

This table describe the mnemonics that control how the data in a column is derived.



Valid Values



Defines how the column's value is derived.


Indicates that the source of the column's value comes from a column in the SQL statement. This type of column must also reference the sqlcol= mnemonic.


Indicates that the source of the column's value comes from a business object. This type of column must also reference the bo=, input= and output= mnemonics to define how to interact with the business object.


Indicates that the source of the column's value comes from a business service. This type of column must also reference the bs=, input= and output= mnemonics to define how to interact with the business service.


Indicates that the source of the column's value comes from a service script. This type of column must also reference the ss=, input= and output= mnemonics to define how to interact with the service script.


Indicates that the source of this column's value is calculated using a formula. This type of column must also reference the formula= mnemonic.


Indicates that the source of this column's value is calculated using a superset of values from the rows in the SQL statement. This type of column must also reference the setfunc= mnemonic.


Indicates that the source of this column's value is a display icon reference (meaning that an icon will be displayed in the column). This type of column must also reference the icon= mnemonic to define the icon reference.

Note: When using this source mnemonic, the formatting mnemonic type= is not applicable.


Indicates that the source of this column's value is an FK reference (meaning that the FK reference's context menu and information string will be displayed in the column and will be enabled for navigation). This type of column must also reference the fkref= and input= mnemonics to define how the FK reference is called.

Note: When using this source mnemonic, the formatting mnemonic type= is not applicable.
Note: To show a foreign key's information but not enable navigation, refer to Common Use Cases for the recommended technique.


Indicates that the source of this column's value is specified by concatenating literals and other column values. This type of column must also reference the spec= mnemonic.


Indicates that the source of this column is a message from the message table (along with any substitution variables). This type of column must also reference the msg= mnemonic.


Defines the column in the SQL statement when source=SQLCOL.


Enter the name of a column that is retrieved in the SELECT statement. Note that if the select statement uses an alias for a column, then the alias should be referenced here.


Where x is an integer value that references a column by its relative position in the SELECT statement. For example, sqlcol=3 would display the 3rd column in the SELECT statement).


Defines the business object to invoke when source=BO.

This mnemonic must be used in conjunction with the input= and output= mnemonics to define how information is sent to / received from the business object.

'Business Object Code'


Defines the business service to invoke when source=BS.

This mnemonic must be used in conjunction with the input= and output= mnemonics to define how information is sent to/received from the business service.

'Business Service Code'


Defines the service script to invoke when source=SS.

This mnemonic must be used in conjunction with the input= and output= mnemonics to define how information is sent to / received from the service script.

'Service Script Code'


Defines the FK reference used to retrieve the column’s information when source=FKREF.

This mnemonic must be used in conjunction with the input= mnemonic to define how information is sent to the FK reference to build the information.


This means FK reference code is defined in an earlier column. For example, define C1 if column 1 defines the FK reference value.


This means the FK reference was retrieved by the SELECT statement. The value should match the name defined in the SELECT clause.

'FK Reference Code'

This means the FK Reference is defined directly. For example 'F1-ROLE'.


Defines the formula to use when source=FORMULA.


  • formula=C1*.90/C2

  • formula=(C1/C2)*100

The formula can contain numeric constants, operators and column references.

For column references, use the format Cx where x represents the column number.

Refer to Expression Parser for information about the functions supported.


Defines the function to apply to the rows of a given column when source=SETFUNC.


Where Cx represents a column whose rows should have the function applied and the function is one of the following:

  • MAX. This derives the maximum value of all rows in the column.

  • MIN. This derives the minimum value of all rows in the column.

  • TOT. This derives the sum (total value) of all rows in the column.

  • ACC. This derives the cumulative total of all rows up to an including the current row.


This is used to define one or more input fields and values passed to business objects, business services, service scripts, and FK references.

The syntax is as follows: [ELEMENT_​​NAME=ELEMENT_​​REF ELEMENT_​​NAME=ELEMENT_​​REF ...]

In other words, the list of input values is surrounded by square brackets separated by a space. Each passed value first defines the ELEMENT_​​NAME, which is the name of the element / field in the target. ELEMENT_​​REF is the value passed in. The next column indicates the possible values for ELEMENT_​​REF.

Cx Where Cx represents the value of a previous column. If the value to pass is in the first column, reference C1.
COLUMN_​​NAME This means the value to pass in was retrieved by the SELECT statement. The value should match the name defined in the SELECT clause.
'literal value' This means a literal value within the single quotes should be passed in.
userTimeZone This means the current user's time zone should be passed in. This is typically used with the business service F1-ShiftDateTime to convert data in the storage time zone to the user's time zone for display.
installationTimeZone This means the installation time zone should be passed in. This is typically used with the business service F1-ShiftDateTime to convert data in the storage time zone to the installation time zone for display.


  • input=[USER_​​ID=C1]

  • input=[USER_​​ID=USER_​​ID]

  • input=[input/targetTimeZone=userTimeZone]


This is used to define the name of the element retrieved from the business object, business service or service script used to populate this column.


Example: output=personInfo


This mnemonic is only applicable when the Enable Paging parameter has been configured. It indicates that this column is one of the keys used by the SQL statement to orchestrate paging through results. This mnemonic can only be specified when the source=SQLCOL.

Fastpath: Refer to Pagination Configuration for more information.



This is the default, meaning that you don't need to indicate pagingkey=N at all to indicate that the column is not one of the paging keys.

Note: If multiple columns are configured with the same source BO, BS or SS and the same input data, the system caches the output from the first call and reuses the results for subsequent columns.

Formatting Mnemonics

This table describe the mnemonics that control how a column is formatted.

Note: For the F1-DE zone type, zone displays the union of all the different SQLs.



Valid Values



Defines how the column's value is formatted.

Note: Icon and Foreign Key columns. The source= source mnemonic may be used to indicate a column should be derived from an icon reference or a foreign key (FK) reference. If you use either of these sources, the type= mnemonic is not relevant as either an icon or a context menu / info string will appear in the column.


Columns of this type capture a string. This is the default value.


Columns of this type capture a date and will be displayed using the user's display profile.


Columns of this type capture a time (in database format) and will be displayed using the user's display profile.


Columns of this type capture a date and time (in database format) and will be displayed using the user's display profile.


Columns of this type capture a monetary field. This type of column may also reference the cur= mnemonic. If the cur mnemonic is not specified, the currency code on the installation record is used.


Columns of this type capture a numeric field. This type of column may also reference the dec= mnemonic.


Defines the column's override label. The label appears in the column's heading and in the zone's drag and drop area.

If this mnemonic is not defined, the system uses the column's default label. The source of a column's default label differs depending on the column's source. Note that some sources don't have a default value and omitting this mnemonic will result in a blank label.


In the case of the zone type Info Data Explorer - Multiple SQLs (F1–DE), the system will use the column definitions in SQL 1 to define the labels.


Enter a valid field name whose label should be used for the column label. This should always be the option used if multiple languages are needed.


Defines the text directly.


Defines the currency code applied when type=MONEY if the installation record's currency should not be used.


This means currency code value is defined in an earlier column. For example, define C1 if column 1 defines the currency code.


This means the currency code was retrieved by the SELECT statement. The value should match the name defined in the SELECT clause.

'Currency Code'

This means the currency code is defined directly. For example 'USD'.


Defines the number of decimal places when type=NUMBER.

It is optional. If provided it should be an integer. If not provided, the number of decimals will default to the number of decimal places defined on the currency code specified on the installation record.


Where n is the number of decimal places to show. Suffixing the number of decimal places with R means that the system should round up / down. Simply specifying n (without an R) means that decimal places should be truncated. For example, entering dec=4 will display 4 decimal places and truncate the remainder.

Note: Formatting only. This mnemonic is only used for formatting, it does not impact the precision used for subsequent calculations. For example, if a column retrieved from the database contains 6 significant digits and dec=0, the column will be shown with no decimal places (truncated), however any references to the column in subsequent calculations will use 6 decimal places. For example, if the column is referenced in a formula or set function, all 6 decimal places will be used.


This mnemonic applies special character(s) to the column's value.


Where x references the literal value to display and [ ] defines the relative position of the characters (before or after the value).

You need only include the [ ] if you want to position characters in front of the value. For example, char='%' will place a percent sign after the value. If you want to position the word 'minutes' before a value, enter char='minutes [ ]'. If you want to output a value like BUDGET $123.12 (YTD), enter char='BUDGET [ ] (YTD)'.


This is used to indicate a column should not be displayed.

A column would be suppressed if it's only defined for use by subsequent columns, for example, if there is a formula that derives a column using two other columns. In this scenario, the columns referenced in the formula can be suppressed.


In the case of the zone type Info Data Explorer - Multiple SQLs (F1–DE), the system will apply the settings for the column definitions in SQL 1 to all subsequent SQLs.



This is the default, meaning that you don't need to indicate suppress=false at all to indicate that the field should be shown.


This is used to indicate a column should not be displayed when the zone is invoked in search mode only.


In the case of the zone type Info Data Explorer - Multiple SQLs (F1–DE), the system will apply the settings for the column definitions in SQL 1 to all subsequent SQLs.



This is the default, meaning that you don't need to indicate suppressSearch=false at all to indicate that the field should be shown.


This is used to indicate a column should not be downloaded to Excel.


In the case of the zone type Info Data Explorer - Multiple SQLs (F1–DE), the system will apply the settings for the column definitions in SQL 1 to all subsequent SQLs.



This is the default, meaning that you don't need to indicate suppressExport=false at all to indicate that the field should be included in a download.


This is used to override the width of a column (number of pixels). The default value is the maximum width of any cell in the column.


Where n is a number between 0 and 999.


If there is no available breaking point in the data, the column will be longer than the specified number of pixels.

The length of the column's label (which appears in the column's heading) may also make the width wider than specified.

In the case of the zone type Info Data Explorer - Multiple SQLs (F1–DE), the system will set the width based on the column definitions in SQL 1.


This is used to override the column's text color.

A valid HTML "named" color

For example color=yellow.

Note: Refer to Color Contrast for information about the use of the HTML color 'red' and its impact on accessibility.

A valid RGB color model combination

For example color=#E0292F or color=#CCCCCC. Note that the # is required.


This is used to override the column's background color.

A valid HTML "named" color

Similar to the color= mnemonic.

A valid RGB color model combination

Similar to the color= mnemonic.


Defines the column's default sort order.


Indicates that the order is ascending. This is the default meaning that it is not necessary to indicate order=ASC.


Indicates that the order is descending.


Designates the column as a row header for accessibility purposes.


By default, the first data column of the data explorer results is identified as the row header, for accessibility tools. If the data in the first column does not uniquely identify the row, use this mnemonic to explicitly mark a different column or multiple columns as the row header.

Note: In the case of the zone type Info Data Explorer - Multiple SQLs (F1–DE), the system will look only at the columns in SQL 1 that have this mnemonic defined and apply it to all results for those columns.

Click Mnemonics

This table describe the mnemonics that define whether a column value may be clicked and if so, what should happen.



Valid Values



Defines the navigation option that references the target transaction or script when the user clicks a column.

Note, this mnemonic should be used in conjunction with the context= mnemonic to define what information is sent to the navigation option's target transaction.

This mnemonic is ignored if source=FKREF because the FK reference code defines the hyperlink's destination.


This means navigation option code is defined in an earlier column. For example, define C1 if column 1 defines the navigation option.


This means the navigation option was retrieved by the SELECT statement. The value should match the name defined in the SELECT clause.

Example: navopt=MAIN_​PORTAL

'Navigation Option Code'

This means the navigation option code is defined directly. For example navopt='userMaint'.


This is used to define one or more context fields and values passed to the target navigation option to go along with the navopt= mnemonic.

The syntax is as follows: [FIELD_​NAME=FIELD_​REF FIELD_​NAME=FIELD_​REF ...]

In other words, the list of input values is surrounded by square brackets separated by a space. Each passed value first defines the FIELD_​NAME, which is the name of the context field in the navigation option. FIELD_​REF is the value passed in. The next column indicates the possible values for FIELD_​REF.


Where Cx represents the value of a previous column. For example, if the value to pass is in the first column, reference C1.


This means the value to pass in was retrieved by the SELECT statement. The value should match the name defined in the SELECT clause.

'literal value'

This means a literal value within the single quotes should be passed in.


Indicates that a BPA script should be executed with the user clicks the column and indicates the BPA to execute.

Note, this mnemonic should be used in conjunction with the tempstorage= mnemonic to define the temporary storage values that will be initiated when the script is executed.

This mnemonic is ignored if source=FKREF because the FK reference code defines the hyperlink's destination.


Indicates that the BPA script is defined in a previous column.


This means the BPA script to execute was retrieved by the SELECT statement. The value should match the name defined in the SELECT clause.

'BPA Script Code'

This means that the BPA script to execute is defined directly.


This is used to define how temporary storage variables are initiated when the bpa= mnemonic is used.

The syntax is as follows: [FIELD_​NAME=FIELD_​REF FIELD_​NAME=FIELD_​REF ...]

In other words, the list of input values is surrounded by square brackets separated by a space. Each passed value first defines the FIELD_​NAME, which is the name of the field in temporary storage. FIELD_​REF is the value passed in. The next column indicates the possible values for FIELD_​REF.


Where Cx represents the value of a previous column. For example, if the value to pass is in the first column, reference C1.


This means the value to pass in was retrieved by the SELECT statement. The value should match the name defined in the SELECT clause.

'literal value'

This means a literal value within the single quotes should be passed in.


This is used to enable work list capability for this column.

You may optionally populate the listdesc= mnemonic to override the text that will be placed in the worklist zone.


Setting list=true will cause the work list icon to appear in the column's header. If a user clicks the column, it will populate all the rows in the output into the work list zone.

Note: In the case of the zone type Info Data Explorer - Multiple SQLs (F1-DE), the output may be showing a union of the results of multiple SQL statements. In this case, if some of the SQL statements configure a given column with list=true, but not all, only the data in the cells for the statements that configure this mnemonic are put into the work list when the user clicks the icon. Also note that when determining which columns should have the worklist icon when building the zone, the system only looks at the configuration for the columns in SQL 1.


This is an optional mnemonic when using the list= mnemonic. It can be used to override the text that is placed in the work list zone.


Where Cx represents the value of a previous column. For example, if the text to use is in the first column, reference C1.


Indicates that the broadcast information for the column is also to be made available in the work list zone. This means that the work list can be used to broadcast information to a portal in the same manner as a data explorer.


Use this setting to turn on the feature.

Common Use Cases

This section provides some common configuration that can be copied and pasted for newly created zones.

Use Case

Code Snippet

Displaying the description of a lookup value that has been retrieved in the SQL statement. The business service checks for an override label.




input=[fieldName='FLD_​NAME' fieldValue=FLD_​NAME]


Display a foreign key with its information but suppressing the navigation. (This is useful when you have a foreign key that is additional information in a zone but would cause confusion to enable navigation. To display foreign key reference with its information and enabled for navigation, use the source of FKREF as described above.)

The first example assumes that you know the FK Reference. The second example uses a business service that receives the maintenance object as input.



input=[input/fkReference=FK_​REF_​CD input/fkValue1=BUS_​OBJ_​CD]





input=[input/maintenanceObject='F1-EXT LKUP' input/pkValue1=BUS_​OBJ_​CD input/pkValue2=C1]



Display a foreign key, including a corresponding navigation link, for generic objects that may or may not have a foreign key reference. If the FK reference exists, its information is shown, otherwise not.

Standard foreign key services assume all rows have foreign key details. The service script F1FKInfoOpt provides the same foreign key details but does not error when foreign key details do not exist. To build the foreign key description and link, the script needs to be used twice; one column gets the navigation details and another gets the description. The latter references the navigation details column and invokes a BPA script to perform the dynamic navigation.

This column gets the navigation details:



input=[input/fkReference=C9 input/fkValue1=C6 input/fkValue2=C7]



This column constructs the foreign key description and link:



input=[input/fkReference=C9 input/fkValue1=C6 input/fkValue2=C7]




tempstorage=[navopt=C15 pkField1=C10 pkValue1=C6 pkField2=C11 pkValue2=C7]
