Flexible File Name / Writing Multiple Files

By default, the data is written to the File Name defined in the batch parameter. The file name supports several dynamic substitution variables as defined in the detailed description for the batch parameter in the Plug-in Driven Extract Template batch control (F1-PDBEX). Also refer to Extract Record Processing for information about the file name and multi-threaded processes.

The system also supports more advanced file creation for a single batch run. Consider the following use cases

  • An extract is for data associated with multiple service providers where each service provider should receive its own file. In this use case, the unit of work is the service provider so a file is produced for each work unit.
  • An implementation operates with multiple jurisdictions represented by CIS Division. A certain extract should result in a file per division so that each division only gets its relevant data.
  • An extract of Person information should separate individual person data from business person data. In addition, for each person, the contact information should result in a separate file. In this use case, one unit of work includes data to be written to more than one file.

To support the above use cases, the Process Record algorithm supports returning the File Name in the output:

  • The file name is included in the output Schema Instance group. You would populate this if you want the data for a specific Schema entry to go to this file name. In the person extract example above, the schema that includes the contact information would indicate the specific contact file.
  • The file name is an output field outside the schema list. You would populate this if you don't have different files for different schemas but you still want to override the file name defined in the batch parameter. The service provider and division examples above would populate this parameter with the desired file name. The person extract example could populate this field for all the non-contact information.

The batch process checks the output after each call to the Process Records algorithm. For each schema, if there is a specific File Name associated with the schema, the data for that schema is written to that file. Otherwise, if the output file name is provided, the data is written to that file. Otherwise, the File Name in the batch parameter is used.

Note: Substitution Variables. After the call to Process Records, if there are any system variables in the file name, they are resolved at this time.

Managing File Names

This type of requirements means that the Process Record algorithm needs to provide a file name that has some business value to distinguish the individual files. For example, the service provider or the division or the person type value must be part of the file name. However, the recommendation is not to have the file name entirely determined by the algorithm. Rather the suggestion is that you still allow the user submitting the batch job to provide a desired file name as a batch parameter. That way, it can include any of the supported substitution variables for system information (such as batch run number, or date /time stamp) that ensure your files are unique for a given batch run. The algorithm can designate a substitution variable that it looks for to replace with the business value.

For example, using the files per division use case, imagine the user indicates the file name EXTRACT_​FILE_​<DIV>_​{BN}_​{RN}_​{TN}.csv. The process record algorithm receives this parameter. It knows to look for "<DIV>" and replace it with the actual division. Imagine the division code is A100, it would return the file name EXTRACT_​FILE_​A100_​{BN}_​{RN}_​{TN}.csv in its output, along with the data to write to that file for this unit of work.

For the person information use case above, where two files are written, the suggestion is to use the File Name parameter for one of the files, for example the person information file. An additional parameter should be used to define the second file, the contact information file. So the users submitting the batch job would define the following parameters:

Parameter Name Description Value Comments
fileName File Name persons_​<personType>_​{BN}.txt This is the file name parameter provided with the extract.
contactFileName Contact File Name contacts_​{BN}.txt This is a special parameter defined by the CM extract batch control.

The Process Record algorithm would look for the File Name parameter provided as input, find the text "<personType>" and replace it with the person type value and return that file name in the output. When building the list of schemas to return in the output, the one that includes the person contact information would include the file name found in the Contact File Name parameter provided as input.

Note: If an extract uses file integration types, the file integration record's extract process algorithm would have the above responsibility for indicating the file name and pass it back to the Process Record algorithm.

Multiple Threads

This functionality works as expected with multiple threads. Based on the use case and the implementation of the Select Records algorithm, each thread could be producing files for the same business value. Let's use the division use case. Imagine an implementation has three divisions: A100, B200, C300. Now imagine that the extract is for financial information for an account. The select records algorithm should be threading by account id so that the data is evenly distributed across the multiple threads. But within each thread, accounts could be in any of the 3 implementation's divisions. So each thread could produce 3 files for each of the 3 divisions.

As described in Multi-threaded Extract, the system supports an option to concatenate, allowing you to consolidate the files such that you have 3 complete files for the 3 divisions. The same features and limitations described in that topic apply for this use case.

Closing Files

An important consideration when using this functionality is that attention should be paid to how many files are open during the batch process. Each open file takes some memory to manage it. As such, the product has imposed a limit of only 10 open files (per thread) during the run of the batch job. When designing a batch to write to multiple files, the product strongly encourages you to design the process so that whenever possible, all the data for one file can be written and that file can be closed before going on to the next file.

Let's look at our examples.

  • For the service provider example, the unit of work for the batch process is service provider. In this case, after each call to process records, the data can be written to the file and then the file can be closed.
  • For the division example, the data selected should be threaded by the proper unit of work related to the purpose of the extract, such as Account or Asset. But the data should be ordered by division so that all the data for each division is processed before the next division's data. Each division's file can be closed once the next division's data starts getting processed.
  • For the person extract example, the contact file is used for all the data so that file needs to remain open throughout the duration of the job. However, the person information gets segrated by person type. The Select Records could order the data by person type so that all the data for one type could be written and then all the data for the other type could be written. However, given that for any run no more than 3 files will ever be open, this use case is one where there is no need to actively manage closing files during the process.

How will the batch program know when to close a file? Since the batch program is agnostic and does not know what type of data is being processed nor when files should be closed, the Process Record algorithm should provide this information.

Note: The batch process will issue an error if Process Records indicates that the file to write to is one that was already closed. Reopening closed files is not allowed. The design of the process needs to be reviewed if this error is received.

To manage this, the batch process provides the Process Record algorithm with the list of open files (with the system substitution variables unresolved) and a Boolean to mark whether the file should be closed.

Note: If an extract uses file integration types, the file integration record's extract process algorithm receives this list of open files and would have the responsibility described here to manage closing files.

To explain further, we'll use our examples.

File Per Division Example

This use case is that there are 4 divisions in the implementation: NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST and that the data (account data) should be grouped in separate files by division.

The recommendation is that the Select Records algorithm selects the data ordered by Division.

The batch process passes to the Process Record algorithm the list of open files (there should be only be zero or one). In this case, the only indication that the data for one division is finished is if the Process Record algorithm sees that its data is for one division and the open file listed is for a different division. Each call should prepare its file name. Then it should see if its file name is in the list of open files. If not, it should indicate that the other open file should be closed. (Note that it doesn't need to add itself to the 'open list'. The batch program is only looking for entries marked as closed. It will ignore entries that are not marked as closed).

Assume the file name in the batch parameter is myFile_​<DIV>_​{BN}.txt

The data is sorted so that the accounts in the EAST division are processed first. Let's imagine this is a work unit that is also in the EAST division. It receives the file name and the list of open files.


The algorithm substitutes its division into the <DIV> portion of the file and populates that in the output. It then compares its file name with the current list of open files. It finds its file so it doesn't need to do anything else.


If we then imagine a call to the process records algorithm where the division is NORTH and it's the first entry for that division, here is what it receives:


The algorithm substitutes its division into the <DIV> portion of the file and populates that in the output. It then compares its file name with the current list of open files and doesn't finds its file name. So it indicates that the existing open file should be closed.


File Per Service Provider Example

In this use case, the unit of work is service provider and each service provider should have its own file. In this case, as the Process Record algorithm is preparing the data and the file name unique to its service provider, it can also indicate that the file can be closed. There is no need to wait for the next call to Process Record to indicate that the previous file can be closed. Let's assume the file name is MYFILE_​<serviceProvder>_​{BN}_​{TN}.txt. Each call to Process Records will pass the batch parm file name and no open files.


The algorithm is processing data for service provider A100. It returns the following information related to the file name, namely the single File Name in the output related to this service provider and adds its file to the open file list and indicates that it should be closed. (Note that file-per-work-unit is the only known use case where the algorithm will know that it is the last entry for a file and to close itself.)


Multiple Open Files Example

This example assumes that the file names are defined as per the Managing File Names section above. We'll assume that the algorithm designer chose to not actively close the person information file since there are never more than three files open. Similarly, we'll assume that they chose not to order the data by person type. Here is what is passed in in the middle of the run:


An instance of one call to Process Records algorithm that has details for an individual ("P" person type).


This XML example illustrates the following points:

  • There is an override file name in the fileName element.
  • The first two schemas don't have any value in the fileOutput\listValue\SchemaInstance\fileName so they should be written to the file in fileName. Note that these two schemas also include a Record XML Node. That will ensure that if the output is XML format, the data from both of those schemas will be wrapped by the 'person' XML Node. This is not functionality related to this epic. It's just trying to illustrate multiple features.
  • The third schema has an entry in fileOutput\listValue\SchemaInstance\fileName . So that data is written to a separate file.