Edit Data Steps

Edit data steps provide a free format region where you can specify commands to control your script processing.

Enter your scripting commands in the Edit Data Text field. Click the adjacent icon to open a window providing more space for defining the edit data step.

In general, the syntax available within edit data mimics the commands available within the explicit step types. However, there are a few commands that are available only within edit data. For example, the two structured commands: For, and If.

Note: Not all BPA step types are supported using the edit data syntax. Refer to the details below for more information on edit data commands and examples.

The topics in this section provide detail of the syntax supported in the edit data step type.



Temporary Variables

Context Variables

Move Statement

Go To Statement

Conditional Branch Statement

If Statement

For Statement

List Processing

Functions for Processing a List

Declare and Invoke Schema Based Objects

System and Global Variables

Perform Script and Transfer

Navigate Statement

Invoke Map Statement

Declare BO with BO Group

Generate Edit Map Statements

Terminate Statement

Invoking Groovy Code

Debugging a BPA Script

Useful Tips and Tricks


You can place comments into your script using the double slash notation // in the first two characters of the edit data step. Example:

// quit with error
if ("not(customer/securityEnabled)")
terminate with error (8000, 1001 %1="customer/id" %2='not allowed');

Temporary Variables

Temporary variables can be declared within all types of scripts. They should be referenced by a leading single dollar sign ('$'). However, temporary variables behave differently in the various script types:

  • In BPA Scripts temporary variables remain persistent from one BPA script to another (refer to the Perform Script and Transfer Control statements), which means that you can use temporary variables to communicate between BPA scripts.

  • Temporary variables cannot be passed from a BPA script to a service or plug-in script. Only data area elements can be passed between these types of scripts.

  • Within service and plug-in scripts, temporary variables remain persistent only for the life of the particular script that declared the variable. This means that temporary variables cannot be passed between plug-in scripts and service scripts, only global variables, context variables and data area elements can be passed between these types of scripts.

Declaring / Initializing / Defaulting Temporary Variables

When using a temporary variable, it should be declared or initialized with an appropriate value before using it. A typical method for declaring a variable is to simply move data to it in a move statement, for example.

move "0" to $index;
Fastpath: Refer to Move to a Temporary Variable for more information on implicit declaration of a temporary variable within a move statement.

For BPA scripts, as mentioned above, temporary variables may be passed from one BPA script to another. As such, it is common to reference a temporary variable in a BPA that should have been initialized by a previous BPA. However, if there is any reason that a temporary variable did not get initialized by a previous BPA, a reference to it will cause an error. It is good practice, therefore, to use the default statement that will initialize temporary variables that are not already created / initialized.

  • The following statement will initialize the temporary variable $InputAction – but only if the temporary variable has not yet been initialized:

    default $InputAction;
  • The following statement will set the value of the temporary variable $InputAction to 'read' – but only if the variable has not yet been initialized:

    default $InputAction as 'read';
Note: Scripts should take care not to define variables using a reserved keyword. The following table lists the reserved keywords.

Context Variables

Context variables are only available within service scripts. The context variable will be available for the duration of the service script and all that it invokes. Therefore, you can use a context variable within a service script to communicate information to a lower level service script or schema. They should be referenced by leading double dollar signs ('$$').

Note: Because context variables are available for lower level scripts, they may sometimes be referred to as global variables or global context variables. But they should not be confused with global variables.

Declaring / Initializing / Defaulting Context Variables

When using a context variable, it should be declared or initialized with an appropriate value before using it. A typical method for declaring a variable is to simply move data to it in a move statement, for example.

move 'context variable' to $$contextVariable;
Fastpath: Refer to Move using a Context Variable for more information.

Move Statement

The move statement copies a source value to a target. The following table highlights various options supported in the move statement.

Statement Example Description Example Syntax
Move to Element

move "xpath" to "xpath";

Note: An XPath expression is surrounded by double quotes.
Move statement with simple XPath reference.
move "acct/totalBalance" to 
Move statement with XPath concatenate function.
move "concat(person/firstName, ',', 
to "parm/fullName";
Move statement with XPath substring-before function.
move "substring-before(parm/fullName,',')" 
to "person/firstName";
Move statement with XPath substring-after function.
move "substring-after(parm/fullName,',')" 
to "person/lastName";
Move statement with XPath substring function.
move "substring(parm/date,1,4)" 
to "parm/year";
Move to Element

move 'literal' to "xpath";

Note: A literal value is surrounded by single quotes.
Move statement using a literal string.
move 'okay for mailing' 
to "account/preferences[type="mail"]/text";
Move to Element

move 'Boolean' to "xpath";

Move statement with Boolean as literal string.
if ("account/balance > 0") 
  move 'true' 
  to "account/hasDebitBalance"; 
Moving an expression, which results in a Boolean. Note that the filter in the example below is located on a group node.
    <hasDebitBalance type="boolean"/>

move "boolean(account[balance>0])" 
to "account/hasDebitBalance";
Move to Group

move "xpath" to "xpath";

Move a set of elements from one group with another.

The system matches the initial level of element names and the group / list names from the source schema to the target schema. For lists and groups, the default behavior is to move all elements within the source group / list to the target group / list (even if they are not defined in the target group / list).

The business service F1-MoveByName may be used for more granular control of the move (without having to define each individual move statement).

move "account/custInfo" to "person";

This statement is equivalent to the following statement:

move "account/custInfo/*" to "person/*";

Move using a Temporary Variable

When moving to a temporary local variable, it is not surrounded by double quotes.

move "xpath" to $variable;

move "count(Person/names/personName) 
+ count(Person/ids/personId)" 
to $PersonChildCount;
When moving from a temporary variable, the variable is surrounded by double quotes.

move "$variable" to “xpath”;

move "$AccountBalance" 
to "parm/formattedValue";

Move using a Context Variable

move "xpath" to $$variable;

move $$variable to “xpath”;

Context variables, source or target, are referenced without any double quotes.
move 'context value' 
to $$contextVariable;
// here, we move from a context variable.
move $$contextVariable 
to "MarketMessage/sender";
Move using a Dynamic Location

move "xpath" | 'literal' to evaluate("xpath" | $variable);

move evaluate("xpath" | $variable) to "xpath" | $variable;

The evaluate statement allows your move source or target location to be dynamically derived from a variable or schema element location.
move 'literal' 
to evaluate("schemaLocation"); 
move "schemaLocation" 
to evaluate($Variable);
move evaluate("schemaLocation") 
to $Variable;
move evaluate($Variable) 
to "schemaLocation";
Move escape

move escape("xpath" | $variable) to "xpath" | $variable;

Move escape is only available for service scripts and plug-in scripts. The escape statement scans your source text value for HTML content and escapes it, i.e. replaces any HTML-like characters with special characters that are escaped from HTML rendering. By doing so the text would be displayed as plain text when displayed as part of an HTML element.
Note: You should only use this function if the text is to be displayed as part of an HTML element and is suspected to contain HTML-like characters or even malicious HTML that should not be rendered as HTML. If incorrectly displayed using a non HTML element, the special escape characters, if any would be visible as part of your text. Refer to the UI Map Attributes and Functions for more information on how to define an element to display HTML content.
move escape("schemaLocation") 
to $Variable;
move escape($Variable) 
to "schemaLocation";
Move null

move null to "xpath";

You can remove information from the XML instance document through the special syntax of move 'null'. Note that you can specify either a node name in the XPath expression or a group name. If you specify a group then the group and all child elements will be eliminated from processing.

Remove a node and all of its child nodes:

if ("boolean(customer/securityEnabled)")
  goto updateInfo;
  move null to "customer"; 

Remove all child nodes of a group node with the suffix '/*'.

if ("boolean(customer/securityEnabled)")
  move null to "customer/*";

Go To Statement

The edit data step supports functionality analogous to the Go To step type. The syntax is goto label; where the label represents another location within the edit data text field (identified by this label) or represents another step in the script.

The following is an example of going to another location in the same step identified by the label addSpouse.

if ("string(parm/spouse/name) != $BLANK")
  goto addSpouse;
addSpouse: invokeBO 'Person' using "parm/spouse" for add;

The following is an example of going to a different step within the same script. The step sequence is the reference used as the label.

if ("string(parm/spouse/name) != $BLANK")
  goto 110;
110: invokeBO 'Person' using "parm/spouse" for add;

Conditional Branch Statement

The edit data step supports functionality analogous to the Conditional Branch step type. The syntax is branch (“xpath”) goto label else label; where:

  • The XPath condition in the branch statement must evaluate to a Boolean value of True or False.

  • The targets for the goto and else statements are labels that represent another location within the edit data text field (identified by this label) or represent another step in the script.

The following example uses labels for addSpouse and addAccount

branch ("string(parm/spouse/name) != $BLANK") goto addSpouse else addAccount;

If Statement

The if statement is similar to the conditional branch statement. Either can be used to structure the logic of your script. This statement may optionally include an else statement but it should always end with an end-if statement.

Note: This is an example of a statement that is not represented as a separate step type. It is only available within the edit data text.

The syntax is if (“xpath”) else end-if;. The XPath condition must evaluate to a Boolean value of True or False. The following are some examples.

Example where the XPath contains a simple logical condition.

if ("string(parm/spouse/name) != $BLANK")
  // Create spouse since spouse name present
  goto addSpouse;
  // Create account without spouse
  goto addAccount;

Example where the XPath contains a complex condition.

if ("string(parm/spouse/name) != $BLANK and string(parm/hasSpouse) = true or boolean(parm/requireSpouse)")
  // Create spouse since spouse name present
  goto addSpouse;

Example of a stacked set of statements used to evaluate multiple possible values of a field.

if ("parm/rowCount = 0")
  // no rows found
  goto quit;
if ("parm/rowCount = 1")
  // one row found
  goto process;
if ("parm/rowCount > 1")
  // more than one row found
  goto quit;
quit: terminate;

The following XPath shows Boolean based on the existence of the node. In this example, if the node exists in the XML instance document being processed, the statement will evaluate to True. If no element is found, the statement evaluates to false.

Note: When treating XPath nodes as Boolean variables be aware that an empty node evaluates to True. Only a missing node return False.
if ("boolean(parm/spouse/name)")
  goto addSpouse;
  // Create account without spouse
  goto addAccount;
if ("not(parm/spouse/name)")
  // Create account without spouse
  goto addAccount;
  goto addSpouse;

For Statement

The for statement creates a list of nodes or values depending on your XPath expression. If you specify a list node then every child node of the list, along with its contents, will be available within the loop. If you specify a child node directly, then a list of values only will be available within the loop.

Note: For more information on creating new entries in a list, please refer to the creating a new list instance example.
Note: This is an example of a statement that is not represented as a separate step type. It is only available within the edit data text.

The syntax is for ($variable in "xpathList") end-for;. The XPath condition must evaluate to a Boolean value of True or False.

The following examples are based on this sample schema:

  <SAList type="list">
  <SAContributor type="list">

Example that specifies the list node in the XPath expression where all child nodes are available for processing.

move "0" to $AccountBalance;
move "0" to $index;
for ($SAList in "SAList")
    move "$SAList/balance + $AccountBalance" to $AccountBalance;
    // keep track of each SA contributing to the balance in the SA Contributor list
    move "1 + $index" to $index;
    move "$SAList/id" to "SAContributor[$index]/id";

Example that specifies a child node within the list node in the XPath expression. Only values of that node are available for processing.

move "0" to $AccountBalance;
for ($SABalance in "SAList/balance")
    move "$SABalance + $AccountBalance" to $AccountBalance;

Example that shows that a filter can be used to limit the rows selected by the for loop.

move "0" to $AccountDebitBalance;
for ($SAList in "SAList[Balance>0]")
    move "$SAList/balance + $AccountDebitBalance" to $AccountDebitBalance;

Example that shows the use of a filter when specifying child nodes.

move "0" to $AccountCreditBalance;
for ($SABalance in "SAList[Balance<0]/balance")                 
    move "$SABalance + $AccountCreditBalance" to $AccountCreditBalance;                

List Processing

This section provides details about processing lists. The examples in this section reference the following schema:

  <parm type="group">
  <Person type="group">
    <names type="list">

Referencing a List Element. You can move a value to a particular list instance by referencing an identifying node in the list within a filter. The syntax is move "xpath" to "xpathList[filter]/element"; Example:

move "parm/name" to "Person/names[type='main']/name";

Creating a New List Instance. A special notation can be used within a move target statement to indicate a new list instance should be created. The "+" indicates to the script processor that a new instance of a list should be initiated for the target element. The syntax is move "xpath" to "+xpathList"; Example:

move "parm/name" to "Person/+names/name";

Deleting a List Instance. An XML list entry can be deleted from the database by moving an action attribute of 'delete' to the element name. To cause a database delete of a list entry requires an attribute of action="delete" in the target node and a subsequent update BO interaction. The syntax is move 'delete' to "xpathList@action"); Example:

if ("parm/action = 'd'") 
    move "0" to $index;
    for ($CCList in "CCList")
        move "1 + $index" to $index;
        if ("$CCList/id = parm/id")
            move 'delete' to "CCList[$index]@action";
            goto update;

The following shows the resulting XML.

  <CCList action="delete">
Note: Deleting a list instance through use of the action attribute is risky if iterative BO interactions are required. The XML document that contains the list instance to be deleted will not be altered after a successful BO interaction, which means the document will still contain the list instance even though it no longer exists. To solve this problem, it is essential to re-read the BO after any BO update where the action attribute of 'delete' has been used.
Note: An alternative to the delete attribute described here, is to use the BO action of replace. Manipulating a list to use the replace action avoids the problem described above concerning stale information in request documents post BO update.

Functions for Processing a List

XPath provides several functions that are useful to process elements of a list including count, sum and last.

The following examples are based on this sample XML document:


The following is an example of a sum. The syntax is move "sum(xpathList/element)" to $variable; The example sums the total balance.

move "sum(ft/amt)" to $TotalBalance;

The following is an example of a sum using a filter to get a subtotal. The example sums the balance of the entries that have the ‘tax’ category.

move "sum(ft[cat='tax']/amt)" to $TaxBalance;

The following is an example of a count. The syntax is move "count(xpathList)" to $variable; The example finds the count of the number of FT entries in the list.

move "count(ft)" to $TranCount;

The following is an example of ‘last’, which is used to locate the last entry. The syntax is move "last(xpathList)" to $variable; The example finds the last amount in the FT list.

move "ft[last()]/amt" to $LastAmount;

Declare and Invoke Schema Based Objects

You can invoke a business object, business service or service script within the edit data step. To support the dynamic invoke, a dynamic data area name can be declared.

The schema being declared may be a business object (BO) schema, a business service (BS) schema, a service script (SS) schema, data area (DA) schema or a UI map schema. The declare statement will differ based on the type of schema, but the syntax is analogous.

  • declareBO 'BO Name' | $variable | "xpath" as 'DynamicDataArea';

  • declareBS 'BS Name' | $variable | "xpath" as 'DynamicDataArea';

  • declareSS 'SS Name' | $variable | "xpath" as 'DynamicDataArea';

  • declareDA 'DA Name' | $variable | "xpath" as 'DynamicDataArea';

  • declareMap 'Map Name' | $variable | "xpath" as 'DynamicDataArea';

When invoking a BO, BS or SS, the name of the object can be specified as a literal or it can be a value contained within an element or a variable. For every Invoke, you must supply an XPath reference to a group name.

When invoking a business object, an action must be supplied. The syntax is invokeBO 'BO Name' | $variable | "xpath" using "xpath" for action;. The valid actions are as follows:

  • read. This action reads the current view of the BO data.

  • add. This action will add the object and read and return the resulting view of the BO.

  • fastAdd. This action will add the object but does not perform a subsequent 'read' to return the resulting view of the BO. This option is better than add for performance purposes if there is no reason to re-read the record.

  • update. This action will update the object and read and return the resulting view of the BO. This action executes a 'merge' of the information specified in the invoke statement's request XML document with existing BO data. Using this action allows the script to only indicate the elements that are changing.

  • fastUpdate. This action will update the object but does not perform a subsequent 'read' to return the resulting view of the BO. This option is better than update for performance purposes if there is no reason to re-read the record.

  • delete. This action deletes the object.

  • replace. This action is an alternate to the update action. The replace action completely replaces existing BO data with the information in the request document. Typically, the replace action is used when a BO contains a list because it is easier to simply replace all instances of a list rather than attempt a list merge, which requires special logic to delete a list instance explicitly.

    Note: The replace action must be used when using the UI map functionality to Upload a CSV File.
    Note: The replace action is currently not supported for any maintenance object that is maintained in a 'fixed' page that uses a list metaphor to show all the records in the page at once. Currency is an example of this type of page.


invokeBO 'BusinessObject' using "dataArea" for fastAdd;
invokeBO $variableBO using "dataArea" for fastUpdate;
invokeBO "daName/boElement" using "dataArea" for replace;

The syntax of the invoke statements for both a business service and service script are similar. The BS / SS is specified along with the XPath reference to the group name:

  • invokeBS 'BS Name' | $variable | "xpath" using "xpath";

  • invokeSS 'SS Name' | $variable | "xpath" using "xpath";

The examples use the invokeBS statement but the statements are similar for the invokeSS statement.

invokeBS 'BusinessService' using "dataArea";
invokeBS $variableBS using "dataArea";
invokeBS "daName/bsElement" using "dataArea";

BO Warnings. Note that for BPA scripting, the invoke statements may also indicate how to handle warnings.

Syntax Description Examples

with warn asError

Indicates that a warning should be treated as an error displayed in the UI map. The text asError is optional.

invokeBO 'BusinessObject' using "dataArea" for add with warn asError;

invokeSS 'ServiceScript' using "dataArea" with warn;

with warn popup

Indicates that a warning should be presented in the standard framework popup. In this scenario, the user is presented with standard OK and Cancel buttons. If the user clicks OK, it means that the process should continue. If the user clicks Cancel, the processing should discontinue. This is the recommended setting.

invokeBS "daName/bsElement" using "dataArea" with warn popup;

with warn suppress

Indicates that a warning should be suppressed. This is the default if no warning syntax is added to the invoke statement.

invokeBS "daName/bsElement" using "dataArea" with warn suppress;

invokeSS 'ServiceScript' using "dataArea";
Note: For service scripts, all objects invoked from the service script will inherit their warning level. Therefore, if the service script is invoked with warn, all nested invoke statements will also be invoked with warn.

For BPA scripts, there should also be logic following the invocation to handle errors and warnings (if with warn as popup is used). The system variable $WARNING is set to true if the user has clicked the Cancel button in the warning popup. If a map was shown, the logic should redisplay the map (where the warning message will be redisplayed.) This allows the user to potentially make changes and save again. If no map was shown prior to the warning, then the logic should terminate.

The system variable $ERROR indicates that an error was received. If a map was shown prior to the error, then the logic should redisplay the map where the error will be shown. If no map was shown, then the product provides a BPA Script F1–HandleErr that should be used to display the error. The following is an example of typical error handling logic.

invokeBO "F1-DetermineBo/output/bo" using "boSchema" for update with warn popup;
if ("$WARNING")
   if ("map_schema/action = 'DEL'")  
     goto maintMap;   
if ("$ERROR")
  if ("map_schema/action != 'DEL'")
    goto maintMap;
    transferControl 'F1-HandleErr';

System and Global Variables

The following tables highlight system and global variables available for script writing.

System Variables - All Script Types

The following system variables are available for all script types (service scripts, plug-in scripts, and BPA scripts).

Variable Description Example
$BLANK Represents an empty node.
if ("string(parm/spouse/name) != $BLANK")
  goto addSpouse;
$CURRENT-DATE Represents the current date.

For BPA scripts, this is the browser date.

For server scripts this is the server date (and is affected by the system date override logic).

move "$CURRENT-DATE" to $tempDate;
$CURRENT-STD-DTTM Represents the current date-time expressed in standard time (meaning without any adjustments for summer time / daylight savings time).
move "$CURRENT-STD-DTTM" to $tempDateTime;
$DEVICE-OS Represents the user’s device operating system.
move "$DEVICE-OS" to $tempDeviceOs;
$DEVICE-BROWSER Represents the user’s device browser.
move "$DEVICE-BROWSER" to $tempDeviceBrowser;
$DEVICE-DISPLAY-TYPE Represents the user’s device screen display type whether it is Desktop size or Medium or Small size. Returned values may be like oraDesktop, oraTablet and oraPhone.
move "$DEVICE-DISPLAY-TYPE" to $tempDeviceDisplayType;
$DEVICE-INFO Provides the combination of all three device properties (DEVICE-OS, DEVICE-BROWSER and DEVICE-DISPLAY-TYPE) and each property value is separated by semi-colon.
move "$DEVICE-INFO" to $tempDeviceInfo;

System Variables - BPA Scripts Only

The following system variables are only available / applicable for BPA script types.

Variable Description Example
$DOUBLE_​QUOTE Represents a double quote.
move "$DOUBLE_QUOTE" to $tempField;
$SINGLE_​QUOTE Represents an apostrophe.
move "$SINGLE_QUOTE" to $tempField;
$SPACE Contains a single space value.
move "$SPACE" to $tempField;
$SYSTEM-DATE Represents the server date. Note that this date is affected by the system date override logic)
move "$SYSTEM-DATE" to $tempDate;

System Variables - Server Scripts Only

The following system variables are only available / applicable for service script and plug-in script types.

Variable Description Example
$ADDITIONAL-IP-INFO An HTTP request includes an "additional IP address" header field. This may be populated by an implementation if there is some information available on the proxy server or load balancer, such as the originating IP address.
move "$ADDITIONAL-IP-INFO" to "parm/request/headerIpAddress";
$CURRENT-DTTM Represents the current date-time.
move "$CURRENT-DTTM" to $tempDateTime;
$F1-INSTALLATION-TIMEZONE Represents the time zone code defined on the installation options.
move "$F1-INSTALLATION-TIMEZONE" to $timeZone;
$LANGUAGE Represents the language code the script is using. Typically this is the user’s default language.
move "$LANGUAGE" to $tempLanguage;
$PROCESS-DATE Represents the process date. The process date differs from the current date because the process date will remain consistent throughout the duration of the process being executed. For example, if a service script stores several business objects – the process date is initialized at the start of the service script execution and each business object will have the same process date defaulted. The current date, especially the current date time, will reflect the actual time of processing.
move "$PROCESS-DATE" to $tempDate;
$PROCESS-DTTM Represents the process date-time. Note that the process date and time is initialized at the start of a particular process and will not reflect the exact date and time of an update.
move "$PROCESS-DTTM" to $tempDateTime;
$REQUESTING-IP-ADDRESS Represents the IP address from the HTTP request. Note that if the request is routed through a proxy server or load balancer, this IP address is be the IP address of the proxy or load balancer, not the IP address of the end user. Refer to the $ADDITIONAL-IP-INFO variable for information.
move "$REQUESTING-IP-ADDRESS" to "parm/request/systemIpAddress";
$USER Represents the user ID of the user executing the script.
move "$USER" to $tempUser;

For BPA scripts that need to know the user ID of the current user, refer to Useful Tips and Tricks.

Global Variables

BPA scripts and service scripts have access to the values defined in Global Context.

When a BPA script is launched from the user interface, these variables will be automatically initialized. They may be referenced with a single dollar sign in front of the field name. For example if PER_​ID is a supported global variable, then $PER_​ID can be referenced within the BPA script:

move "$PER_ID" to "schema/customerId";

For service scripts, global variables may only be referenced if the service script has been invoked directly from a BPA script or a zone on a portal. When a service script is invoked from a BPA script or portal zone, it will have access to the suite of global context variables populated in the UI session. For service scripting, the global fields must be prefixed by two dollar signs (instead of one like in BPA scripting). For example if PER_​ID is a supported global context variable, then $$PER_​ID can be referenced within the service script.

move $$PER_ID to "schema/customerId";
Note: As described in Context Variables, a service script may declare context variables that use the same two dollar sign syntax.

Perform Script and Transfer Control Statements

The edit data step supports functionality analogous to the Perform script step type and the Transfer Control step type. These are both applicable only to BPA scripts.

Syntax Valid Values Comments


'BPA Script Name' Script to perform is explicitly provided.
$Variable Script to perform is found in a variable.
"XPath" Script to perform is found in an element, referenced by its XPath.


Analogous to the performScript statement
Note: When the script named in the performScript statement has finished, control will be returned to the calling BPA script. When the script named in the transferControl statement has finished, you will not be returned to the calling script, complete control will be granted to the transferred to script.

Navigate Statement

The edit data step supports functionality analogous to the Navigate to a page step type. This is applicable only to BPA scripts.

Syntax Valid Values Comments


'Navigation Code' Navigation option is explicitly provided.
$Variable Navigation option is found in a variable.
"XPath" Navigation option is found in an element, referenced by its XPath.

In addition, the edit data step supports the ability to indicate that the dashboard should be refreshed when navigating. This is only applicable to BPA scripts.

Syntax Valid Values


Analogous to the navigate statement

Declare BO with BO Group

This statement is specific to BPA scripts that plan to use the base script Main BO Maintenance Processing (F1–MainProc) for its Generate Edit Map statements. This script expects that the data used to display in the map is within a boGroup tag.

Syntax Valid Values Comments


'BO Name' BO is explicitly provided.
$Variable BO is found in a variable.
"XPath" BO is found in an element, referenced by its XPath.

The following table highlights additional syntax for this statement.

Syntax Valid Values


'Dynamic Schema Name'


declareBOWithBOGroup 'BusinessObject' as 'newMapSchema';
declareBOWithBOGroup $variableBO as 'newMapSchema';
declareBOWithBOGroup "daName/boElement" as 'newMapSchema';

Invoke Map Statement

The edit data step supports functionality analogous to the Invoke map step type. This is applicable only to BPA scripts.

Syntax Valid Values Comments


'Map Name' UI Map is explicitly provided.
$Variable UI Map is found in a variable.
"XPath" UI Map is found in an element, referenced by its XPath.

The following table highlights additional syntax for this statement.

Syntax Valid Values Comments


"Data Area group name" Indicates the data area to be passed to and from the server when rendering the HTML form associated with the map.





Refer to the Invoke map step type for more information about the target values.

If the UI map is configured to return a value, then it can be evaluated using the $MAP-VALUE variable.

invokeMap 'UI Map' using "dataArea";
invokeMap $variableMap using "dataArea";
invokeMap "daName/mapElement" using "dataArea" target bpa;
// $MAP-VALUE is a variable returned by the invoked map.
if ("$MAP-VALUE='continue' ")
    goto 300;
end if;

Generate Edit Map Statements

The 'generate edit map' statements are used to dynamically generate and launch a UI edit map based on a schema definition. The schema used may be a BO schema, a BS schema, an SS schema or a DA schema. This is applicable only to BPA scripts. The generate statement will differ based on the type of schema, but the syntax is analogous.






The BO code / BS code / SS code / DA code may be specified using a literal (surrounded by single quotes), as a temporary variable or by referencing an XPath schema location (surrounded by double quotes).

The following table highlights additional syntax for this statement.

Syntax Valid Values Comments


"Data Area group name" Indicates the data area to be passed to and from the server when rendering the HTML form associated with the map.





The target values indicate where the generated map should be displayed as described in the Invoke map step type. If the UI map is configured to return a value, then it can be evaluated using the $MAP-VALUE variable.

The examples use the generateBOEditMap but the statements are similar for the other schema types.

generateBOEditMap 'BO Name' using "dataArea";
generateBOEditMap $variableMap using "dataArea";
generateBOEditMap "daName/mapElement" using "dataArea" target bpa;
// $MAP-VALUE is a variable returned by the invoked map.
if ("$MAP-VALUE='continue' ")
    goto 300;
end if;

Terminate Statement

The edit data step supports functionality analogous to the Terminate step type.

The following is an example of a simple terminate step that will stop the script.

if ("not(parm/spouse/name)")
  goto addSpouse;

The terminate with error statement is only available in a service script.

Note: For issuing an error from a BPA script refer to Useful Tips and Tricks.
Syntax Attributes Comments

terminate with error (x, y %n= element= )

'x' represents the message category Required.
'y' represents the message number Required.
%n="Element XPath" or %n='literal' Specify the substitution parameters supported by the message using either literal values or XPath references. When the value to substitute is an element within a list, use the XPath of the element within the list qualified by the list occurrence.
element='Element XPath' or element=$variable Optionally specify an element name within a UI map to highlight as part of the error. When the element in error is within a list, use the XPath of the element within the list qualified by the list occurrence.

Example of a simple field:

if ("string(customer/lastName) = $BLANK")
  terminate with error (8000, 1001 %1="customer/lastName" %2='Last name required' element='customer/lastName');

Example of terminate where the element to mark is in a list:

for ($list in "parm/hard/newBusinessObject/listName") 
  if //** check some condition for elementName
      terminate with error (11000, 11000 %1="$list/elementName" element='$list/elementName');
Fastpath: For more information on presenting errors in a UI map, please refer to Display Errors.

Invoking Groovy Code

If you have a plug-in script or a service script that mixes XPath scripting and Groovy scripting, the edit data step supports the ability to invoke Groovy code using the syntax invokeGroovy 'method'; where 'method' is the name of a method defined in a Groovy Members step within the script. Only methods that do not receive arguments and return void can be invoked in this way. However, the method invoked from the edit data step can be supported by additional Groovy code in other Groovy Members step types.

Example Edit Data step:

invokeGroovy 'invoke';

Example Groovy Members step:

void invoke() {
Note: As mentioned in Using Groovy Within Scripts, if this is a plug-in script and the code is only Groovy, you should use the Groovy script engine version rather than the above technique. This is considered more efficient as it avoids the conversion of the data to and from the XML interface.

Debugging a BPA Script

If a BPA script has height greater than zero, then selected nodes of the script's data area can be displayed at runtime. The XML data is displayed during script execution within the BPA script's display area. Specify the XPath of an XML node from any of the BPA script's data areas, between the paired characters: '%+' and '+%'.

For example, the entire contents of the schema group node named 'input', and the specific contents of the schema element named 'output/status' will be displayed in the BPA script's display area. The debug text must be entered into the BPA script's text area and not within the script's edit data field. Debug text can be declared for any explicit step of the script.

display input: %+input+% , and output status: %+output/status+%

Useful Tips and Tricks

This section provides some suggestions about how to implement some common logic.

Finding the Logged In User in a BPA

For server based scripts, the $USER variable is populated with the current logged in user. This variable is not available for BPA scripts. The BPA can call the service script F1-GetUser if this information is needed.

Issuing an Error from a BPA script

For server based scripts, you use the terminate with error statement to return an error message to display to the user. The BPA can display that error by transferring control to F1–HandleErr as described in the Declare and Invoke Schema Based Objects. This is not supported in a BPA script. A technique that is available to a BPA for issuing an error is to call the business service F1-RethrowError passing the error details. This business service populates the appropriate system error fields needed to issue the error. Then transfer control to F1–HandleErr.

  if ("string($assignedToUser) != string(F1-GetUser/user)")
    declareBS 'F1-RethrowError' as 'errorMsg';
    move '11010' to "errorMsg/messageCategory";
    move '11511' to "errorMsg/messageNumber";
    move "$toDoEntryId" to "errorMsg/messageParameters/+parameters/parameterValue";
    invokeBS 'F1-RethrowError' using "errorMsg";
    transferControl 'F1-HandleErr';  