Unified Search - Filters and Hints

Depending on the text entered into the toolbar search box, filter rules are dynamically performed to evaluate which filter is applied when searching for a customer.

The following filters and associated filter rules are used:
Filter Filter Rule
Name Minimum of 5 characters excluding whitespaces
Address One or more numeric characters followed by space and an alphanumeric character
Account ID 10 numeric characters
ID Number Social Security Number: 3 numeric characters followed by a dash, 2 numeric characters, a dash and 4 numeric characters
Phone Number Plus character and 1-3 numeric characters (country code, optional) followed by a space, period, dash or open parentheses, 3 numeric characters (area code), followed by a space, period, dash or close parentheses, followed by 3 numeric characters (exchange code), followed by a space, period or dash, followed by 4 numeric characters (subscriber number).
Email Address Non-whitespace characters followed by an @ sign, non-whitespace characters, a period, non-whitespace characters
To search explicitly using a specific filter, precede the filter value with one of the following predefined hints:
Filter Hint Examples
Name n: n:brazil
Address ad: ad:123 main
Account ID ac: ac:1234567890
ID Number id: id:123-45-6789
Contact Info c: c:555-2287 c:mbrazil@oracle.com

For more information on configuring unified search, filters, and hints, refer to Understanding Unified Search.