Maintaining Activities

You use the Activity portal to view and maintain activities.

You can access the portal by selecting Main, Communication, Activity. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching. Once your record has been selected you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.

Note: When creating new activities using this portal, if the Restrict Division setting in the Control by Division section in the MDM Master Configuration is set to "Yes", only activity types with a Division (or Divisions) associated with the user on the User Miscellaneous Information zone on the Miscellaneous tab of the User portal will be available.

This portal includes the following zones:

  • Activity: defines the basic attributes of the activity
  • Field Activity Attachments: lists attachments related to the activity (displayed only if the current activity is a field activity)
  • Activity Hierarchy: a tree that displays the activity and related activities (including field activities and smart meter commands), inbound and outbound communications, and completion events
  • Activity Related Completion Event: lists completion events (if any) related to the activity

Manually Completing Service Order Field Activities

Service order field activities in the "Communication in Progress" state can be manually completed or canceled by clicking Complete in the Record Actions section of the Activity zone. This opens the Field Activity Manual Completion page where the user can enter appropriate details to manually complete the field activity (such as completion information, service point information, device information, and so on). When submitted, this page creates an inbound communication and transitions the field activity to the next state as appropriate.

Note: Implementations can define custom service scripts for each field task type in the Manual FA Completion Controls section on the Field Task Type extendable lookup to customize the sections displayed on the Field Activity Manual Completion page.